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Everything posted by deathpanda

  1. amazing groove, but you gotta hear it live!
  2. in a non-upmyownarse kinda way, I'm listening to my own song over and over again, noticing more and more faults. I've decided to just have a go at mastering it the best I can, and I'm finally as happy as I'll ever be. I think the footage really works with the music, especially at the end. ps. I know this is a shameless plug, but it's genuinely what I've been listening to
  3. Sorry, not looking to buy, just to give a few words. I have 2 of these in my Tokai LP copy, they're by far the best pickups I've ever owned, and also miles better than a lot of the bigger brand pickups I've looked into. They really shine in a rock/metal context, great for pinches and squeals, and tight heavy rhythm. The cleans are bright and warm, enough said. Amazing value for money - for anyone that's thinking about buying them.
  4. For me, no other genre comes close to jazz because I don't think of jazz as a genre (fusion, at least). It's a bunch of musicians being in the moment and feeling it, it lasts for as long as it wants and is never the same, you can't put a label on that.
  5. [quote name='OldGit' post='882268' date='Jun 30 2010, 06:46 PM']Hey DP, good luck with that ,mate. We covered a very similar situation for stevie a while back [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=87900&view=findpost&p=836042"]Thread on Blues band standards..[/url][/quote] Thanks a lot, did a little search before making this thread but didn't come across that one. Some good advice in there, I guess I need to just keep listening to 12 bar stuff until I finally get what it's all about. Cheers again.
  6. Found an ad in the shop window asking for a musician for a blues band, so I rung up and luckily they're just looking for a bass player. Got an audition on monday, and I asked if there were any tunes I should know, and he said it will be mostly 12 bar so I just said okay. Now I've played basic 12 bar stuff on bass in a band before, usually just root notes with octaves and fifths thrown in (with taste, I might add) and the odd scale run, but I was just wondering if anyone could give me some licks and grooves to throw in, walking basslines, all that stuff, just so I don't end up playing the same thing every song. Any help on this would be much appreciated.
  7. a bit late, but i'm in the mood.
  8. [quote name='Colledge' post='880251' date='Jun 28 2010, 08:10 PM']i'm sure its not as simple as that, more likely since he put so much money into the legal pot, the family thought it right to let him have it under that agreement. to say thanks.[/quote] Yeah, that was real decent of him, I just read it as Trujillo wanting it all for himself. Who wouldn't... but if I played for Metallica I wouldn't mind being completely selfless when it comes to money...
  9. [quote name='steve-soar' post='880240' date='Jun 28 2010, 07:58 PM']I see. So he now owns it, and will sell it back to the family when they have the money to buy it from him.[/quote] Wasn't just me that also came to that conclusion then? Thought my comprehension was just plain bad, but if that really is the case then... what a w***er.
  10. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='877898' date='Jun 26 2010, 01:34 AM']Which one is less subscribed? The student teacher ration might be better, and there will be less competing people.[/quote] According to the website, "generally no more than 12 students per class". It's also first come first serve. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='877902' date='Jun 26 2010, 01:46 AM']Just pick one. It doesn't mean you have to stop playing the other one.[/quote] That's where the headache comes in, I have to chose one to dedicate myself to. [quote name='MIJ-VI' post='877905' date='Jun 26 2010, 02:11 AM']So you like guitar and bass [i]equally[/i] well? [url="http://www.burnsguitars.com/barracuda.php"]http://www.burnsguitars.com/barracuda.php[/url] A more well known example: (Currently out of production.) There are a number of others as well whose prices range from being reasonable to [i][u]WHAT?!![/u][/i] The samples in this thread show the Fender VI being used for a variety of styles ranging from surf guitar to reggae bass: the Bass VI video thread [url="http://www.offsetguitars.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=30043"]http://www.offsetguitars.com/forums/viewto...=41&t=30043[/url] Where to learn more about them: The Short-Scale Six-String Club—for the original six-string basses! [url="http://talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=391343"]http://talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=391343[/url] The Short-Scale Six-String Club Part 2- for the original six-string basses! [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=599414"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=599414[/url] The Short-Scale Six-String Club Part 3 - for the original six-string basses! [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=658449"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=658449[/url] Three Facebook groups: Burns Barracuda Players [url="http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2205498133#!/group.php?gid=120993031271052"]http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2205...120993031271052[/url] Schecter Hellcat VI Players [url="http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2205498133#!/group.php?gid=153636914012"]http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2205...id=153636914012[/url] Bass VI players. [url="http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/group.php?gid=34542190945"]http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/gro...gid=34542190945[/url][/quote] That's... pretty damn awesome. Not sure if I can see myself playing one of these, but I will definitely look further into it. Thanks for all the info. [quote name='martindupras' post='878225' date='Jun 26 2010, 04:01 PM']In my view, the most important thing is that you choose something you'll be happy practicing every day diligently for several years.[/quote] I'm torn ): [quote name='Faithless' post='878243' date='Jun 26 2010, 04:21 PM']Take bass. It's such unexplored instrument yet, that it's just crazy. Playing guitar is cool, it will help you in harmonical/chordal issues on bass, and you can apply lots of stuff from guitar to bass (harmonical, technical..) It's good to play few instruments - I play some EUB and piano, though, electric bass is my main thing. why EUB? Just out of interest, and, as I'm a reader, maybe because for a lil' more work, you know why piano? Cuz there isn't a better instrument to understand harmony and analize stuff, than it.[/quote] That kind of sells it to me to be honest... Over the last few days I've been coming closer to choosing the bass, but as soon as I pick up my guitar and start creating some cool licks and chord progressions, it just instantly reminds me of why I picked it up in the first place. Another problem is that my college guitar tutor is insanely good, like a god-tier musician, and I dropped bass lessons (but still playing bass in college bands) because I wasn't learning nearly as much as I was in guitar lesson. Am I just being an awkward twat? I think I will throw caution to the wind and choose bass, because lets face it; at the end of the day there are enough guitarists. If I want to make a living as a musician, bass will probably get me further. Thanks for all the advice, even the posts I didn't reply to, I still took it all on board. Case closed. *throws caution to the wind*
  11. I just passed the first year studying music at college, and on the last day we had a look at applying to universities, which would happen after the next and final year of college. After some research, I've decided my favourite option is [url="http://www.icmp.co.uk/"]The Institute[/url] in London, but I've come to a massive headache of a situation; I'm originally a guitard, I love the instrument. I also love bass, pretty much equally. Flame me all you want (or don't) but I cannot for the life of me decide which path I want to take... there are different sections of the uni dedicated to certain instruments, so it's either one or the other. I've spoken to a few of my friends, they say you can't be a jack of all trades and master of none in the music industry. I also know personally that I don't have the mental capacity to keep both instruments up to a high standard. It's either one or the other and just the thought of it makes me feel sick. I'm wondering why I don't have a gut feeling of what I like the most. Maybe it would help if I knew the pros and cons of both instruments in the music industry? What instrument am I most likely to be able to get work playing? Any advice would be appreciated so much...
