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Everything posted by merlin

  1. nice I want it, such a great bass.but will have a think,come back laters
  2. Hi never had a blister they have been very sore a few times,like after three long club type sets, or a new set of cheep strings but the trouble I have is the tendons in the old forarms they dont like it,and cramp up....
  3. yes there will be, will get them on here a s a p as soon as I can find a camara,that works....
  4. Hi can I play... been off work now for three weeks ( ill, heart attack) I have 15 basses,they have all been out for a clean ect,the only one that I have not put away is an old Yamaha rb200f a great bass to play,and its staying out ! [sharedmedia=core:attachments:102379]
  5. a bass in picture 3 ? best have another look...
  6. Hi yes pics to follow I put some on, but being a little slow computer wise the pics would not open, as soon as son gets home.. they will be done, sorry
  7. Hi Im not selling every thing I hope to play again soon as not well,I would love to swap but bills need to be paid sorry, thanks Michael.
  8. Hi Im selling my trusty Trace 1215 and Peavey 210tx combos,the Trace has just had the imput and out put bits done cost £300 and now works even better with this is a four ten cab, The Peavey 210tx is old but never realy used,this has a 15 BW peavey with it. prices:Trace combo..........£250 Trace cab...............£250 Peavey combo..................£150 Peavey cab.......................£75.....SOLD. Thanks for looking Thanks again.... ps would trade for a smaller lighter combo, Ive had heart trouble now cannot lift., thanks for looking Michael
  9. Traben Bootszilla....small ding by jack plug ......inc gig bag...........................................£250. [attachment=102382:Traben 2.JPG] [attachment=102378:Traben Front.JPG] IBass collection 2 ,5 string 1985ish very rare...hard case..............................................£300 [attachment=102370: bass collection 3.JPG] [attachment=102371:bass collection 2.JPG] thanks for looking all plus postage. thanks Michael
  10. Hi have you found any one yet,I could be the guy your looking for,give me a call 07794419080 look me up on you tube themerlinbass some of me doing covers,,
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