Now £275. The recent acquisition of a Markbass 210 cab now renders this brilliant combo excess to my needs. In excellent condition. Capable of delivering its full 250 watts into the Turbosound drivers, I have used this combo in pubs and even outdoors to really good effect. Comes with TC Helicon Switch 3 which selects mute and the two onboard programmable Toneprint effects. I am not a fan of "tech" when it comes to my bass rig, but using the Toneprint App on my Android phone to access the dozens of dedicted bass effects is really easy, including various useful chorus, compressors and octavers.
This combo is cooled via natural convection, so no noisy fan to disturb quiet playing or studio environments. It took me ages to find such a pristine example, but I really have run out space so it has to go unfortunately.
User manual, sticker, mains and pedal connection cables included.
Price is based on sale only by cash/bank transfer collected or localish delivery from Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.
Many thanks for looking.
Link below to full technical details and a video of Roger Glover having a play through one:-