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Everything posted by gjones

  1. Welcome to Basschat and Edinburgh. Get yourself down to The Jazz Bar on Chambers St where you'll find a lot of like minded bass players. I recommend any band with Aki Remally playing in it (he plays bass and guitar as well) as he's the funkiest of the funkiest.
  2. That looks like a very nice amp Dave. Welcome to Basschat!
  3. Yeah looks like a bitsa bass with a stripped and revarnished body and with a Fender decal stuck on the headstock. It may be a good sounding and playing bass but it isn't a Fender. Honest enough to admit it in the questions and answers section.
  4. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1342539208' post='1736811'] it doesn't need to have. There are two japanese '62ri models- one with spiral bridge, US pickups and alder body and one with jap pickups and basswood body. Depending on the age it may or mayn't have the spiral bridge. Tuners on both will be jap (metric) sizes needing a smaller hole in the wood than a american (imperial measurement) size one. [/quote] My 62 reissue had the spiral saddles and the larger size vintage tuners with the normal 18mm peg size with a strap button on the back of the headstock. It also had the copper earthing strip going from the bridge to the copper pickup plates (which is the way they used to earth jazzes back in 62). If it doesn't have the large vintage tuners and the spiral saddles it's not a 62 reissue (lots of other Japanese Jazzes still have the copper earthing strip). But it doesn't really matter because this supposedly MIJ Jazz is going for Squier money which makes it awfully suspicious. I'm sure I saw this the other day on ebay and it was going for about £400/£500. Possibly somebody has just lifted the photos off ebay and tried to lure an innocent punter to their doom...........we'll see.
  5. Hmmmmmm......when somethings to good to be true etc. I'm sure I've seen that picture somewhere before? Ebay possibly? Proceed with caution.
  6. If sale falls through I'm happy to buy today. It's a lovely bass.
  7. Groovy! Two handed tapping in BB King's band would be instant grounds for dismissal.
  8. Bad day for Motown. Such a nice guy too. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiSDZVmnRNU&feature=player_embedded#!"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiSDZVmnRNU&feature=player_embedded#![/url]
  9. Very nice. By the way what is it you're gassing for? Someone on here may have one going cheap or may be interested in a straight swop or trade.
  10. It's not a Highway 1 and I doubt it's even a fender. This is a Highway 1 [url="http://www.infographic.com/fender/pdimages/HW1PrecisionHBR_md.jpg"]http://www.infographic.com/fender/pdimages/HW1PrecisionHBR_md.jpg[/url] The fact that the bass doesn't even belong to the seller hasn't put people off has it? Sitting at 17 bids now.
  11. I picked my DiMarzio 123 pickups because I heard them on a friends 77 Jazz. They gave it a really nice deep woody traditional sound. You never know what new pickups will sound like until you hear them for yourself. The 64s do get a good write up on basschat though and Wizard will swop them for another type or rewind them to your preference if you don't like them. Fender and seymour duncan won't.
  12. That's a fantastic deal these are great little amps. Good luck.
  13. I just lean it on the drummer and tell him not to move.....or else.
  14. It's amazing what changing the height of the pickup can do for your sound. Recently I raised the height of my pickups on my Jazz and they really came to life. Experiment with heights until you find the sweet spot between the sound you want and the balance between the bridge and neck pickup. You can also make the pickups higher or lower on one side to balance the volume of your individual strings which should cure your boomy E string. Some pickups have springs for each screw to make vertical adjustments easier and some just have foam under the pickup for the same reason.
  15. [quote name='aldude' timestamp='1342082015' post='1729085'] Thanks!! I mostly use an active preamp to boost the mids so the dusty end stuff cuts through better when I want it to. Would the J-retro cover me for that? Also, what is the output level? I have an active Ibanez with a level that is about the same as a passive bass and I think that's great. Does the J-retro have a trim pot or something like that? [/quote] Yes it has a trim pot where you can alter the output up or down.
  16. Ed Friedland likes phil jones with DB - DB bit at the end of both vids [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yk5iqx79jUE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yk5iqx79jUE[/url] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfzl242K3kI&feature=related[/media]
  17. Like everyone says send it back or give them a call and tell them about your concerns. I bought a Fender TV15 from GAK which looked as if it was B or demo stock (they didn't state it was on the website). I didn't mind because I got it at a great price. But if I had paid full price I would have been mightily pissed off.
  18. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1342004346' post='1727739'] Chaps, a brief follow up to my previous adventures in having f***ed hands - but is there a secret to any pain relief? Bloody hell, considering they feel numb they don't half ache! [/quote] Futher to my previous post here's more info on the C-Trac [url="http://www.carpal-tunnel.net/node/76"]http://www.carpal-tunnel.net/node/76[/url] It's also a very good forum for people who have symptoms like yours and where you can get advice from medical experts.
  19. If it wasn't for basschat and the information I found out about carpal tunnel from bassplayers who suffer from it, I wouldn't have gone to my GP as soon as I did to get treatment (the sooner the better to avoid permanent nerve damage). Amusingly, the impression I got from both my GP and the surgeon I was referred to was, because of basschat (and other online forums), I knew more about the symptoms and treatment available for carpal tunnel than either of them. My GP of course is not a specialist and the surgeon I was referred to is a specialist in surgery not neurology. I am now to be referred to a neurologist who will assess the damage to the nerves in my wrists and advise me further whether surgery or other forms of treatment would be best for me. Getting advice from medical experts is all well and good but It's taken 9 months to get this far (which is not very far). If it wasn't for basschat I would probably be sitting around still wondering why my hands had gone all numb.
  20. I have carpal tunnel too but I don't get the pain just the numbness. Hopefully you have seen a specialist and they've suggested options. In the meantime I have found this little device that may give you relief without having to resort to steroid injections or surgery. This is a NHS report on C-Trac which stretches the ligament over the carpal tunnel. It's now available in the UK and costs about £100. When I heard about it I was sceptical but this NHS trust assocation pdf says it gets good results. The information starts on page 16 of this pdf file [url="http://www.nhsta.org.uk/documents/nhsghl_08.pdf"]http://www.nhsta.org...s/nhsghl_08.pdf[/url] A US report [url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17254905"]http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/17254905[/url] NHS trails were undertaken in 2006 but I can't find the final conclusion on the web [url="http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Carpal-tunnel-syndrome/Pages/clinical-trial-details.aspx?TrialId=ISRCTN26618585&Condition=Carpal%20tunnel%20syndrome&pn=1&Rec=0&CT=0"]http://www.nhs.uk/Co...pn=1&Rec=0&CT=0[/url]
  21. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1341943330' post='1726769'] Aye but the video above is for a Farida. [/quote] I'm a twit. I could pretend I was dyslexic but I don't have that excuse. I meant Farida.
  22. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1341937763' post='1726574'] Fodera cough splutter choke [/quote] See the video above. It would make a very nice spare bass.They're very decent build quality made in the same factory in China the CV Squiers are made. I'd buy it but I already have two nice Jazzes.
  23. I've a good mind to email the seller to tell to them to put the price up to something sensible.
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