Here's a summary of some of the PMs Warwickhunt and I have been exchanging:
I really resented my Stage one V until I did the preamp upgrade. I had this bass that was a fantastic spec, that cost a load of money and that sounded great in so many people’s hands (Stuart Zender etc.) but in mine sounded weak, thin and rattly. The first thing I did was try strings. I’m now using GHS Contact Core Super Steels which are excellent, and seem to work really well with the bass.
I actually did the electronics in two stages because I got the OBP-3 about 2 months before the Nordy Big Splits arrived. Changing the old MEC preamp for the OBP-3 was brilliant, but changing the factory fit Bartolini’s for the Nordstrands was the icing on the cake.
The OPB-3 is so flexible. The range of sounds is massive it’s a much better product than the MEC. Likewise with the Nordstrands. I always found the Barts to be like a “blanket” over my sound. I feel that now I’ve got a lot more sonic information in my bass sound.
The Demeter pre is very transparent. I think it would be best paired with the EMGs... but that's jsut the way I see it. I dont think it would be good for the Barts, as it would be fighting the top end rolloff you get with Bart pickups. I'd pair a bright preamp with the Barts, not a neutral one like the Demeter.
In my opinion the MEC pickups and preamp are DEFINITELY the weakest link in all warwick basses.
By top end roll off, I mean that Barts are dark sounding pickups. In my opinion they mute the treble response of your sound. When I swapped out Barts for Nordstrands (marketed for being full range, no cut) it felt like a damping blanket had been taken off my sound and now I could really get that grunt and grind that I was looking for.