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Posts posted by jay249

  1. I bought this lovely thing a while back as I've always wanted one, and for all of my playing years I've been a Jazz and now a Precision man, and it's not one of them, quite obvious really, couldn't help myself though, you know how it is!

    I have no use for its sound playing wise (I play a lot of classic soul for money), so I'd like some money to fund another one of those nasty smelly, grotty old Fenders.

    Foam mutes still intact and working beautifully, shockingly nice looking wood all round, lovely ''Birdseye'' maple, incredible condition for it's age (almost 20 now!, vintage?), I would imagine ones like this are pretty rare and are likely to increase in value if anything.

    This thing's strings are still pretty fresh to be honest, the sound is as you would expect, it sounds just like a Stingray should to me!

    There's one 1cm-ish scratch which I couldn't get a decent enough photo of, as it has been quite well filled with something.

    Welcome to come see it in Bristol, I'd like something around the £820 mark.

    Will provide a Warwick rock case,not bad condition and covered in stickers and will protect it just fine.

    As always, any questions you can get me on 07772703515 or Pm I up!

  2. This is true, but I'll admit to untrained and uninformed ears (not you Jono) it can sound like a bit of a magic switch, but you lose a hell of a lot of presence in a live mix, especially, if the mids dissappear.

  3. You can do a lot worse than Squier stuff right now, we have a few in the college where i work and they're still perfectly playable cheapy basses and feel pretty solid, when you consider my 62 American vintage precision as a benchmark, they're surprisingly good quality stuff!

  4. We had a gig in a restaurant in the center of Bristol, wedding party, the sound man (who shall remain nameless), but isn't our usual sound company, [i][b]forgot to bring lights[/b][/i]

    He's an excellent engineer and gets a great sound every time, but everything he does takes forever (people will know who this is from that I'm sure), knowing this I was self elected to 'use my contacts' and sort out some lights, I ended up driving across the city to get the keys to a mates lockup, which I hadn't unlocked myself before, he gave me the wrong alarm code! Alarms, flashing lights and panic!

    Once sorted I got onto the m32 to find it jammed up for about a mile, got back with minimum time, set the lights up, got changed and played.

    Good gig, though!

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