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Everything posted by gjones

  1. They're usually made out of basswood (mine were). No weird routing on the body, so good for that Jaco look with the scratchplate removed. They also have a grounding strip, from the bridge to the rear pickup. Which was how they used to ground Jazz Basses when they were first manufactured in the early 60s.
  2. Ahhhh....the legendary 'Brown' note.
  3. You're not the only one. I feel your pain.
  4. I bought a P bass with a set of 45-100 Elixirs. Sounded great.
  5. I'm in 4 bands. 3 of them can't gig because members are vulnerable to covid (one band member got covid and ended up in intensive care). I've had to start a new band, which so far has no singer, but I'm happy to plough on with gigs until I drop (I'm a relatively healthy 58 year old).
  6. I think back in the 90s they were a bit cheaper to produce but these days I don't think people look down on them as inferior, they just have a slightly different sound. I tried a Squier silver series jazz bass, that a friend had and liked it so much I bought one myself. The pickups are bassier than your average jazz, which is what I liked about it. The necks are also quite shallow, though very slightly wider than a normal jazz.
  7. I think I saw that one up for sale on Ebay a couple of week ago for £350. I've had a couple and they're nice basses. The neck at the nut is somewhere between a normal Jazz and Precision measurement (they made the Jazz and Precision necks the same on both models). The pickups are ceramic and have a darker tone to them than normal Jazzes, which I liked. Personally, I wouldn't pay more than £300 for the bass, in the condition it's in (if I remember rightly it had some scrapes and bumps).
  8. My niece has her own, signed, band. There's always issues with song royalty payments going only to her, as she writes all the songs. She would have signed over a percentage of royalties, if she could have been confident that the band members would stay for the long haul. But her band has been a bit of a revolving door, with members joining and leaving over the years.
  9. I think I know that guy. But the one I know can only play in E. People think he's a great boogie woogie player but I know his guilty secret.
  10. MIM Fender Precision Deluxe has a Jazz neck. It's an active P/J with noiseless pickups. I've played one and they are very, very nice.
  11. I detect that the person who wrote that ad is an A**hole. I might apply out of curiosity, to find out how much of an rusty bullethole they really are. Edit: rusty bullethole?
  12. Well..... I had never bought a bass new, as I always thought it was not too smart buying new, when you can buy nearly new at around half the price. But I'd seen the Fender ads for the Elite Precision (which is more or less the same specs as the Ultra)and I was drawn in by the great reviews. So, in 2018, I forked out £1,900 for a shiny, brand new, Fender Elite Precision. It took a while for me to bond with it. The neck was too chunky for me, the EQ knobs didn't operate as smoothly as I expected and the P bass pickup didn't sound as good as the pickup on my MIJ P bass. Once I changed the strings to light gauge Elixirs, things improved. On the plus side, it's a very versatile bass and has many EQ options but personally I prefer the sound and playability of my MIJ Precision and my USA Fender Deluxe. But if you do buy an Ultra.....remember to buy used and, if you can, try it out before you buy.
  13. On my main bass, which is a Fender Jazz with a J-Retro fitted, I have the bass at zero (it's add bass only on the pre amp) and the mid frequency set at it's lowest frequency (which I believe is 150hz), which I usually turn up to full on the knob. The high frequency knob I don't alter from it's mid setting. This gives a deep and defined sound.
  14. My brother in law has a band and he insists on making his bass player perform a bass solo in almost every song. He's a sadistic b*stard!
  15. I should add that a P bass is great for the music I play, which is rock, pop, blues and country. If you're in a metal band or playing slap, it might not quite be what the doctor ordered.
  16. I'd recommend plugging in your Barefaced 610 and seeing if you like it first.
  17. I've just booked a trip down to London, to see my favourite band Mamas Gun. Such amazing songs and an utterly brilliant bass player in the shape of Cameron Dawson.
  18. He broke 2 strings? Ruddy Nora! I always take a set of old strings in my gig bag. I'd prefer to give him the strings than loan such a psycho my bass.
  19. As I've got older I've realised that a decent P bass can play any gig with any band. I tried to resist but but I'm sorry.......it's true.
  20. I know a drummer who is a a copper. He doesn't have any problems making gigs, as far as I can tell. Although he is a Chief Superintendent and the divisional commander for Edinburgh. He probably makes up his own shifts
  21. The Fender business model is shocking, if you want to make a profit and be successful. The last thing you'd want to do is build a bass, or guitar, that never goes out of fashion, lasts forever, appreciates in value the older it gets and will be the only guitar or bass you'll ever need to buy in your lifetime. Which is what Fender did for years. That's why there's so many different models these days, the range is supposed to be aspirational. You buy a Squier and aspire to get a Mex, you get a Mex and aspire to get a vintera, you get a Vintera etc, etc, etc.
  22. I joined a band, about 20 years ago, where the singer and the guitarist were married. The screaming matches on stage were so extreme, that the audience thought it was part of the act. Many times the singer would storm off stage, head into the street, hail a taxi and head off home. The guitarist (her husband), myself and the drummer were then left on stage and would have to make up a set as we went along. We got so good at making it up as we went along, that we formed a separate band, without the singer. The strange thing is, they never argue in real life, only on stage, they're still together and still in the same band (and so am I ).
  23. I've played with too many dodgy drummers, over the years, and refuse to do do any longer. A band really is only as good the drummer.
  24. Auction starts at £220 and there's a make offer button that will disappear once somebody makes the first bid. If somebody makes an offer of £200 I reckon he's take it. This is the second time it's been up for auction, previously it was up for £250 and didn't sell. It's for collection only, which tends to put people off. Time will tell.... Exactly! These basses are fantastic but they sell used for peanuts. Even £300 is a steal. I bought my L2500 for just over £300 and it's one of the best basses I own, I own Fender Elites, Fender Deluxes, Stingrays and my L2500 gives them all a run for their money.
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