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Everything posted by Snarf

  1. Ahhh damn, sorry dude! Soon I'm sure, and I'm very intrigued to see how it looks. And hear! You'll have to post some clips of it too In fact, I'd actually really like to hear the tone variation between some of the old basses compared to the new ones!
  2. Dude! Do you have it yet, I'm sure you do! Let's see it! 😁😁 Well. It's been quite a while since I visited Basschat to my shame. Damn I've just been catching up on some seriously sexy Vigier action!
  3. I'm sorry mate, it's just sold! Thanks for asking about it though!
  4. He said hi back. Wow, it was a great show this year - the biggest I've seen it there. Almost like going back in time to the golden age of guitar shows, so many good stands!
  5. Awesome, come and say hi!
  6. That low B was the absolute winner for me! Good man, I'm working on the High Tech stand this weekend with Ben, he was telling me about your new one. It's going to be sexy! I've got to say the Vigier lot are all absolute gems, such a great bunch!
  7. bloody hell, that's a mega list! I missed off another Ibanez and a short stint with a 7 string bass, but still mine pales in comparison to that monster load!! And on another note, turns out it was your actual no1 that I played that set me off on my Vigier quest! Where did you order your purple beast from?
  8. Ok I just had to go look that up - it's bonkers! The demo on the Roland site is crazy, damn. I've never heard of Bubby Lewis before, how the freaking hell does he manage to play that fast?? And the fact that it's picking everything up nicely - awesome.
  9. Wow, that didn't hang around for long!
  10. @mattbass6 Man, that's an awesome journey there - it's great having a prior collection like that, I've got a similar sort of track record. Many many basses have crossed my palms - 2 Stingrays, 2 Ibanezes, 6 Warwicks, 2 Yamahas, A Cort, a Satellite but never a Precision or a Jazz alas. I had pretty much the same waking revelation, and ordered this beauty. It's the first time I've actually thought about being a one bass man, it's been a very long time! @ped I remember the good old days of Bassworld, I seem to recall being quite active on there for a while. That's crazy you managed to find one with no electronics! How?? Well you've added some serious mods to it, I bet it sounds great. How do you find bass with the Roland pickup thing? I've never really played around guitar synth stuff before, does it track well on bass?
  11. No way! This is incredible, what an amazing bass! After looking at Ped's basses, I'd love to get my hands on this. I'm considering selling some of my other gear, so if it's still about when I have the money I'll be very very tempted!
  12. You'll have to talk me through all of those mods on it, I'm very intrigued, and also feeling quite GASsy. I'm seriously impressed you managed to get hold of 3 vintage Vigiers!
  13. No problem! Actually we may well be heading up to the lakes over Easter so that would be perfect timing. I'll send over a PM in a moment!
  14. I've been having a really tough debate with myself over which of your three is my favourite one. Man that's a tough one, but I think I'm going to settle with this one But, well let's face it... all three are freaking amazing!
  15. Hi Alan, Yes it's still up for grabs. If you find yourself in the Brighton area you're welcome to pop over and have a tinker. I'll also have it with me in Birmingham Friday to Sunday if that's closer Toby
  16. @ped Ahh do it! Bring one along, I'd love to see one of those beauties in the flesh! Yes that was 2 years back when Patrice came over, when we had Ron Thal on the stand too - that was a crazy show @mattbass6 I've got some serious envy going on right now! The first 5 Excess I played was the same as your no.1, it's the one that made me switch allegiance from Warwick. And daammmnn, a purple one... that's really going to be freaking amazing! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures!!
  17. Nicely done! Fingers crossed it's ready soon for you, it's definitely worth the wait Let me know when you have it! Thanks, the ole 6 string is a lovely beast. I really would love to hang on to it, but needs must!
  18. Haha, or clothes! Maybe I'll flog the lot, this is all I need in my life now. Great stuff, well we will have some guitars as well, I'm not sure which models we'll have yet but there's always an Excalibur kicking about somewhere so you can always have a fumble with that as well. We'll be on stage Saturday at 10.46 if you want to see it in action! See you there!
  19. I will have this with me at the Guitar Show in Birmingham this weekend, on the High Tech Distribution stand. I'll be giving it a good detailed clean with Music Nomad products so people can see how awesome the stuff is. Please drop by if you're there, you're welcome to have a play on it!
  20. Maybe next time I'll iron my sheets
  21. So I've taken delivery of my sexy new Excess, and I've got to say it is immense. I test drove it during a rehearsal this weekend and it's earth destroyingly loud with a seriously tight butt. The low B is really great - possibly the clearest I've played on a bass. I'm totally smitten, to the point that I'm actually considering flogging a load of my other stuff as it won't get played anymore! The factory setup is spot on, I haven't needed to tweak anything apart from the pickup height a bit. It's so freaking easy to play it's insane, and the neck feels super silky smooth, with contours that fit very nicely in my hand. I've taken some snaps but to be honest my crappy phone doesn't really do it justice. If anyone happens to be going to the Guitar Show in Birmingham this weekend, I'll have it on the Hi Tech Distribution stand - you're welcome to come and have a go!
  22. Very nice! Post more picture of it if you can!
  23. I'll be working there, on the Hi Tech Distribution stand, pedalling Vigiers and Music Nomad stuff I'll have my 5 string Vigier on the stand, plus there will be a sexy collection of other Vigier guitars on display too. Ooh and a nice collection of Fuzzrocious pedals too. http://www.htd-uk.com/ Last year I spotted a seriously sexy Sandberg 4 string on the PMT stand that gave me ridiculously bad GAS, I was so sooo tempted but thankfully I left my credit card at home. Anyway, it's a great show! Also, my band are playing on the Saturday. We got the 10.46 slot on the Saturday, so first thing, but hopefully someone will some watch us!
  24. Thanks mate, it's good to get a bit of reassurance on it!
  25. Thanks! Well I think it's wenge, my wood identification isn't that great though, so it's possible it could be something else but I'm fairly sure it is wenge.
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