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Everything posted by JoeMischief

  1. I am leaning a bit towards a j neck. Thought that might be a bit more manageable. Also let's be honest IF she at a later date wants to a p neck and finds it manageable she can at a later date once she's commited more to bass.
  2. I'll have a look. Thanks.
  3. Paolo. Thanks so much. That's great advice and has really helped. I really appreciate you taking the time out to dive into it with so much detail. Great work.
  4. Hi Oliver. That might well be the way to go. Thanks for the advice.
  5. Thanks Lozz. I'd tried that and it's a complete mixture.
  6. Hey Paolo. Her tastes are VERY diverse and pretty developed. A lot of 80s 90s rock, but with a whole load of other stuff thrown in and developing tastes. I tried that cunning ploy and it's a complete range of p and j bassists. To be fair she may not know exactly what she'll want to play until she explores the bass. If she just liked a few bands or whatever it'd be pretty simple. Nice idea though. Thinking along the same lines as me.
  7. Hi. You're probably right. I'm just struggling with the idea of a DIY present. If it's possible to get it right I'd like to try. If it was a car then yes a LOT more discussion and less surprise. Also looking to pay for it a specific way so that should be our problem to navigate the limited places to purchase.
  8. Thanks. Much appreciated. I've got a lot of food for thought now...
  9. Thanks Paul. I'll have a look.
  10. Hi Valerian. That's a very interesting bass. Played the sample sounds and seems good. I'll have to trot off and learn about the bass itself. Definitely worth a look. Thanks very much.
  11. You're absolutely right. That in essence is the problem. Firstly we're trying (although maybe needs a rethink) to surprise her. Just because she's asked for a bass she doesn't know she's getting one... Were hoping for the element of surprise. Also being a sweet girl she'll likely just tell us what she thinks we want to hear. She worries about anyone spending moneybon her. Whenever she asks for something she always just picks THE cheapest thing and gets stressed if we suggest anything else. Is really sweet in principle and sounds perfect I know but if you're trying to spoil her a bit is a nightmare!
  12. I have done my googling. P, J, active, passive. The classifieds here just melt my brain unfortunately. Maybe geared more towards someonenwho knows their stuff.. ?
  13. Hi Pete. That's an epic video. Thanks. I think the predecessor to the Hohner Jack Custom I was eying was in there. It was being played at the same time as another bass so my untrained ear couldn't differentiate. I had listened to the Hohner Jack Custom and the Ibanez RB850 played on YouTube and to me they both sound great. I was happy until I was told I'd got the choice wrong, too niche etc. Both J as far as I can see, one passive/active and one passive. Trouble is for me everything sounds fantastic. I love the sound of a bass full stop. Like choosing clothes or jewellery. Easy for yourself as you known what you like. On someone elses behalf no so easy.
  14. Thanks Ed. I shall investigate further. Really appreciate the info.
  15. Good old Google and YouTube. Precision and Jazz basses different styles. Different types/sound/configuration of pickups.
  16. Had a look at the links. Thank you. Maybe a little 60s rather than 80s 90s vibe? Gives me a good starting point though. Wonder if fretless maybe a smidge tough as a starting point, but here to be educated? Sorry replied to rest of your questions in a seperate reply, but as didn't quote so may not have notified you. Still learning.
  17. Hi. Thanks for the response. She has an amp. Pretty sure is a guitar amp though. Her boyfriend is a gigging band guitarist so likely getting hold of something to borrow or picking up a second hand one wouldn't be an issue. The budget is just for the bass. She's very dedicated to anything she sets her mind to so if poss would rather invest more in a decent enough bass and then maybe santa can do the rest... She doesn't worry so much about being 'hip' if I understand that right. She likes to make her own style. Everything is used, preowned or made. Have nosed at Fender precisions, one from Mexico. Jazz bass? Is that for a jazz sound or a design? Thanks for the links. Will have a look.
  18. Hi. Complete noob here so hope I have this right. Sorry if I don't. Is incompetence not malice if I have messed up. Okaaaay. Appreciate there might be lots of subjective opinions so I might well be letting myself in for the whirlwind. Dumb guy. Lot of Google and well known online marketplace. Daughter 18th birthday. Pretty proficient on electric guitar, acoustic guitar and ukulele. Wants bass for birthday. She's massively into 80s and 90s vibe. Very cool kid. Fairly eclectic tastes, but loves rock/has some modern tastes. Listens to as much if not more 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s rock as anything. We have very max £500 budget and currently needs to be by PayPal. Hence well known marketplace. Partner wanted to go with a combo from a well known online catalogue website so at least am trying. Want to try to do something special/unique and vintage probably within our budget goes further and retains value better. 4 string seems sensible. Seems like I want a fair bit for my few pennies if poss and need to make a decision fairly sharpish. I'm very much not a musician. DJed a little before so understand some stuff, but let's be honest putting a needle on a record leaves me no more musically inclined than anyone who can turn on a light switch. Did spend a good proportion of mispent youth with budding guitarists and bassists so get that this is important. Have basic understanding of construction, what frets are, a few well known brands, passive vs active, etc. Have learnt a little about headless, ball end strings, bolt on necks, etc. I found a few that seemed interesting. Very good condition headless Hohner The Jack Custom and an Ibanez Roadstar 2 RB850. Thought was doing okay. Until I called a well known music shop for advice on them. The pretty quick conversation was 'They're no good, too niche. Get a Fender somethingorother reissue. Cheers. Bye'. It may well be spot on advice. Thing is I can't tell. Obviously the contact with the sellers is very positive about both basses. To be fair that's not a huge shocker though. They want to sell them. Again I cant tell from anyone what's right or wrong. Any advice, comments on these potential choices, alternative suggestions. To be fair anything might be helpful. I'm trying really hard to get this right, but finding out as usual the more I learn, the more I realise I don't know. Thanks. Joe.
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