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Posts posted by Oldman

  1. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1330861501' post='1563821']

    I think it makes a huge difference actually.

    If you grew up learning to play in 70's there wasn't the astonishing amount of tutorial material available like there is today.

    You had two options:
    1. The schooled approach, which was impossible if you're family had no spare cash (and also there were no electric bass teachers around then, and a hell of a lot fewer guitar teachers who would have been pretty much all classical). Schools didn't teach guitar when I was there - it was piano, violin or nothing, and that was all extra curricular.

    2. The learn by ear, noodling around approach, which is what, in my experience, the majority of players my age (47) did.
    You never developed a disciplined practice regime, as there was nowhere to get the lessons from (no internet, no "Guitar Techniques" type magazines).

    If I was starting to play now I would probably be as good in a couple of years as I am now after 33 years of playing.

    In 1961, when I bought my first bass, a Framus, there was nothing, I repeat nothing, I was incensed when the Piano player was playing the bass line with his left hand and I had to use two. I knew so little about playing I chose bass 'cos, 6 string hard 4 string easy. By 1965 I was playing regularly on the Mersey Scene and two Bass players I knew decided to go thethe Mathay Scool of music

  2. I fall into the "shame on you" catergory. We play maybe 5 x a year, but me and the guitarist 'jam' (learn new stuff go over old stuff) every week when I am in the uk. Because we are dinosaurs we tend only to do what we think we know. What that entails is me getting the words and him providing the chord sequence all nice on an A4 sheet and off we go. Another song in the bag. Of course it can sound like sh1te, but sometimes we get lucky. And yes I should but I don't ....... It's an age thing. But then we only play one Gaff, we drink in that Gaff, everyone knows us in the place and we can clear it quicker than a posse of Bizzies (police).

  3. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1329409175' post='1542072']
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]
    I prefer collection as I find it difficult to get things shipped - it unfortunately involves a day's annual leave from work! [/font][/color]

    For what it's worth, I take anything I have sold into work and the courier picks it up, conversely I also get stuff delivered to work. You could always leave it in your car and ask the courier to 'phone on arrival or get reception to let you know...... Just sayin

  4. SquarePlayer was looking for a 112 Cab I punter him my Epi SP112 as I decided I wanted another UL112. PM'd yesterday 23rd Feb (2012) got a reply and PP funds within the hour. Courier picking up today. Probably neatest transaction so far, thanks Reuben.


  5. [quote name='bobbytodd' timestamp='1329840436' post='1548301']
    took the plunge and orderd 2x focus 2x10 and a streamliner today from mark at bass direct.nice guy pleasure to deal with

    I have a Streamliner 6.0 it is magnificent, just the right amount of valvey subtleness and then you can dial in more. You'll have report in on the cabs now ! :)

  6. Sold Chris my PJB8B in a Cash/Trade deal, Chris TX'd the cash and sent the p/x whilst I was overseas so I could courier the PJB on my return, which I duly did. During this period there was a lot of email chatter, all in all a seamless transaction with a gentleman now turned on to Steely Dan. Good man to do business with.

  7. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1328792956' post='1532677']
    You're right, this was just a bit of off-topic that i've wanted to release for some time now. It was not intended to you! ;)

    +1 for could'nt be @rsed and no offense taken

  8. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1328788738' post='1532588']
    I don't know and don't want to discuss the efectivness of the gramma pads but i must say that they are too expensive. You can build one as just good with a tiny fraction of the cost, here's what you need:
    - a piece of ply-board cut in the mesure you need;
    - a piece of carpet;
    - two chunks of hardcase foam (don't know the real name but it's the foam they apply inside the hardcases, the dark-grey one);
    - contact glue;

    construction: Just cover the ply with the carpet and them glue the bits of foam on the bottom! There you have it!!!

    It's funny how i see some BC'ers building cabs and modding they basses but then go and spend a small fortune in something like this...


    Fatback, posed a question, many people offered opinions based on experience and offered variations on a solution to the issue including Bill who designs cabs for a living. I am sure Fatback is now armed with sufficient information to make his own decision, just as it was my decision to buy the Gramma, each to their own, thats why this is a vibrant and sometimes robust forum with input from all types of players. ;)

  9. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1328739418' post='1532082']
    There are uses for isolation pads, decoupling isn't one of them. Sorry that you accepted their advertising claims at face value and paid ten times what you needed to. But there's no need to recommend that others follow suit.

    I'm just a punter that bought a product that does the job (for me) is Aesthetically pleasing to the eye (my eye), and does'nt look like i've attacked a crusties bedroll with a stanley knife.

  10. It's all very well being "Techy" with Vested interest, I'm just a punter happy with a product. It might suit, it might not, no big deal . I'm sure a trial would clarify this....

    Snake Oil ...shame on you are you not selling enough "Voice of the Theatre" design concepts? Oooooer

  11. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1327615860' post='1514417']
    These are the new 'lightweight CONSTRUCTION' ceramic loaded cabinets.

    These prices are beyond good. I don't need a 4x10 but I want this one!


    Cheezo, classic 1 x 15 + 2 x 10 at under £600.00, thats new for 2nd hand prices :)

  12. [quote name='fatback' timestamp='1328713624' post='1531541']
    Thanks for the thoughts.

    My amp does go down to 2, as it happens, but the point I'm getting here is that the gain from the 4 vs 8 probably isn't worth bothering with, given that I've already got a sensitive cab.

    I was thinking about this mainly cos when I raise my cab on a stand (to avoid feedback from the upright) I lose a lot of oomph. So i was idly wondering whether a lower impedence cab would free up some headroom. You can see that a two cab solution couldn't work for this. Most likely, i'm going to try raising the cab by a lot less and hoping it's as effective at avoiding the feedback demons. Pity, cos raising the cab totally avoids any problem even at very high volumes.


    This item might alleviate any feedback and give you all the ooomph you amp and cab can provide. I use one, it de-couples the cab from the floor and thereby removes unwanted resonance as well.

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