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Everything posted by gjones

  1. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='1281965' date='Jun 25 2011, 11:13 AM']It works spot on. The jack was a bit rubbish when I got it and I replaced it with a new Switchcraft one. There is generally a few knocks and scrapes on the body but no big dings or nastiness. Tuners work. The only properly bad bit is the bridge as some of the screws have seized up. I have a new Wilkinson one (somewhere) that I was going to put on next time I changed the strings. I got it as something I could stick in a gig-bag and not worry about too much but I've never really used it that much. It sounds like a proper Precision. Worst bit pictured...[/quote] Sounds fine to me. I will PM you.
  2. [quote name='u-sound' post='1281941' date='Jun 25 2011, 10:45 AM']Greetings from Russia ) I am Oleg, 54, a developer and manufacturer of guitar equipment - effect pedals, preamps, and more. About 40 years I have been guitar electronics, the last 10 years, all my strength to my little company U-Sound. Recently paid much attention to just a bass guitar equipment. This is one of my latest developments) [/quote] I want one! What does it do?
  3. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='1281804' date='Jun 25 2011, 07:48 AM']It looks like this....[/quote] It looks fine, a bit of rust on the pickups and screws (some people pay extra for that). Anything wrong under the hood? Is the neck ok? Pots working?
  4. After checking my bass against this one [url="http://kenji-cij.blogspot.com/2008/11/jb62-us-3ts.html"]http://kenji-cij.blogspot.com/2008/11/jb62-us-3ts.html[/url] it confirms I have the 62JB-US version. I hate to tell you all but I checked the neck and the only thing on it was the figures 16-0. Means nothing to me. So my conclusion is checking the neck won't tell you anything. Best to check if there's a nice woodgrain (if it's sunburst) to confirm it's alder as basswood doesn't have much of a grain , spiral saddles, size of machineheads and strap button on the back of the headstock. this is my bass [attachment=83430:62_cropped.jpg] Which happens to be for sale soon. I have it on hold until the 9th July for a fellow basschatter but after that offers gladly received looking for £450.
  5. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='1281627' date='Jun 24 2011, 11:01 PM']I have a (shall we say) well used MIJ 57 reissue sat doing nothing - but I'm not too sure what I would do with yet another MusicMan. I'd be one away from the full set !![/quote] Well I like a bit of MOJO whatcha got? Any photos?
  6. After gig bump!
  7. [center][attachment=83375:Worlds_g...s_player.jpg][/center]
  8. Remember if you buy from the the USA you'll have to add postage and you'll pay tax when you get it back to the uk which can come to quite a lot. I paid £320 for a bass frrom the states. It cost me £120 postage and £95 tax so it ended up not quite the bargain I thought it was.
  9. I got a decal for an old bass of mine and the recommended coating to seal it was Halfords Clear Lacquer [url="http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_203865_langId_-1_categoryId_165495"]http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/...tegoryId_165495[/url] . Tried it and it worked a treat. The more coats at 15 mins intervals you put on the better it will look but apply very very lightly on each coat to prevent dribbling. If you wet sand with a very fine sand paper at the end it will look even better. .Make sure you have plenty of ventilation and spray in a dust free room. There's a few vids on youtube that goes through the technique
  10. I'm putting my Active Musicman SUB up for sale. I bought it from MattM (original thread here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=135816&hl=sub"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=135816&hl=sub[/url] ) in May but have since bought a black SUB, which is my preferred colour from Basschat's Me And My Bass on this forum a week or so ago. Most people on Basschat know what a great bass the SUB is - i.e. a Stingray at a bargain price - so I doubt I need to go into great detail. It's enough to say I liked this one so much that I went out, within a month, and bought another! In the spirit of the forum I'm passing it on at the same price I bought it for, which is £340 or I would trade it for a decent Fender Precision. It is set up perfectly with a low action and sounds great and I'll include the sturdy gigbag MattM gave me when I picked it up from him. It's obviously been looked after very well. There is bit of slight scuffing on the headstock which has been touched up by a previous owner with black nail varnish. The only other wear and tear , that isn't mentioned in MattM's post, is a small dent at the bottom of the bass which is hardly noticable. At the moment I'm just offering the bass to people who can collect it from me in Edinburgh as I could do without the hassle of posting and possible damage in transit. [attachment=83323:SUB_floor_web.jpg] [attachment=83324:SUB_body_web.jpg] [attachment=83322:SUB_Headstock_web.jpg]
  11. Ha, ha very funny mint condition on a roadworn. Very nice bass by the way. Have a bump on me.
  12. I'm on the hunt for a P too. I played a nice one recently and it sounded great. Don't really care what year it is or where it's from or (up to a point) what state it's in. As long as it plays well and isn't a silly colour. I can always change the pickups if need be. Craig 'Basslondon' had a very nice 83 JV Squier, with a bit of mojo for sale on basschat for a while but unfortunately (for me) he sold it yesterday.
