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Sparky Mark

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Posts posted by Sparky Mark

  1. I've owned and gigged both HX115 and HX410 cabs and all of the following is IME/IMO. The 410 is louder and goes deeper and has a more controlled bass response (i.e., less boom) and more present mids. Two 410's with the LH1k will be monstrously loud! However, neither sounded as good with my LH1K as they did with my Hartke 3500 or LM3 heads. If you haven't already pulled the trigger I recommend you try a 3500 with the HX410, it also has a tube pre and a much more flexible EQ section which can achieve many more varied tones than the LH1K, and although only 350w will drive a pair of 410's perfectly well and very loud.

  2. +1 for the Ashdown EB12 180. It's got all the facilites you'll probably ever need, including a compressor, octaver and an excellent DI for larger gigs with PA and a great tone. I think this is partly due to the 12" speaker as when I bought mine, I also tried the 15" version and didn't thnk it had the same dynamics to the sound with identical EQ settings. It's small but not lightweight, but is a very useable amp for gigging, not just practice.

  3. [quote name='fostini' post='984326' date='Oct 11 2010, 12:34 PM']Hi mate, very interested in the cab, but I live in Manchester, and it would be a couple of weeks before I could get down to you. Is there anyway I could leave a deposit with you until I can pick it up? Can you leave a contact no? I would give you my mobile no. but they are not allowed to be used at my works site. (fire regs) and I am working mad hours at the moment.
    Hi Fostini,
    PM sent.

  4. [quote name='TheFear' post='892422' date='Jul 11 2010, 11:43 PM']my lad has aquired my 410 cab and peavey head as i have upgraded my gear, so he has decided to sell his Laney RB7, its in excellent condition and i have had black corner protecters chromed to give it a bit of a bling look
    im Looking for £150[/quote]

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