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Everything posted by merlin

  1. haha real good ad.
  2. I have been looking for years for that me sound,never found it.Have spent a fortune on all types of amp cab,but never been into pedals always been straight into amp,the sound I have at the noment,Im quite happy with,suits the band,they love the tone, if they like it must be ok,its also the cheepest rig ever..amp £129.00 two 4x12 cabs £90.00.
  3. I have been thinking along the lines of a Yamaha ,and will be trying one soon,reading this,its going to be a lot sooner.Want WANT WANT hehe,
  4. playing local pub tomorrow,going to dress like this,should be a short set/gig
  5. Have eyes half shut most of the time,too much thinking going on,hehe
  6. never mind,missed another,just my luck.
  7. looks great,want but no cash till middle June,will keep watching
  8. voted,first time,all great tracks,well done,it will be a long wait for anything from me.
  9. Mrs Merlin is still here after 30 years,not sure how or why,I dont deserve her,but I was a gigging bassist befor we got together,so she knew what to expect.We have forgone the new three piece suit carpets excetera to buy new amps guitars,so how long have I got? hehe.With the present band I have again the full support from Mrs M.putting up with my childish ways,constant GAS,all the things that go with a new band..
  10. In the car is best,I spent nearly 2k on an upgrade, now you can here everything,even squeeky bass drum pedals,totaly the best for working out songs,no I dont drive around with a bass on my lap,thats daft,its on the back seat
  11. I usualy start flat and tweek as required,then the drums start ,the great sound I had vanishes, but fighting with drum over tones can help with finding the "cut through"sound I like, when the guitar fires up its beer time, sort out any problems later as gig progresses.
  12. love it,what a great band, waiting for the next one now
  13. got GAS now for a Yamaha off to trawl the adds
  14. need a lotto win,nice bass,want want
  15. pm sent..
  16. Hi forgot I posted this,thanks for all your support,been with the band now some eight weeks,done 14 gigs,its really coming together,theres now talk of a visit overseas,things are happening a bit quick here,this is just wonderful..living the dream,cheers all.
  17. just play have fun,loads of great advise here,I play both with no worries,the more you play the better it is...
  18. did you get her number? want her to compare our gigs, shes great.
  19. just the one,no spare days,left in the week, just had a count up, 60 gigs left this year with a few more to add,loving it
  20. love it,they make it look so easy.Off to have a second watch.
  21. I cant get the better of three,passive!
  22. the US for me,thanks for the post.
  23. was no 40 great vid..
  24. have used Holst the planets MARS that works ,just lately been using the 1950 tv theme Munsters hehe
  25. I must be nuts I never ask the only questions I ask is where and when, just pleased to be asked hehe.
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