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Everything posted by gjones

  1. [quote name='dc2009' post='1339606' date='Aug 14 2011, 01:54 PM']This is probably exactly what I want, let me know if you'd be interested in a bass + cash trade for my beautiful Bartolini equipped Dean, which can be seen in the FT thread here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=150168"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=150168[/url][/quote] I'm just looking for cash at the moment but your bass sure looks nice.
  2. [quote name='douggie' post='1339274' date='Aug 14 2011, 03:25 AM']Guy Pratt would like to say thanks to all the people who've posted nice positive things about him here..As for the bashers, he's rather puzzled as to what he's ever done to them? Perhaps if they could give examples of his most heinous crimes so he could at least respond?[/quote] They love you really Guy. Oooooh, you get to play 'Hit me with your rhythm stick' how exciting!
  3. It's the recurring intro bit you're struggling with I assume. The difficulty depends where on the neck you're playing it. Playing it with open strings is difficult for me but I find it much easier playing the notes fretted. Playing it around the 5th and 7th frets is tricky too. I recommend using all 4 fingers so that you can stretch from the B on the A string (2nd fret) up to the D on the A string (5th fret). That way you can play it by fretting the B on the A string with your index finger while you play the D on the A string and the A on the E string with your pinky.
  4. I like the sound recorded and at low volumes as they sound nicely retro but live they don't seem to do the biz. They're La Bellas and they cost me £30 and I want to like them but my precision has much more definition with rounds when playing loud than flats. And sound engineers haven't got a clue what to do with them when my bass is DI'd and I usually get a muffled woolly sound because they don't add enough mid into the EQ. But I will persevere.
  5. [quote name='karlfer' post='1338859' date='Aug 13 2011, 04:01 PM']Sure you are both already in communication, but if not, just follow the link. Good luck. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=149823"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=149823[/url][/quote] Thanks for the heads up...........and yes we are.
  6. I've played in a few blues bands over the years and I tend to mix up the walking bass lines to make the songs a bit more interesting. If keyboard players play basslines in blues tunes it just confuses things and makes the bottom end a confused mess, unless we play exactly the same thing every time - which is pretty boring. I always make sure I tell keyboard players (diplomatically of course) to keep away from my end of the sonic spectrum and the songs sound much better for it.
  7. Geddy Lee Jazz Bass for sale. Posted, in a SKB hard case, the price is £500 (this price includes P&P). Picked up from me in Edinburgh, without the hardcase, price is £450. My Geddy was made at the Fuji-gen Plant, for Fender Japan, in the Year 2004 - 2005. It has the thinnest neck Fender make for a Jazz Bass which is a pleasure to play. I've had it since 2006 and have looked after it well. There is a small dent on the top of the body (shown in picture) and another on the bottom edge of the bass beneath the volume/tone controls but other than that the bass is blemish free. Don't take my word about how good these basses are, let loads of random bass players from around the world tell you how good they are instead. Below are some reviews from Harmony Central. [url="http://www.harmonycentral.com/products/49043"]http://www.harmonycentral.com/products/49043[/url] [attachment=86897:ebayfloor.JPG] [attachment=86896:ebaycase.JPG] [attachment=86899:ebay_headstock.jpg] [attachment=86898:ebaydent.JPG]
  8. Well I've tried the CV Jazz and as a Jazz bass owner and fan it's definitely a good un! The sound, playability and build are excellent and definitely up to the standard of a MIJ/CIJ bass. I've tried the red CV Precision too and the build was great also. The neck was quite shallow for a Precision which adds to the playability but I couldn't give much of an opinion on the sound as I was playing through a 4x10 hartke combo which was pretty naff. I definitely think they are great basses and there's a CV Jazz on this very forum for £160 which is a total bargain! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=148265&hl=classic+vibe+jazz"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...assic+vibe+jazz[/url]
  9. That variax sounds good too.
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1330864' date='Aug 7 2011, 12:44 PM']I read it in B5's post, £2600 is a bargain for £150's worth of bass after all then. [/quote] The only people who and up with Fender custom shop guitars and basses are celebrity guitarists/bassists (who get given them for free) and dentists (who buy the things to display them in their living rooms).
  11. Well since I have never spent $5,000 on a bass I am unqualified to comment.
  12. Saw one around my bit for £180 the other day secondhand............I seriously had to hold myself back as I have far too many basses already.
  13. [quote name='bassman2790' post='1322486' date='Jul 31 2011, 08:49 PM']I bought a combo off a guy who very kindly showed me his full Ashdown 'Mark King signature head and 4x10' rig and his brand new Status King Bass which he only ever played at home. He wasn't in a band and had no immediate plans to do so[/quote] Yes, the best actual gigging musicians I know usually have the crappiest gear. The ones who have the expensive stuff are usually dentists.
  14. I heard a £3000 Wal mk III down my local music pub a few months ago. I heard it before I saw it and knew immediately it was something special because it did sound fantastic. But would I bring a Wall mk III and to play it down a rowdy boozer? Well, frankly, I don't have £3000 but if I did have the cash..... probably not. My favorite bassists don't play Wals or boutique basses they usually play Jazzes or Ps or possibly musicmans so if they're good enough for them they're good enough for me. As far as amps are concerned it's very rare I get to bring my own rig which is pretty decent (although I'd love to). I played at the Edinburgh Jazz & Blues festival on Saturday and the amp I was provided with was a bog standard Hartke HA2500 and 1x15 head. Sound engineers don't give a monkeys what you play through because you're going straight through the desk anyway.
  15. I think the dude in the hat's the devil and the the guy playing bass just sold his soul.
  16. I know what you mean. I've bought two SUBS here in the last couple of months and once I've sorted out my amplification situation there's a Stingray with my name on it! Took me a long time to figure out that Stingrays are where it's at.
  17. I'd be very interested in your review (considering I just bought a new TC classic 450 and it was a toss up between it and the Ibanez).
  18. Hey Roy, you took my advice! Good luck with the sale. I recommend you don't hang around in the for sale section too long it's too tempting. Gareth
  19. [quote name='Norris' post='1312579' date='Jul 22 2011, 12:03 PM']Alternatively, tie a piece of string to your bridge strap button, then around your foot [/quote] Or tie a bit of string to the headstock and the other end to your left ear (or right ear if your lefthanded).
  20. Me too!
  21. I think it's not available until August - although you can pre-order it from shops. Edit : At the end of this vid the Ashdown bloke says August [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8WxqwEfRUE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8WxqwEfRUE[/url]
  22. Well a quick update is due. I went to another local guitar shop and tried out the 450 classic with a 2x10 TC cab. Interestingly the low mid knob acted exactly the same as with my cab at home - i.e. not much after 2 on the dial. So it's not the ashdown cab that's causing the amp to act this way it's just the way the amp works. Well on Sat I'll turn it up with the band and I'll get a much better understanding of the amp and whether I like it or not. By the way I tried the combo and it's great. You just slot the head into the top of the cab and abracadabra you've got a combo. It even has it's own little trolley and is seriously loud.
  23. Buy a Variax instead it does a very nice sitar sound and no steep learning curve.
  24. Martin travelled all the way up to a rainy Edinburgh from Yorkshire to pick up my 62 Jazz. Money on the nail. Good guy. Deal with confidence. p.s. Sorry Martin but I originally couldn't find your feedback section so ended creating another one for you.
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