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Everything posted by gjones

  1. I know that, ideally, muting with your hand is the 'proper' thing to do but mutes can give a more consistant sound. I've experimented with various and the best mute I've come up with was a bit of foam sponge stuff from a soldering iron holder stuck under the strings the bridge. Foam rubber, old socks etc give different but interesting tones - I recommend experimenting. I love the retro sound muting strings give (can make an electric sound almost acoustic and also very James Jamerson). I could never justify spending actual money on a piece of kit to do the job a bit of foam rubber could do for free.
  2. The only experience of playing Squiers I've had is a friends MIJ Squire Jazz from 92/93 which sounds, looks and feels great and the Classic Vibe Jazz which could give my Geddy Lee Fender Jazz Bass a run for it's money. I don't know much about the bog standard Squiers. The old Silver series MIJ jazzes go for approx £300 on ebay and I've seen Vintage Modified basses going for £150. There's a 1982 Squier Jazz going for £850 on ebay which may be a bit ambitious? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120505420648&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT[/url] And and early 90's one for Approx £300 [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140363278891&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:VRI"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...=STRK:MEWAX:VRI[/url] If I remember rightly the 92 Silver series bass my friend has, has the string retainer going right through to the other side of the headstock ,vintage style (which this one doesn't have for some reason?).
  3. This will help. It's Fenders guide to setting up you bass guitar. It's not difficult to adjust your bass to get a decent basic setup [url="http://www.fender.com/support/bass_guitar_setup_guide.php"]http://www.fender.com/support/bass_guitar_setup_guide.php[/url]
  4. I have a Classic player 60's Stratocaster in sonic blue. Weirdly it looks white in artificial light. So if you bought a jazz bass in sonic blue on stage it would actually look white.......just like the Squier CV Jazz. By the way here's a vid of John Paul Jones playing your dream bass [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xW84u4DOzE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xW84u4DOzE[/url]
  5. Tried 5 Fenders recently, one after the other, at my local music shop because I had some money burning a hole in my pocket. A red road worn jazz £930(Mex), a 60's classic Jazz £600(Mex), a 70's classic Jazz £600(Mex), a MIA jazz £990, a MIA Precision £990 and a Squier 60's classic vibe jazz bass £250. Although I really liked the MIA basses, as far a as value for money is concerned, the prize goes to the Squier followed by the 60's classic jazz. I'm not sure about the road worn basses? They do look great but there's is something a bit weird about making a spanking brand new bass look like it's 50 years old (why not buy a stock Mex bass and drag it behind a truck for a couple of miles). In the end after playing all those Fenders, I realised none of them could compete with my 2006 Geddy Lee for playability or sound so my money stayed in my pocket.
  6. I'm in the same situation with about £500 to spend and unsure what to buy. I went to my local music shop and played every Jazz they had Mexican (road worn jazz being one of them) and US but the only one which came close to my Geddy was, of all things, the Squier Vintage Vibe. I love the retro look of the new Mex 70's classic Jazz Bass as well but when I played it the neck felt awfully chunky. [attachment=38033:jazz_of_my_dreams.jpg] My advice is to try out a Geddy and you may just fall in love with it. They have a great sound and are really a pleasure to play because of their incredibly slim necks.
  7. I agree with everything I've read. Those CV Jazzes are excellent for the money. I have a Geddy Lee, which is a great bass, that I bought after doing a lot of research on what was the best value Fender Jazz for your money (read zillions of reviews). But after watching the bass whisperer comparison on ebay went straight down to my local music shop (strangely enough reddog music in edinburgh) and tried the squier jazz out. Absolutely brilliant and sounds as good as the Geddy for 4 or 5 hundred less. If it was sunburst I would have bought it there and then. I recommend checking out the bass whisperer on ebay for a direct comparison (If you haven't already) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6Cd98DH__U"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6Cd98DH__U[/url]
  8. Very pretty, the same colour as my Stratocaster which I believe is sonic blue (in Fender speak). I've sent away to guitarpartsworldwide.com for a surf green precision body to team up with the neck of my old mightymight bass. I'd be interested on how you get on.
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