  12. Only just got back from doing a gig at the horns in watford. I got absolutely smashed and just about stumbled on stage, managed to play okay though... *forgot to add, another band borrowed my bass and the screw that holds the strap button came off. great...
  13. Seeing the intense fusion trio today, I'll catch it on phone camera so you can all get a taste, but you'd really have to be there... It's in Camden, if any of you are up that way you should definitely stop by.
  14. [quote name='Bilbo' post='837868' date='May 15 2010, 07:04 AM']Who were the players, dp?[/quote] Going to see them again on wednesday, they're back by popular demand. Found out the names, the bassist is Dave Troke and the drummer is Ed Williams. I might have sounded like I was exaggerating a little bit, but it truly was breath taking.
  15. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='870348' date='Jun 17 2010, 11:00 PM']Put this: 85eSmtrp3dA In between these: youtube (in square brackets) /youtube (in square brackets) And you get this: [/quote] you can use code tags when explaining code, for example: URL of the video you want to format = [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO3o484Z2OU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO3o484Z2OU[/url] copy the code that follows the equals sign, which in this case is qO3o484Z2OU type the open tag: [code][youtube][/code] paste the code you copied from the youtube URL directly after it, so you now have: [code][youtube]qO3o484Z2OU[/code] type the closing tag, and you're finished: [code][youtube]qO3o484Z2OU[/youtube][/code] result
  16. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='871045' date='Jun 18 2010, 07:01 PM']I've never heard it before. I don't like prog rock, I don't think I would recognise a single Rush song and I couldn't listen to that for longer than about 30 seconds[/quote] does not compute [quote name='merello' post='871888' date='Jun 19 2010, 04:47 PM']Song2 Blur [/quote] almost forgot that one. the song is a gem, and that bass sound is killer. edit* awesome suggestions from everyone. just to add perfect.
  17. Over the past year of playing bass, I've developed the ability to listen to a track and almost isolate the bass from the mix (well maybe not isolate, but it's much clearer than it was before). I've been listening to a lot of my favourites and have come across a few bass recordings that stand out from the rest and are to [i]die[/i] for. Share yours, I'm interested in hearing some more, no doubt you'll have better examples than me. this won't be new to anyone, but listen to that production and tone... especially at 1:47, probably one of the best rock recordings ever. youtube probably won't do it any justice... edit* if I didn't make it clear, I'm talking from mainly a production and tone point of view rather than the "best bassline" if ya get me.
  18. have watched this video countless times since what would seem like forever ago. my mind gets completely lost in the groove every time.
  19. Is it weird that my geddy lee sig has a lovely slap tone? I see how active pickups can help, but those complaining that passive basses don't sound good slapped, probably aren't doing something right.
  20. victor wooten put on a few pounds!
  21. I have the Geddy Lee sig, I wasn't trying to copy him, I just wanted a black jazz bass that kicked and punched like a bad ass motherfu*ker, and it certainly does just that. if someone slated me saying I copied Geddy's tone, I would be chuffed to bits.
  22. [quote name='silddx' post='866025' date='Jun 13 2010, 03:13 PM']OK, how about this one. Does it sound more like digital, or the real thing? Sorry, this music is a bit heavier [/quote] the guitar tones sound like amplitube or guitar rig 4, the bass is always hard to tell in the mix, but I would say digital (which is probably why in the end, it doesn't matter).
  23. when I got my geddy lee jazz I just couldn't put the thing down, which was completely different to when I just had a yamaha RBX270J, god bless its little soul... so much mind crushing power when you pluck those strings, at least that's what I feel, it's perfect.
  24. got a gig in 2 weeks, there's gonna be a bunch of bands from my college course playing, including mine obviously, then straight after I think they're letting my other band outside college play. hopefully it gets recorded, i'm dying to show our stuff off. if it happens i'll make sure to post it here.
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