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Everything posted by merlin

  1. ups tnt all good,so far..
  2. got to be a Jazz
  3. love it
  4. In Ltd 5 sting fretless Db out Dean 8 string Yamaha rbs200 fretless Fender jazz Fender P Ibinez Artcore epiphone viola plus three rigs peavey Trace Mark Bass still some more to go
  5. Epiphone sold just two left,befor I start on the expencive stuff, thanks to you all Michael
  6. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1355945320' post='1904937'] Looked at his website..scared the hell outta me!! [/quote]+1
  7. taking up knitting..
  8. My Trayben Bootzy has a crome plated metal nut,
  9. great news,pleased for you all,
  10. duff drummer duff band feel your pain,just walked away from this type of band myself after weeks of trying to put it right,best of luck with the knitting..
  11. thanks ..on and watching
  12. sorry to say all the time,thumb in pocket,fingers banging out the beat..sad really
  13. Hi feel for you Ive just said bye to my lot,sounds like your best our of there,all the best for the new project..
  14. unashamed self bump,more pics to follow
  15. The girls up the youth club,seemed to like the local band,so why not...started to play bass.Sort of worked..after Bachman Turner Overdrive,great bass in there,it was the Whos,John E.And still is to this day still hearing lines and learning,
  16. Hi Keith brought a bass from me,great guy to deal with,super quick payment,thanks Keith..top man.
  17. Hi you all,I have a cheep DB and have yet to gig with her,although there is a blues jam this Sunday at a local bar I have been invited to,It should be fun, no idear of my capability,or that of the bass.She has only been played in the bed room,but imo sounds quite full...Ive been trawling the you tube vids and just love the tones used by the DB masters but as you have pointed out the way they are recorded effects the overall sound. sorry to have hijaked this thread. Merlin
  18. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1355237800' post='1895771'] There's a joke in there about diligently trimming back a bush, but that would be far too smutty. [/quote]Hehehe
  19. Again great comments,and thanks to you all for taking the time,was just thinking of how meny bands have I been in the last 36 years......its....8..the main reasons for leaving said bands was members moving ,married or we just grew appart musically.But now onwards.. Thanks again M.
  20. Yes love the Quo,something to do with my age....dragged up on these bands.still know all the words,but can not remember what I did two days ago???
  21. I used this as rehearsal time
  22. we are all on good terms,no nasty stuff as far as I know,its quite the best thing Ive done in a long time,looking forward now,to stretching out ,playing how I want toooooo The hardest bit is finding like minded musos RROOOCCKK ON.. .
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