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Everything posted by gjones

  1. I did a quick google and I came up with the Crest CA9 which is a stereo power amp with 600w per channel which can be used for bass. Only one small down side though...................it weighs 52lbs. I think I'll stick with my ABM. Edit : And you do need a outboard preamp too
  2. This question has occurred to me too as I have a j-retro fitted to my Jazz. But I also have passive basses so I need the pre on my ABM. I'm assuming in theory if all you ever use is your jazz with a preamp you could use a power amp. Not sure what the benefit would be though if you already have a Genz Benz?
  3. What about this [url="http://www.guitardecals.co.uk/fitting.htm"]http://www.guitardecals.co.uk/fitting.htm[/url]
  4. search on ebay. There's a guy on there who'll make up anything you want as a transfer for your bass. edit : here you are [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3-SIDE-WATERSLIDE-GUITAR-HEAD-DECAL-YOUR-TEXT-/370594828765?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item56492c51dd#ht_753wt_698"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3-SIDE-WATERSLIDE-GUITAR-HEAD-DECAL-YOUR-TEXT-/370594828765?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item56492c51dd#ht_753wt_698[/url]
  5. I played through a GK 400rb combo the other night, with a US precision, and it had a great sound. It was only putting out 150w though a 15 inch speaker but it was plenty loud enough.
  6. I played with a replacement drummer, in one of my regular bands, last night that I'd never met before and we really clicked. I've never played with a drummer who was so 'on the beat' if you know what I mean. Most of the drummers I've played with have drifted in and out but I never realised it until I played with this guy how [b]MUCH[/b] they drifted in and out. It felt almost like playing with a very realistic sounding drum machine. I have to say we sounded a very, very tight rhythm section even though we'd never played together before. I'm assuming he must play to a click track in his other bands which keeps him super tight and on the beat. It was a real pleasure playing with him. I always feel that the better the drummer the better I play and the more I get out of the gig.
  7. In fact after reading this thread I've persuaded myself to buy one. From Dolphin music £38 plus postage.
  8. It's the curse of the bass player. Drummers love big echoey rooms, guitarists too. Sound engineers and bass players hate them. I specifically installed a pre amp in my Jazz so that I could go out front at sound check and twiddle with my own sound to improve it in a dodgy room. What sounds good out front won't necessarily sound good onstage but at least you know the bass will sound ok for the audience. One of those gramma pads to isolate the amp from the stage would probably help as well.
  9. I had the same problem with my new ABM 500 the other week when playing with a loud rock band in a crowded bar. Looking back I now realise that I'd had the pre shape switched on, which boosts the [b]BASS[/b], and also had both the [b]BASS[/b] up on my preamp and the [b]BASS[/b] up on the EQ. All this [b]BASS[/b] meant that the VU meter was continually in the red resulting in distortion and lack of volume even though I had the master up full. I'll be playing again with them tomorrow and this time I'll keep the pre shape OFF and either turn the [b]BASS[/b] up on my pre amp or the [b]BASS[/b] up on the ABM EQ..................but not both at the same time.
  10. Don't buy new if you don't need to. There's usually plenty of Ashdown EB amps either on here, ebay or gumtree for around the £100 mark. Great little amps by the way and plenty loud enough for whatever gigs you throw at them.
  11. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1332535811' post='1589867'] Does the tribal planet one have removable shoulder straps and is it thickly padded? Can't tell from the ebay pic. [/quote] It is thickly padded but the straps aren't totally removable (although you can release them at one end).
  12. I've got this very same gig bag and it's great. I've had a few and they all wear out sooner or later but my tribal planet bag just goes on and on. I think the company went out of business which may be why this one is going so cheaply. Trust me you won't be sorry. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TRIBAL-PLANET-PADDED-ELECTRIC-BASS-GUITAR-GIG-BAG-SALE-/230687553818?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item35b60cb91a"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item35b60cb91a[/url]
  13. The j-retro preamp I have on my jazz is great. It has a very versatile EQ which means you can stand back from the amp and really tweak the sound to get it just how you like it.
