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Everything posted by Ccwg_Bass

  1. Nice cab! I’ve just got one of these and I’m interested in possibly adding another. Have you got any shows down south at all? Derbyshire is a bit far for me to travel.
  2. Checking out Epiphone Jack Casady basses. I’m liking the Eb2 look on the top, mixed with a Les Paul lower. But what’s the reality? They look sweet, the vids I’ve seen make them sound sweet. Anyone got any experience with them! Pro’s & Con’s?
  3. Should I sell my spare head? Been wondering for a while. I have a Markbass LM3 & a Markbass LM800. I generally use the LM3 for gigs etc, and the LM800 for practice. How many amps have you got? Ever thought of shifting them? Do I need two amps, or should I shop one in? Hmm…thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rich


      Seriously though... I do have a spare amp (a Genz Benz Neo-Pak 3.5), but it's on a long term lend to a mate acting as the house amp at his studio in Bath. It would make sense for me to get something titchy á la Elf to take along to gigs just in case, but then again I rarely take a spare bass and never take a spare cab, so there's not much point. I've got a BDI-21 on permanent residence on my FX board anyway.

    3. gjones


      I've never had an amp fail on me but I bought a GK MB 800 which had some distortion issues when I first got it. The problem was sorted but it made me a bit paranoid.

      So from that date I always brought a spare amp to gigs and left it in the car......just in case.

    4. Sibob


      I have two Markbass LM2's, I take both to gigs, rotating them so that they both get played regularly.

      Makes sense to me to keep a backup when 90% of my gigs are paid and so I'm somewhat expected to maintain a working rig to keep things running smoothly.



  4. I’m looking for real world experience. Thanks for the link.
  5. Hi, has anyone got any experience of Dingwall basses for anything other than clangy metal?? I play in an alt.rock 3 piece and I’m really interested in moving to a 5 string. A good tight low B is something I would like, so naturally an extended scale length makes sense. I can take or leave the fanned frets really. Does anyone use a Dingwall for anything other than metal? What are the spread of tones like? What is the Darkglass preamp like? Is the overall package a one trick pony, or is there real versatility there that’s over looked? Cheers.
  6. Thanks SteveXFR, I am really looking to buy a ‘one and done’ 5 string. So I’ll defo check out a Ray35.
  7. Thanks for your reply. I will take a look at. Yamaha 735a on my travels
  8. Thanks for the summary. It’s very specific and a great help from your experience. I really appreciate your comments.
  9. Interesting, I’d never considered this. Thanks
  10. I have a Fender USA Dimension Deluxe HH iv, and I really want to get a 5 string for some extra low end at shows. My immediate thought was pick up a Dimension Deluxe V, but it seems that either I can’t find the one I want (black, maple neck, HH). So I got thinking about alternatives… I was in my local Guitar store the other day and happened upon the Sterling Sub Ray 5. It only has one pup, but everything else seemed to line up. It’s black/black with maple neck, active, fairly good value (around £400) and it’s available brand new, and second hand. So knowing how much I love my Dimension 4 string, do I chill out and wait for a 5 string to come along, or do I get over it, and go with the Sub Ray5?? What do you reckon?
  11. Taking a chance on an old thread… I’m looking for a Fender Dimension USA Deluxe V HH, if anyone has one or sees one in the wild… please please send them my way! Preference is for a black body/ maple neck.
  12. I have a Fender Dimension USA Deluxe IV, and I’d like to add a matching V string. Black would be my choice of colour to match my other bass. Does anyone want to move theirs on?
  13. Thinks a Fender Dimension Deluxe V HH would be an amazing addition to my collection…

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. javi_bassist
    3. Ccwg_Bass


      I really want a black Fender Dimension V HH, if anyone hears of one…send’em my way!! 👍

    4. Ccwg_Bass


      Still looking…

  14. Can't believe that Aurora head is hanging around unsold. I'd love to give that a new home...bit rich for my blood though.
  15. Dreams of young single Markbass Little Mark 800 heads, that are ready to mingle....and wonders if dreams ever come true? 😅

    1. Sibob


      I wasn't a massive fan of the LM800 that I had, preferred my LM2. Wasn't really too much noticeable difference in output between the two.

    2. Raslee


      LMT 500, beautiful dreams :)


    3. mcnach


      I agree with @Sibob

      I had both a LMT800 and a LM3. The LMT800 was not bad at all, but I liked the LM3 better. Since I didn't notice the LMT800 being much louder, I sold it and kept the LM3.


  16. I actually bought one of his cabs 👍
  17. Has finally found what I've been looking for!! Full rig...completed.

    1. JapanAxe
    2. andydye


      pics or it didn't happen dude, you know the rules :D 

    3. Daz39


      Heretic, burn him!!

  18. Still on the hunt for a Vanderkley 112mnt cab...anyone??

    1. Sibob
    2. Clarky


      One went up for sale on the forum today

    3. Rich


      Please note that this sort of thing should be in the Items Wanted area of the Marketplace. 



  19. Looking forward to some shows next week. Don't suppose anyone has a spare Vanderkley 112mnt they want to offload? 😎

    1. Rich


      Hold on, I'll just check down the back of the sofa... :lol: 


    2. Ccwg_Bass


      There's usually a few floating about. It's been empty on 112mnt's for ages...where are they all?? 

  20. Aches after a full on show!!

    1. Lozz196


      That`s what`s needed, shows you`ve done a good job if you ache after a gig

  21. I'd be interested in the 1x12 cab. Any plans to sell on its own?
  22. I used to have one of these. Absolutely amazing cabs! Good luck with the sale 👍
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