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Everything posted by merlin

  1. Well done great news,I hope it all goes well for you.
  2. Ho hum yes I play every day,just a noodle to keep the fingers moving,old age ect.
  3. this last four weeks earnings as bass giutarist = £160.00 expenses =£130.00 I must be a pro..
  4. I would love to play half as good as this guy,going to be stealing some of those body moves tonight.
  5. I get up on stages,well the corner of a pub really and do the entertaining bit,I play the bass guitar,and have done for 35 years now,so perhaps I may be a bass player??Well after all these years when Im intoduced to people as a musician,they allready know I play bass,just from the way I look???
  6. I use roto flat wound,steel rods on the p and Fender 40-100 on the jazz,works for me.
  7. report..did the gig last night,had a really great time. I got the set list yesterday at 11am they were all old nos,rock standards..easy..yes the venue had reduced its pay rate but honoured the gig so alls ok.
  8. Im worried now,had a phone call Tuesday to do a gig saturday, (they only ask me when no one else can do it,also found out that the venue is paying a reduced rate is this why.) still no set list,and I know they play stuff in odd keys. Sent texts and emails,still no contact. but as soon as I see the set I know that all will be ok.
  9. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1350572493' post='1840727'] f***ing GO FOR IT! WTF are you even thinking about it for! The first option is a massive leg up and you should feel honoured to have that opportunity. Best of luck [/quote]wot he said,you lucky b.
  10. had a tape once of two nos drove around for ages windows open radio full blast,so proud.. two tunes I had done the music and arrangements for,and played on,chuffed or what.
  11. Had to cancel a dress rehearsal tuesday,mother inlaw 76 years very old, taken into hospital, me man flu,felt really bad phoning round,rescheduled for Friday,still got hate mail from the new singer ,to the effect would you drop out if it was a gig? edit,I own the 1200 wat PA and the lights,all he has is a mic...
  12. [quote name='tonyf' timestamp='1349218720' post='1823617'] Eeeeek. [/quote]plus 1
  13. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1348878067' post='1819512'] To me, Muse sound more airbrushed Playboy and PIL more Real Readers wives. It's what ever turns you on. [/quote] just spilt tea in key board. like PIL
  14. sorry way to off the wall for me,but best leave this style to the guys who understand it,
  15. up early cardiac rehab at hospital,then off to rehearsals at 1200 got a little feed up with the guitard,his vocal work not that great,but he thinks it is,home at three,out for a two mile walk ( a slow pace getting tired now) five thirty,cook dinner,wash up....,sit down watch film,totaly worn out that was yesterday,today feeling crap did to much yesterday
  16. looks good,where abouts in Kent?
  17. as Im getting older the strap is getting shorter,the bass now sits around the belt line,just on the beer belly.In the past the bass has been very low slung ,hit myself in the gonads once doeing the pose thing,bass thrusting,now all I get is sore ribs if I pratt about,but you do look very cool the lower the bass is the cooler. as for the guitard
  18. got fingers,but missing the first two talent and technique..
  19. love it,great stuff,nice bass tone...
  20. off to practice now,he shure makes it look easy...
  21. hi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwcTchtjrtI its not for the monies just for fun, bum notes are free..
  22. Last year this was happening to us,we thought too loud, wrong material ect,so I went to see some well known bands playing the venues we play..,these so called popular bands the ones all the venues book,they had about the same crowd as us, its not us the pubs are all the same,but we all love to play so any chance we get we go and have fun,yes I have played to one man and his dog,but like a couple of weeks ago the venue had two birthday partys in,great night,but the week after different venue about 20 punters,they stayed and we think they enjoyed it Is there an answer ? or is this just rock n roll ?
  23. Dont worry just go and have fun,some good advice here,but please dont do what I did .moved backwards whilst rocking out..straight across the drum kit,legs bass and drums all over the place,
  24. Sweet, nice one,have fun..
  25. [quote name='GT40Graham' timestamp='1346266877' post='1787275'] An old friend of mine had a club band called... Hugh Jarse and the Rockin' Bellies. The stage name of one of the guys was Don Kiddick [/quote] Haha just got it..
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