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Everything posted by deathpanda

  1. Might record some videos of me playing along to their songs, just for a laugh.
  2. Personally I think there's 2 different types of "playing with feel", first off is playing riffs and melodies that you can tell come straight from the soul ( k, maybe not that, but I hope you get the idea), and secondly there's really feeling the beat and playing dead on time, even if it's strange phrasings, syncopation and all that. Take Jaco for example, to the average listener some of his phrasings might sound out of time and strange, but after a while you can really start feeling it. Both at the same time is a massive bonus though haha.
  3. [quote name='lazzer' post='760091' date='Feb 28 2010, 07:59 PM']Each to their own! But for me, rehearsals are'nt for having fun........ I'm there to work & expect everyone else to work too! Go hard or go home........[/quote] I think that's a very fair attitude, but for me, if it ain't equally as fun at the same time it's boring and mind numbing. If you can achieve all your goals whilst having fun you can look back on it as time very well spent.
  4. same happened to me on one of my recent gigs, the guitarist and the drummer (who was just a fill-in and learnt our songs in a few days) really played their asses off, whilst i was playing a fair few bum-notes and felt really left out, much down to my own fault. i've since realised that it's all down to practise and experience. nothing eases the pre-gig nerves like knowing that you've practised the arse off the songs and knowing you're gonna nail it.
  5. I have always subconsciously thought of the notes as colours, like when I was first learning back in black on the guitar I thought of the chords as different colours. I don't think I have whatever this thing is though, it only ever works when I'm not thinking about it, but now that I know it exists, it will probably never happen again. Thanks.
  6. The 80's was THE year for metal. But for pop.... to me it represents everything bad about the music. Too much synths and poor sounding programmed drums... Nasty...
  7. If I ever write anything for my band, I always make sure with everyone if it sounds good and for them to be completely honest. I don't understand why someone would assume that their material is good and that someone else would want to play it without any input. I know it's hard, and sometimes it's just luck, but you're better off searching for a band in which you all get along really well with and be honest with each other. Sometimes I write a riff, my friend tells me it's sh*t, we laugh it off then either change the riff until we like it or come up with a new one.
  8. Bought stuff in the shop, and from the site. Excellent customer service from both. I think it's just one of these things that happen.
  9. Don't you think it's better to honor the age-old instruments and sounds that we've all come to love, instead of effortlessly emulating them? If this thread is anything to go by (from the few posts that I've read), in the near future every bassist will be using a black and white variax bass and some Line 6 amp... There's something about that which just isn't quite right in my mind. Is that just me being unable to adapt and face facts? I'm not all too sure, maybe in a few years I'll realise that digital is the best thing to happen to music, but for now I'll stick with my Geddy jazz and ampeg with a big smile on my face.
  10. [quote name='Chris2112' post='735943' date='Feb 5 2010, 11:20 AM']If it is his selfish nature that has created so many beautiful sounds, then I wish I could be that selfish. Jaco's sound is still one of my absolute favourite tones, and the "Jaco honk" on a nice fretless bass is very versatile and can really be used anywhere![/quote] Seconded. If that's what brash, ugly and selfish all sound like, I fu*king love it.
  11. Miles Davis – Bitches Brew Tribal Tech – Rocket Science Azymuth – Carnival Mahavishnu Orchestra - Apocolypse Miles Davis – Get Up With It comes to £33 (unless I'm retarded and have made a mistake...), would you do it for £25? I know that's quite a drop, but you see... I'm poor as hell
  12. [quote name='Hot Tub' post='729282' date='Jan 29 2010, 10:28 PM']So, after posting [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=52797&view=findpost&p=524206"]this[/url] a while back, I've finally taken the plunge and will be playing live for the first time ever. Tomorrow night we're having a party for Mrs HT's 40th birthday. She always said that the one thing she wanted was to see me play with a "real" band, rather than an MP3 player! It's in our local pub, there will be 50-60 friends & colleagues there, plus quite a few locals. The band (the guitarist is a mate) have agreed to let me stand in on bass for a few songs. We're doing [i]Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Let's Stick Together, Smokin' In The Boys Room[/i], and [i]Sweet Home Alabama[/i]. I've played all of these for decades, but for the last four weeks they are ALL I've played (I can actually play [i]Crazy Little Thing[/i] backwards). So, my question is simply this: How do you get over the nerves? I am absolutely [u][i]SHTING [/i][/u]myself, and if I'm honest, I really don't want to do it. I know I'm gonna miss a string, or fluff a change (I mean, FFS, you don't get much simpler than these songs!), or just generally have a train wreck. But, I also know that if I don't do it I probably never will, and I will continue to kick myself for the rest of my life. How to approach it? What to think? What to feel? What's gonna happen? What if I make a t!t of myself, or worse? I can't practise any more, although I'll probably have another dozen or so run-throughs tomorrow morning. Should I do it? Should I back out? I should probably add that I'm not drinking tonight. I want a totally clear head tomorrow. [/quote] I read that post you linked to, I feel like a mirror image of you. The only difference is that I have played live, quite a few times, and the nerves have always got the better of me. Also, this is going to sound pathetic, but I've got to give 15 minute presentation next week (after putting it off for a month) in front of my class in college. I'm thinking of quitting the course because I can't hack talking in front of people, I stutter, blush and forget everything... the funny thing is, it's what I want to do. I want to be in front of people showing them everything I've got. In a non big-headed way, I know I'm good at what I do, I just can't prove it in front of an audience. I've got a gig in a couple of weeks and I've decided that it's going to be the decider, if I can block out the audience, enjoy myself, move about and play fine, I'm gonna carry on. If it's the usual on-stage awkwardness... well then I'll give up, because it's clearly not for me. Sorry for derailing the thread slightly, I just thought I'd share that. I hope everything works out for you and you can manage to see past the audience and enjoy yourself, you know you can do it.
