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About gjones

  • Birthday December 29

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  1. What would the pie chart look like if it was for female bassists? I'm interested
  2. I can see now where the idea for the makeup came from
  3. He was the best looking guy in Duran Duran, as was Martin Kemp in Spandau Ballet and Alex James in Blur. But playing bass in a band won't get an ugly guy laid
  4. I bought a Markbass CMD 121 P combo during lockdown and, although I do have a 1x12 extension cab, I've never had to use it.
  5. My decider about joining a band is, would I be embarrassed to invite friends and family, or other musicians, to a gig where that band was playing? If the answer is yes, then I don't join them.
  6. My Elite Precision's jack input failed a year after I bought it. I had great trouble finding the cheap, plastic, Fender branded, replacement to repair it.
  7. That's an excellent philosophy. It could be the title of a self help book. A very short self help book
  8. In the early days of Fender, the bridge wire would be covered by the metal bridge cover that all Jazzes were issued with. When Fender realised most people removed the bridge cover, a tunnel was drilled from the control cavity to the bridge so that the wire was hidden. This bass is a reissue of a 62 Jazz, so to be true to the original the wire is exposed.
  9. Fender custom shop basses and guitars, are for accountants, or lawyers to hang on their walls.
  10. Unless I have dealt with the seller before, I would always make payment by Paypal and offer to pay the fees. If the seller doesn't accept Paypal (and there's no excuse not to, as it's really easy to set up) then the sale is off.
  11. Are you being paid a lot of money? In which case say yes. Have you been asked to join the band because you look incredibly sexy (like Martin Kemp from Spandau Ballet who couldn't actually play any instrument at the time he was asked to join the band)? In which case you should feel flattered...... but still ask for a lot of money. If the answer to the above two questions are NO, then tell them to get lost.
  12. This is number one in my opinion. Bass also has the annoying tendency to sound fantastic when you're standing next to your amp and really rubbish when you actually listen to it in front of the stage where the audience is (if you have a long lead, or are wireless). Of course if you then tweak your EQ to sound good to the audience, it will probably sound rubbish on stage.
  13. Car brands have taken Fender's lead in having a budget brand and a luxury brand i.e. Toyota has Lexus, Honda has Infiniti, Hyundai have Genesis. Make the same guitar, put a 'premium' logo on it and sell it for much more than you budget brand instruments. You'd think that people wouldn't fall for it, but they do.
  14. With any band there is aways the inspirational figure in the band, who is usually the frontperson songwriter, and then there's the rest of the band members. These days, with so little money coming from sales and publishing, there's just not enough money to feed the drummer, bassist, guitarist, cowbell player, as well as the frontperson/songwriter. So if you are a new act, you'll see a 'band' as just more mouths to feed. Why bother with a permanent band, just hire session players when you need to record or gig, if and when you need them. It's the brutal reality of the music business today. Sad but true.
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