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Everything posted by deathpanda

  1. as I always end up saying, jazz for me is about being in the moment. it's always an intense and emotional experience, it's better than drugs or alcohol. jazz is the only genre that can take me there, you probably have yours and it doesn't really matter what it is. I don't "get" rap or hip hop, and it doesn't bother me, I just don't listen to it. this one takes me there, sometimes it even forgets to bring me back.
  2. saw Miles' "A Different Kind of Blue" on sky arts the other week. spine chilling yet soul healing stuff.
  3. a (not so) secret favourite of mine.
  4. deathpanda


    never met him, but through reading his posts and replies in the short time I've been here it feels like he was a friend. not to me but to everyone. I can't believe it, my thoughts are with anyone that knew him... RIP
  5. [quote name='Tech' post='913290' date='Aug 2 2010, 10:20 PM']not doom - almost the polar opposite infact - super high res, high pitched... but for me it's a peak of tracendental rock... perhaps my favourite band? so f'n bleak...[/quote] love Jesu, but that album got boring quick for me. it's a shame, because the first time I heard it I was blown away.
  6. It's quite a while ago now, but oh well, here's a big -1 for parcelfarce. Bought a guitar from ebay, was shipped from Scotland with next day delivery (I realise this is not realistic and shouldn't have been an option in the first place), and after a week of me losing my mind and emailing the seller, it turned out to be stuck in a depot in Wales. I was assured that it would come on the Friday of the second week, and it did. Thanks ParcelFarce! oops did I say thanks? I [i]meant[/i] f*** off go to hell...
  7. [quote name='steve-soar' post='912172' date='Aug 1 2010, 07:48 PM'] [/quote] Boris are way too underrated for my liking. makes me question whether I have any faith in humanity. also, this. they were my introduction to doom, never looked back.
  8. [quote name='Kongo' post='908828' date='Jul 29 2010, 03:10 AM']Yup that too...although it seems the Onomatopoeia "Djent" has tunred into a sub-genre? Expect tonnes of hate but I love it! Why complain when metal moves when you complained it hasn't moved right?[/quote] AAL were produced by bulb, and he's done a bunch of other bands so go figure.
  9. [quote name='Kongo' post='908821' date='Jul 29 2010, 02:22 AM'][b]Periphery - Icarus Lives[/b] OMG Prog Metal is gettin INSANELY heavy! I do love prog but sometimes it's a tad wussy...if you get me? I like all things around Metal as much as the next music fan but I always felt Prog could benefit from being a bit heavier and less cheesy and without the 7 minute keyboard solo's...I'm not a fan of solo's much, I prefer rhythm...and these guys have done it! Not the 1st, but this sure is the best I've heard in a long time... and OMG I absolutely LOOOOOVE Djented guitars! *Djent Djent Djent*...Mmmm tasty tone! Have a listen. N.B. If u don't enjoy Prog Metal or Metal in any form save yourself the hastle, don't click play. Although I know you Jazzers are often interested in prog, whether you admit it or not. But alas, I'm chewing you ears off...JUST CLICK PLAY! [/quote] fan of prog metal here. I was so excited for this band, after hearing all the tracks by Bulb. the album blowed. some nice riffs and tasty tones, but by god are the vocals whiney and ball-less. after hearing bulbs tracks, it feels like he took it down a notch for periphery.
  10. not a fan of anything classical, but I guess this comes close. it's beautiful.
  11. tony williams lifetime - you did it to me baby. it's making me grin like a maniac, it's such a tune!
  12. of course every suggestion here is just going to be opinion, so I'll chip in with what I think are great basslines that everyone should try out. jaco - come on, come over brown - I got you (I feel good) hendrix - little wing hendrix - fire edit* I really don't have a clue why I typed little wing, when I meant hey joe. although, I do love the bass in little wing, so I'll keep it there.
  13. [quote name='TimR' post='906243' date='Jul 26 2010, 07:33 PM']LOL. I am cynical, just not THAT cynical. I have a thick skin as well so you don't need to worry about implying anything either.[/quote] hahaha, noted (:
  14. [quote name='TimR' post='906100' date='Jul 26 2010, 05:39 PM']I'm not quite as cynical as that. I prefer to see it as approaching things with an open mind. More of a "I don't know what I'm going to get here rather than this is going to be bad."[/quote] ah yeah, I see what you're saying, I wasn't trying to imply you were cynical or anything. I was just adding something that resonated with me.
  15. [quote name='TimR' post='905669' date='Jul 26 2010, 12:27 PM']Expectation is a weakness and almost as bad as assumption. Expect nothing and assume nothing and you will always be surprised. I am weak and expect and assume that the musicians I play with will listen while they play. One day I will be surprised. I like to play any music that the audience enjoys - I am only happy when the audience is enjoying what we are playing. There is music I like to listen to at home that I think would be great to play but I realise that what I like to listen to is not what everyone else does.[/quote] on that note, I would also like to add:
  16. at the very least, I expect homelessness. anything beats being a total drone and sucking satan's phallus by working at the checkouts, which is all i'm really qualified for.
  17. I've had my action as low as possible, but it just feels weird. On my Geddy I've now got it completely perfect, still quite low but not too high that it makes playing difficult. I usually play quite aggressive (with fingers of course) and with my current action it sounds like a beaver being punched in the face, you know that lovely bassy thudding sound?
  18. I'll only post one more, but I'll make it a good one... Just when you thought it was all too groovy, the chorus comes along and eats you alive.
  19. I really doubt it's the bass guitar itself causing the lack of umph, certainly not a status bass. Amps, EQ, mixing and sh*t, yo.
  20. [url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001219361998&v=app_2405167945"]http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100...=app_2405167945[/url] dunno if this link will work, but check out "Hide and Seek" groovalicious
  21. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='891034' date='Jul 10 2010, 08:03 AM']no way am I the only person that doesnt have a clue what this guy is on about!![/quote] no, I don't have a clue either. I'll have a bit of whatever he's smoking though...
  22. some guitars look really nice, that's a given, but basses like status, sei, shuker and other custom basses are just stunning. I mean, I remember seeing a custom 6 string headless sei bass in the for sale thread, and I could have drooled over the pictures for hours. can't really get that from a guitar. if a guitar uses exotic woods, or radical finishes and fret inlays, they just look like they're trying too hard IMO. that being said, p-basses make me throw up a little.
  23. I really enjoyed the vocal and bass part at the beginning, immensely. it looks like one of those things though, were you just HAD to be there. still enjoyed watching and listening, further reinforces my love for jazz/music...
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