Does any amount of bass guitar control cavity shielding actually stop a partially dimmed (dodgy?) dimmer switch from adding buzz to the signal?
I played in a bar last weekend that had lights dimmed and I had to completely roll off the top end to hide the really, really annoying buzz. Only touching the metal control knobs stopped the buzz and fret hand tapping through the entire gig wasn't an option (even if I could do it).
The one good thing was that it revealed the bridge, and therefore the strings on my Patrick Eggle New York IV bass weren't grounded. Yesterday I removed the bridge, scratched some paint off its underside where the ground wire was positioned, which fixed that issue.
I've got a dimmer switch at home which has exactly the same effect on the basses I've tested. Anyone know whether there's a real fix, or does more cavity screening just improve things but not eliminate it please?