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Everything posted by Toasted

  1. I think I just need one channel. But as I said in the OP I'm new at this. 1) If Guitar George is playing in "clean" guitar to the interface and into the garageband "amps" and "effects" does it sound any good? 2) My macbook has USB and Thunderbolt so either of those are options. Apples marketing seems to suggest Thunderbolt is quicker, which must be good. Right? 3) Drums: My pop rock songs need some basic drums behind the guitar and bass parts or my demos will sound ... sparse . Is the most straight forward way to achieve this using someone else's loops (EG: http://www.macloops.com/audio/free_rock_drum_loops_for_garageband.php) Cheers.
  2. Can you recommend a decent audio interface? Can Garageband supply the drum parts I'm looking for?
  3. Is that the best software to use? I'd had a poke around in it a year or so ago and I thought it was a bit restricted. Probably my lack of skill.
  4. Dear Brain Trust I have a 2012 macbook pro and some monitor speakers and headphones for it. I have written some relatively straight forward pop rock songs with a guitar playing friend of mine. They have rhythm, lead and bass parts. I want to record these tracks in my bedroom. I want the guitar parts and the bass parts in some kind of software where each will be separate "tracks" so I can do a bad job at mixing them for fun. I want to be able to output the whole music file as MP3s or similar. Q1) What software do I need to do this recording? Q2) What hardware do I need to do this recording? Q3) How do I make semi-convincing drum sounds most simply? (I am not a dummer) Cheers, Joe.
  5. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1377440422' post='2187514'] Guitars are not good investments. Even if you have a 1969 Precision, which would be worth about $4000, you have to realize that when it was purchased it cost $400, which in todays market is about $2000. So it would take over 40 years to make about 500 pounds. Hardly a fiscal coup. [/quote] The most sensible post in this thread.
  6. Did you decide on natural in the end?
  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1376646407' post='2177204'], none were any better built than my classic5.[/quote] In your subjective opinion.
  8. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1376576947' post='2176328'] I absolutely love my Compact! I must say it's nice to see Toasted keeping his Barefaced hatred alive. He's been putting the boot in since Alex first started his endeavour. I am sure he has his reasons because he regularly crops up in Barefaced threads to cause trouble. Old school basschat trolling at it's best. He could teach the current off topic trolls a thing or too [/quote] [IMG]http://www.josephpurcell.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/wave.gif[/IMG] Nothing personal here. Paul H and I have an understanding. He even follows me on twitter...
  9. Silliness aside: I've never actually owned a Barefaced cab (or a Potato Salad, or many other things that I don't like) but I've spent a long time with them at bashes, I've also played through one with my band and I've seen bands with a bassist that has been using a Barefaced cab. So consider my opinion well informed. I hope I am now validated in your eyes, Mr Wooks. Sir.
  10. Potato Salad. Definitely wouldn't like that. Don't need to try it to know.
  11. There's lots of things I've never tried I know I wouldn't like. Anal sex, for instance.
  12. Pretty much. You'd get a lot of change too.
  13. [quote name='krysh' timestamp='1376518038' post='2175520']well, I was able to. so could you.[/quote] No, I couldn't have got anything close to my Celinder for under a grand.
  14. Wooks79 - I've never ever seen a Barefaced. My opinions came to me in a dream. Or maybe I read them through a hole in the top of a hat? I don't know.
  15. [quote name='krysh' timestamp='1376517696' post='2175508'] I simply wouldn't pay £2000 for a jb if I could get an equally good used/franken one for under a grand... [/quote] Which you can't.
  16. Be interesting to know what Alex thinks about the Berg cabs, since he's been lurking this thread for days: [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/75768883@N05/9511511914/"][/url]
  17. I'd be looking at a second hand Celinder or a second hand Sadowsky NYC for that cash.
  18. I don't consider myself a troll or to be trolling. So I guess I have to say something sensible now? I don't rate Barefaced cabs. [i]Quelle surprise[/i]. They [b]ARE[/b] light but IME this is at the expense of a number of factors that come under the broad heading of "build quality" which have been well discussed on this forum. I think the sound of the cabs is poor in comparison to other alternatives (Berg) but that's obviously a subjective personal opinion and therefore largely irrelevant. Consider the Bergantino CN212 - 46lbs vs. the Super 12 T, 42lbs. There's 10% in it but that's only 4lbs. One has no build issues, one has many, many build issues.
  19. Just a bit. [IMG]http://www.josephpurcell.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/celinderrig.jpg[/IMG]
  20. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1376417714' post='2173702']In my opinion the DB750 pairs really well with the Bergantino NV series cabs.[/quote] That was the best rig I ever had. DB750 and NV610 was pure awe. I'm always searching for that tone and that volume since.
  21. Haha touche. Put me back in ignore, you flirt!
  22. Love the custom paint job on the music man. You're flossin' now.
  23. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1376483240' post='2174539'][...]plenty of time to get this sort of stuff sorted..?? [..] corners not flush, feet falling off, strap handles etc etc ..?? IIRC. [..] Just as well, the buyers are willing put up with the niggles for their own reasons, but I don't know many who would for the price.[/quote] ... and others. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1376483483' post='2174551']Probably a moot point as Alex has a very full order book and his production is at full-tilt.[/quote] Heard the one about a fool and his money? How about the one about the emperors new clothes? [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1376483483' post='2174551']If you don't like the idea of Barefaced cabs, I'd say don't buy one. Go for top-class handles and an inferior cab instead.[/quote] False argument. It's not an either/or situation. I'll take Bergantino and have both, better.
  24. We need progress. Fans of Neepheid's Gibson Ripper Rescue Thread.
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