  14. I bought a Mex 2011 classic 60's jazz bass neck from ebay and on the base of the neck, where it connects to the body, it has RW scored out which means the classic 60s jazzes and the roadworn are one and the same. The roadworns are just classic 60s given a bit of a kicking in the factory. p.s. I know they're a bit silly.......but I do like them
  15. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1332279355' post='1586147'] Errr - a link would be handy [/quote] Duh!!!! Link added Well my 99p bid has been declined........I'm hurt.
  16. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1332278648' post='1586126'] I've offered 99p [/quote] I hope he doesn't feel insulted......
  17. Is it Mexican? Is it even a Fender? I've offered 99p [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Jazz-Bass-1960-Custom-Brown-3-Tone-Burst-BIRD-EYE-MAPLE-BACK-CASE-/160763390901?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item256e3eabb5#ht_4642wt_1026"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Jazz-Bass-1960-Custom-Brown-3-Tone-Burst-BIRD-EYE-MAPLE-BACK-CASE-/160763390901?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item256e3eabb5#ht_4642wt_1026[/url]
  18. What were the old pickups called because you can get USA original pickups and USA vintage pickups and USA custom shop pickups but I never saw USA standard pickups. I liked the sound of the standard US Jazz Bass pickups and fancied a set but was never sure what they were called and where you could get them. In the end I went and bought myself a set of the Fender custom shop ones the other day and they should be getting to me next week.
  19. [quote name='Rowley Birkin QC' timestamp='1331676071' post='1577145'] Apologies if it seems like I'm resurrecting an old thread here (but as it's less than a week perhaps that's OK) but thought I'd follow up on this. Just got the East pre-amp fitted this evening. Fairly straight forward, but was a little disappointed to find that a slight modification of the cavity had to be made in order that the control plate fit the the original holes and would sit edge to edge with the scratch plate. However. once all fitted and working It sound IMMENSE. I wouldn't have believed it would change to such an extent, but I'm over the moon with it. On the pickup issue I have left the originals in place for now, and, whilst there have been some informative opinions presented on the issue, I'm not sure the investment would improve the sound significantly over what I have now........but never say never! All in all it seems to have been a good investment. [/quote] What did I tell ya? Ahem, cough, cough, saying that........I've just bought a set of Fender customer shop pickups which will be delivered next week I'll tell you how I get on.
  20. You want weird and wonderfull scratchplates? I'll give you weird and wonderful scratchplates! [url="http://www.greasygroove.com/categories.php?cat=510"]http://www.greasygroove.com/categories.php?cat=510[/url]
  21. I still get the chills when I hear 'When The Levee Breaks' played [b][size=6]LOUD!!!!![/size][/b] The funkier Led Zep stuff I really like - listen to the bass on the lemon song and then tell me JPJ wasn't any good (listen from about 3 mins in). [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tHHRpAzGcM&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tHHRpAzGcM&feature=related[/url]
  22. Great sound and feel. Hope the search for students goes well. Love this video. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpBOS1iSjCs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpBOS1iSjCs[/url]
  23. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1331926991' post='1581140'] Precision. Fit`s with an Ampeg like, well Starsky & Hutch, Gin & Tonic, Big Mac & Fries, you get the idea. [/quote] +1 I've only recently owned a Precision after owning Jazzes and other basses. I'm amazed how great they sound in the mix and never get lost. One thing I would warn against though, is be careful how you EQ your guitar. Make sure there's not too much bass on it or it will muddy up the mix and the bass guitar will be harder to hear.
  24. You don't need to drill any holes with this one [url="http://www.bassmute.com/bassmute/bm_mainframe.html"]http://www.bassmute...._mainframe.html[/url]
  25. The bible 'The Fender Bass an illustrated history' shows a 3 screw bridge like this 'primarily' used on Jazz Basses from 83 until 94. They may have bunged it on the Precision when they ran out of five screwed ones? The long intonation screws supposedly stopped being produced in 73 but they are really handy. If I could get hold of them I'd fit them to my Fender bridges.
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