Back at the scene of the crime last night, where the ABM500 I'd borrowed from @merton decided that power amps were passé and decided to blow its one, taking down some other bits with it. I only had two people ask me if I was going to blow an amp this time...
Fortunately the new ABM600 held up nicely and sounded amazing, let down only by its operator missing a cue and coming in half a bar too late on one song, causing us to have to stop and start again, but other than that everything went well. Apparently I was too loud, but oh well 🤣
I even managed in this unlikeliest of venues to find a kindred spirit with whom I reminisced about 80s kids TV shows, and agreeing that excluding Tom Bombadil from the LOTR trilogy was a good decision. The band's tab was also comped by the guy whose 65th birthday party it was, which is a great thing in a brewery tap!
Back rehearsing tomorrow before the next gig Saturday week.