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Everything posted by RichF

  1. just getting a chance now to crank this bad boy up. jeez-o. it's a monster. so much going on, so much control. if anything, as I feared, probably a bit too much for me! I had an old bassballs which was squelch-tastic. that was like a pocket calculator to this freaking supercomputer. Add in hothand and varying input including soundblox multiwave distortion and its going to be months before I know where I am. Oh and Brewdog is def where it's at. regular at the brewdog pub here in Edinburgh, and would be investing in their share scheme (more you drink, the more you earn! ) if i hadn't just blown a wedge on this pedal.
  2. totally getting into this - cleaner, smoother, quicker.
  3. Really good update lads. Looks fresh. I know how much thought and hard work goes in to stuff like this. My only constructive feedback is not sure about the app which seems to be getting pasted in reviews. Looks to have limited functionality but will persevere and can always use Safari. Cheers, rich
  4. great bass - you need to match up the date on title with in ad. It's a beauty.
  5. RichF

    DHA VT2

    If you have an always on gentle OD, then a twin channel is unbeatable in allowing you to switch up to heavy OD. I was not as concerned because I have distortion and fuzz to cover most of the step ups I need. I still want OD but will get a solution that takes up less board space (looking at a SFX micro red dragon or a smaller DHA). [quote name='munkonthehill' post='1374133' date='Sep 15 2011, 10:30 AM']ive just realised I quite fancy a dual channel overdrive sound. The DHA pedal I have is amazing and does everything I want. However when I am playing clubfoot I feel as though I need a boost at the solo or something. I wonder if I could could just use the pedal active at those points rather than having it set all the way through the song which means when I come to the solo I dont feel I have enough presence.. I dont want to have more than one pedal infront of me so maybe I should concentrate on the pickup selector on my Ric as an option of immediate volume increase. I know the pedal aint for sale and I seem to be rambling however since I started writing I thought I may as well finish. Also any thoughts on this matter is welcome :-) Out of interest here is my pedal.http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=119897&hl=dha[/quote]
  6. RichF

    DHA VT2

    [quote name='paul_5' post='1371896' date='Sep 13 2011, 02:52 PM']Yeah, withdrawn. It's just too good.[/quote] absolutely the right thing to do. Also stops me thinking I can afford to buy it back.
  7. sean - +1 on the DHA pedals. Paul 5 is selling my old VT2 which is probably more than you need with its twin channel valve goodness. Also I would recommend the SFT which is an interesting alternative to the VT etc.
  8. [quote name='owen' post='1371163' date='Sep 12 2011, 10:11 PM']I bought this to try it. It is a lovely piece of kit, but not my flavour. Simple as that. It is as new. £525 to your door. No trades.[/quote] nice piece of kit, was wondering how quick one would appear on here. Should be gone quick saving £70 from new. Nice deal.
  9. Sean's a great guy. Very easy to buy from. honest, direct, quick payment. Happy to buy more.
  10. me too!! [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='1370789' date='Sep 12 2011, 05:30 PM']wooohoooh ! got one today. that's my gas sorted for at least a week. ..now off to ruin the neighbours' evening.. [/quote]
  11. RichF

    DHA VT2

    barsteward, that was mine and I'd have it back in an instant had I not just blown the bank on a filter and a bit crusher. Superb two channel loveliness for all OD lovers.
  12. Oh yeah! Sheer lust given there is no way I need a filter this powerful. Maybe I am not too late for dubstep! [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='1367003' date='Sep 8 2011, 09:23 PM']me too, got the text today !! made me one happy bunny for the day. can't wait ! [/quote]
  13. Pleasant surprise after being told no restock till 24 October. The following items have been shipped to you today: =================================================== 001.00 SOURCE AUDIO SOUNDBLOX PRO BASS ENVELOPE Bass FX Pedal - 23 filter sounds control for Effectan, Sweep Range, Frequenz, Speed uad Mix, switch for Preset Bank, Modulation and for Tap Tempo, 6 programmable presets, , amount: 1 pc(s) Simply cannot wait to get my hands on this monster. Anyone else got one yet or due to get one? That along with Taylor Livingston emailing this morning to say my Frantabit has shipped means, woo hoo baby pedal heaven!
  14. an "all good in L&B" bumperoony [quote name='munkonthehill' post='1362379' date='Sep 4 2011, 10:49 PM']Yeah buddy I havent really been on here much. All is well over here....Hows lothian and borders?[/quote]
  15. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1361232' date='Sep 3 2011, 07:36 PM']Suggestions?[/quote]
  16. [quote name='MindGoneBlank' post='1361021' date='Sep 3 2011, 03:34 PM']I'm in the very enviable position of having purchased a few amps as I have come to realise that there's no way to make a decision on an amp in-store.[/quote] nice place to be mate! Given the vibe about these this should be gone shortly.
  17. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='1360759' date='Sep 3 2011, 10:41 AM']I would love to buy this Rich,,,,,but I STILL love my current setup of basses, rig and pedal [/quote] long time no hear mate - all OK over the sunny west?
  18. RichF


    this has been my DI of choice for a while now. As you say, great wee box. Definately recommend. [quote name='paul_5' post='1359363' date='Sep 1 2011, 11:46 PM']I bought a DHA DI-EQ pedal from a fellow BCer and I absolutely love it. I've tried all sorts of different pre's / DI boxes (Ampeg, Trace Elliot, MXR, EHX, Sansamp) and this is fast eclipsing the lot. The balanced DI out is super-clean, switchable between ground, lift and float, and the EQ is really musical. Even though it's solid state it has a real warmth to it, and can do pretty much any clean tone you could imagine - everything from bright, blistering slap to old school thump and thud. My best purchase all year (and there've been a few...). It's small enough to fit in a gig bag and can be powered by a 9v battery as well as a standard 9v Boss style adaptor, so it's ideal for jam nights / acoustic performances. I've even used it to play for a couple of shows and just gone straight into the PA and have always had a great tone. Like all DHA products it's built like a tank, but much easier to operate. For £70 new it's a real no-brainer - I'll probably never go to a gig without it again.[/quote]
  19. yet again, pleasure to trade with this gentleman. I bought a pedal and it came well packed and quickly. Cheers Mark
  20. hello all. As part of my pedal board shake up moving on my trusty DHA VT1 valve bass compressor (dated March 08). As with all DHA products, well designed, robust, quirky paintjob etc. Better spec than the std - so hard/soft compression option, and boost. Input and output level controls, along with compress and decay. Velcro on bottom and have removed wee rubber feet (although may have them somewhere). seen something I want so looking for only [b]£75 posted UK[/b] including a PSU (£149 new with PSU). make an offer if you think you know better. [url="http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/page28.html"]Link to Dave Hall's website[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=6002&hl=dha+vt-1+compressor"]CrazyKiwi's BC review[/url]
  21. bargain! I just got a puma 500 which is immense. Enjoy!
  22. [quote name='paul_5' post='1357144' date='Aug 31 2011, 08:17 AM']If this pedal isn't on your 'wish-list' then you're dead inside. That is a scientific fact! [/quote] Fact. End of. //thread. One of the best sounding pedals I have heard. It's in the queue after my Soundblox BEF pro.
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