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Everything posted by jay249

  1. I love the intro to ''something comin on'' by blood sweat and tears
  2. it's the wet weather, do you have the tone knob the same as usual?
  3. Hofner's are great! shame theyre so f'ing heavy though!
  4. I learned a hell of a lot from listening to and eventually doing sound for and watching the Climax Blues Band. I think the album's called ''Big Blues'', and is all Willie Dixon reworks, there's only about 3 walking bass tracks but the bass player is great, nice Lakland 5502 too!, i literally learnt to 'walk' from listening to that, and stuff like Dave Brubeck and Blood Sweat and Tears, just listen carefully and try to make sense of why the player's playing what they are, and if you can't make sense of it, nick it anyway!
  5. Change of plan! placed my order today for a jb75 100 ...A 75 style jazz bass in 3t sunburst with a maple 'fingerplate' 'a tone cooking stove', some might say.
  6. I might splash out on one of these this week, my 70's jazz is now becoming painfully heavy for live stuff! and put an east in it yes yes and maybe some bartolini's... *teeee heee*
  7. ....Ahem.....Grapevine? Grapevine? ?????!
  8. I want a red Jaguar bass as a backup to my 70's jazz, it starts off heavy, and gets about 12lbs heavier every 10 minutes thereafter!
  9. I bought a set of bartolini's and a few odds n ends from guitarpartsresource, a scratchplate straplocks etc and had to pay import tax, can't remember how much but i recall it stinging at the time, writing a check first thing in the morning so that i could finish my diy jazz bass!
  10. Having anaestetic injected into wounds hurts like a hurting thing in pain with hurt on top. You have my sympathy!
  11. Any level, guitar also covered. www.guitarandbasslessons.com Jay 07827335222 or PM.
  12. jay249

    My Stuff

    it certainly is, i might dabble in abit of lakland and fretless and p bass and ive had a warwick and a spector and a musicman but my jazz is, for me, it!
  13. jay249

    My Stuff

    Suppose it's about time i existed on here after hovering about on the for sale forums for years. Here's some stuff The rather controversial franken p bass (sold) my 78 jazz lakland skyline 55 02 80's japanese fretless fender jazz and some amplificatorage and another of my precious
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