  13. This was up for sale on here, not sure if it ever got sold. IMO the most perfect looking bass ever, even though I'm not really into anything with more than 5 strings. [attachment=41444:seibass01_large.jpg]
  14. I'm pretty cack at transcribing stuff, I have trouble hearing and writing phrasing as well as the notes, something which I need to work on I guess. My ears are fine, but my brain tends to make everything more complicated than it actually is, a while back I transcribed a blues tune - I perceived the main riff to be 4 power chords, which sound perfect to me, but turned out to be just 3 notes, all on the E string. Sorry to derail the thread a little bit, but I recently started tabbing out an Orange Goblin song, was just wondering if anyone could tell me if it's right or not. The song: My tab: [url="http://www.box.net/shared/ffhdxpqao0"]Guitar Pro file[/url] Sorry if this isn't the place to be asking, maybe I should make a thread in which people can post their tabs and everyone can hear if it's good or not and offer corrections?
  15. Got intensely mashed last night and this just kind of happened... Found these 2 chords and just started working over the top of them. I think I'll call this one "ocean bed", as the inspiration was the feeling of drowning at the bottom of the ocean, too far to think about swimming for the surface. [attachment=41012:Ocean_Bed.mp3] or [url="http://www.box.net/shared/o40xic0okz"]http://www.box.net/shared/o40xic0okz[/url] Enjoy! (edit: I did all the monitoring with standard philips earphones. not quite sure how this gonna sound through real speakers...)
  16. Used to have hair past my shoulders, but as you can imagine I kinda looked like a girl. My beard is finally growing properly so I'm gonna grow my hair again. Just gonna pray I don't look like a butch lesbian. [attachment=41010:20674_24...223023_n.jpg]
  17. The picture has so much potential for captioning, shame I'm not in a funny mood. That bass must be very precious to you, assuming you still have it.
  18. [quote name='WWRRSS' post='722363' date='Jan 23 2010, 05:44 PM'][/quote] beautiful guitar, and undoubtedly the best metal tone in his career.
  19. [quote name='bubinga5' post='723508' date='Jan 24 2010, 08:38 PM']I assure you Dave Dyson does not just care about technique,..the guy is a groove monster and one of the best in the world...A pro like him doesnt just plug in an expensive bass with thinking about his tone..ha ha your questioning Dave Dyson's musicality.....like you said just this clip[/quote] Yeah, just the clip, he obviously has a lot of talent I was just questioning the musicality of that piece. I know technically it's "musical" but it's just a term my old guitar teacher used when he was teaching me fast scale runs, and that anyone can learn to play a scale really fast and use different techniques, it's just up to me to make it "musical", using different note groupings and using them melodically etc. I have trouble putting my thoughts into words, but I didn't mean anything bad by it, I still enjoyed the video.
  20. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='723479' date='Jan 24 2010, 08:10 PM']I didn't say he was a bad player (he obviously has talent) just not my cup of tea. If you like that sort of thing, then fine, good luck to you. The world would be a very boring place if we all liked the same things. Why is the sound tinny on youtube? I played it through a mixing desk and a pair of JBL studio monitors, it still sounded tinny, thats the way "slap" sounds, isn't it? Again, fine if you want your bass to sound like that.[/quote] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft_bFqS5K8w"]Slap doesn't have to sound tinny[/url], people just have to actually think about their tone instead of just plugging an expensive bass into an expensive amp rig, thinking "it must sound good". He obviously cares more about technique than tone and musicality (in this video, at least).
  21. This... I have been listening to it unhealthily over the past year or so, the bass is just... perfect. The other 3 would have to be: King Crimson - 21st century schizoid man Pink Floyd - Young Lust (I only started really appreciating Roger Water's bass work when I had to learn this song in my band, man... the bass track is fu*king brilliant) Jaco - Portrait of Tracy (especially his live versions, where he'd just go into one and make you forget that you're moving forward in time)
  22. [quote name='rOB' post='723265' date='Jan 24 2010, 04:36 PM']love it[/quote] the music or the way her boob innocently hangs over the bass?
  23. Another amazing groove, which I'm sure a lot of you have already seen:
  24. Elbow - Friend of Ours Not a massive fan, but that song is beautiful
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