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Everything posted by asingardenof

  1. No worries, all advice and suggestions gratefully received!
  2. The issue occurred with a ¼" jack lead. The Speakon lead I used with the ABM worked fine.
  3. I've used a single Two10S with a Trace Elliot Elf in both rehearsals and at gigs and been told to turn down while playing in a five-piece band. In short - it'll be plenty loud enough.
  4. It was intermittently and frequently cutting out for a couple of seconds at a time during our first set on NYE, but as it was always during songs with the full band playing it was annoying but livewithable. The start of our second set was A Town Called Malice and there's no hiding place during the bass solo in the middle! On the night I tried (in order): 1. Checking all the power and patch cable connections on my pedal board. 2. Checking the instrument cables at either ends. 3. Checking the amp power lead was still plugged in. 4. Checking the speaker cable was still plugged in. 5. Bypassing the pedalboard using both instrument cables 6. Changing bass Step 6 worked (although there was a little blip with the second bass at one point) so I thought it might be a loose connection within the bass, but I took it apart post-gig and all of the connections were sound; plus as I say it had glitched once with the other bass as well. So I sent the amp back to PMT under warranty and thence it went to TE, who examined it and declared it free of defects. In the meantime I used the first bass and cab at a band rehearsal with my ABM and a different speaker cable (the ABM takes Speakon but the Elf doesn't) and everything worked fine. With the benefit of hindsight I should have used the cable I used on NYE, but that's now my suspect for testing at next rehearsal on Sunday. I will buy a new cable before then as well to make sure I have one I know works!
  5. I managed to rule out everything in the signal chain up to the amp at the gig, including bypassing my pedal board, and now the amp is in the clear it's the bits after it that are now in the frame. Cable tester sounds like a good shout though, might have to look into that.
  6. Obligatory "I've had nothing but good service from them" counter-post.
  7. Dabs.com once had me listening to Bittersweet Symphony on hold for half an hour, which along with another issue I had with them would have been my every for this lousy had they not been subsumed into BT, a richly deserved fate.
  8. Same. The last time I was in one was not long before the Brexit vote and the place was full of anti-EU propaganda. I've happily never set foot in one since.
  9. The abysmal treatment of their staff doesn't help either.
  10. I'm hoping that my current woes are related to a dodgy speaker cable now my Elf has been given a clean bill of health by Trace Elliot, and not that there's an issue with my BF cab as that will be a lot costlier to repair/replace.
  11. Can you have a word with our guitarist please? She can't control her volume and it's always her that makes my ears ring.
  12. Absolutely. I regularly get asked to turn down when using my Elf and Two10S (though I rarely do as nobody notices).
  13. Barefaced say the cab will take 800W if the input signal is "clean" despite the sticker on the back saying 500W. Chances are you'll never max out the amp at 400W, so if you felt so inclined you could leave the cab at 4 ohm, turn the volume down and enjoy the extra headroom.
  14. Not eBay, but if you had a spare £7.5k kicking around I'm sure a Lancaster bomber instrument panel would be high on your "to buy" list... https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1576032949874642/
  15. Thanks to a recent SBL video I'm giving Sledgehammer a go.
  16. I remember spending some time in the Leeds store when I moved back up north at the end of 2019, and remember being extremely underwhelmed and disappointed by the meagre selection of basses on offer in there. They did though let me noodle away on a brace of Fender Jazzes for about an hour while I was waiting for a house viewing appointment on a quiet weekday in November, and were probably quite disappointed when I didn't buy one, although I did say I was planning to save for the Performer. Obviously what happened four months later put paid to that idea...
  17. I've had my V7 for a couple of years now and think it's awesome. It came with EB rounds on it, but I've never gotten on with those tone-wise so switched to D'Addario XL/XT (depending on how flush I am when I can buy new strings) and have never looked back.
  18. I was in PMT Leeds this afternoon, and it all seemed fairly well set up, but obviously it was pretty empty being a Tuesday afternoon. The staff were all friendly and helpful as they have been on other occasions I've been in.
  19. People tend to steer clear once they've had a headstock to the head a couple of times. Even our singist has taken the hint 😁
  20. I think this advice tends to be given out a lot by US retailers as there is often not just a change in temperature between delivery truck and home but also humidity where people are more likely to have air-conditioned homes. In such conditions it makes more sense to leave an instrument in the box to acclimatise, even though most people I see generally ignore it. It's just retailers trying to cover themselves in the unlikely event there is a problem so they can point at the customer and say "hah, we told you not to open the box" and refuse any warranty repairs.
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