  13. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1277301' date='Jun 21 2011, 04:50 PM']its a bit like those drunks you get at parties that bore you senseless with their adolescent meandering and who you only walk home with because you fear that they may collapse in the gutter and choke to death on their own vomit.[/quote] Oh that was you was it? Thanks for that. Sorry about your shoes.
  14. In a situation like that just stop and tune up fer f@cks sake. As a pro playing to thousands she should have a back up. Don't sack the bassist sack the bass tech. Interestingly she's tuned up properly to play the last song...........unfortunately too late to save the day. By the way, I bet 90% of the audience didn't notice there was anything wrong with the sound and only 2% of them knew why it sounded so bad.
  15. Chris 'Me And My Bass' recently played in a production in Glasgow. I'm sure he's give you an idea of what's needed. profile link [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showuser=8335"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showuser=8335[/url]
  16. [quote name='amnesia' post='1275922' date='Jun 20 2011, 02:18 PM']Mine most certainly is. For me the weight is a price I am willing to pay (for now) just to see the look on peoples faces when it gets stacked 6 ft high! [/quote] Have you seen the link I put on my post, at the start of this thread, to the youtube vid showing the Ampeg 32X10 cab. Ampeg provide a free artic and 15 roadies with every cabinet...............oh and a cherry picker so you can reach your amp perched on the top.
  17. [quote name='chris_b' post='1275873' date='Jun 20 2011, 01:42 PM']I feel your pain, literally. I put my back out twice lifting my Mesa Boogie cabs. I think it's time to review your needs. I can't do away with a rig; I play in too many different situations but my weight limits are 30lbs to 40lbs depending on the cab, 10lbs for an amp and 10lbs for a bass. These days there is a fantastic amount of gear to be had within those limits.[/quote] It could well be the time to bite the bullet and wave goodbye to my monster combo and buy something with less character but also less potential to wrench my shoulder out of it's socket. On another note - I notice you're playing with Robin Bibi's band. Will you be at the Harvest Time Festival in Ireland with the band in Sept? If you are I'll come say hello. My lot are playing there as well.
  18. [quote name='chris_b' post='1275763' date='Jun 20 2011, 12:00 PM']So you've got an amp that looks good but is too heavy to take out! What's the point of that?[/quote] Um....a big boy called Ed Friedland told me to get it...................and then he ran away (and bought himself a Genz Benz shuttle).
  19. I notice a lot of people who are pro amps are owners of Genz Benz gear. It was that effing Ed freidland who got me hankering after my massive bassman after I saw his bass whisperer review. He sung it's praises to the rafters and went on and on about how great it was. But does he own one? NO he does not! What does he own? A GENZ BENZ SHUTTLE thats what! B@ST@RD!!!
  20. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1275636' date='Jun 20 2011, 10:32 AM']I've got a 900w amp that weighs next to nowt and has a lovely DI. I have two nice cabs that are an easy lift, but I usually only use one. And I quite often get mic'd up.[/quote] I dream of having a 'loud but light' amp and cab. I got my bassman because most bass amps are anonymous black boxes while the TV bassman range are beautiful tweed covered retro designed objects of desire. But they are INCREDIBLY heavy, have one puny handle on top and are frankly a pain in the arse if you I live in a flat up 3 flights of stairs (like I do). The thought of getting a hernia puts me off using it for run of the mill gigs so I always take my ashdown combo, which is a lot lighter, for smallish gigs that need an amp. I hate the idea of getting a boring lightweight black box type amp and cab and getting rid of the Bassman but I hate the idea of a hernia even more. Personally, I'd go the Sansamp way if I could.
  21. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1275595' date='Jun 20 2011, 10:00 AM'][/quote] Time to eat my words methinks....you let me down Geddy, I'm very disappointed in you
  22. The type of gig I do means that I very rarely get the chance to use my main amp. With the smaller gigs I take my little 150 watt Ashdown combo and for larger gigs I use whatever they have for onstage monitoring (usually the foldback is enough for that purpose and I end up turning the on-stage amp down). There's so many great amps out there capable of pumping out megawatts of juicy bass goodness but why have a 750 watt amp (like TC have just introduced) when nobody out front will ever hear it - the sound guy will tell you to 'turn that bloody thing down onstage!' so he can D.I. you through the P.A. I bought my 350 watt Fender TV fifteen Bassman about two years ago and, although Ive done 50 gigs since then, I've used it at about 4 of them. It sounds great but nobody ever gets the chance to hear it in it's full glory turned up LOUD. I know of a few bass players on this forum who turn up with a Sansamp or a POD and just plug straight into the P.A. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of those famous 'endorsee' bassplayers do the same. I know Geddy Lee won't be endorsing any amp manufacturers anytime soon (although I've heard he just got a new deal with Hotpoint recently ) This video illustrates my point. It compares the Ampeg Micro-VR and SVT with 32x10 (yes I said the 32x10) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPWikFPwYFc&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPWikFPwYFc...feature=related[/url] I know which one I WANT.................but do I need it?
  23. Bought a MM SUB from Chris. Nice bass nice price. Straightforward and easy transaction
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