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Everything posted by Rib13Bass

  1. Now I want to tinker in my garage to create a pickguard capo
  2. The last version I did of this got a bunch of responses. It was also way easier This one has about the same amount of views as the last one at about this time, but it is also more difficult - and hardly any responses Im wondering if there is a correlation My channel is already done bizarre enough as it is that most of my content isnt really click-baity for the sake of being click-baity. Im also a former working bass player that is now a RN that does YT for fun.....it isnt a career choice I am a very experienced bass player, but Im old so I did this channel geared toward younger players but in a way for anyone with a sense of humor to enjoy - and not just bass players. I have an advantage in knowing and understanding a few things: (1) at my age (very late 50s), I understand that a lot of points in my experience may now be obsolete so I try to avoid those and (2) I dont think the music world revolves around my generation's music (I dtry not to yell at clouds)
  3. Yup....I saw that and I had figured it was you from here.....thanks for playing: I'll try to have the answers up next week
  4. simple quarter notes, slap low E string edit: occasionally a guitar player thinks this is a prelude to go into "Runnin With The Devil" where all Im doing is giving FOH my loudest possible extremity
  5. lol...I just did that to one of my P Basses (1980 Precision Special - replaced original Pre with Audere and converted Active/Passive Switch to Series/Parallel.) Parallel on passive P basses is thin, but this bass is active so a little Bass boost to compensate. Its like two Ps in one lol. The Parallel mode has that P voicing but it also has a little of that sizzle I hear in a Stingray. Very modern tone
  6. I was a working musician for 30+ years.....when I used a P tone, my pay never really increased......however, as the cost of living went up and I used a J, my pay still didn't really increase......so, I became a RN, started a YouTube channel for bass, and really don't care a whole lot about P vs J discussions <shrug> 😁
  7. Its back! 5 Different Basses with 5 Different Pickups in the P-Bass position
  8. Ive been playing professionally for over 30 years. In my early 50s, I switched careers and became a RN but, like you, Ive first hand witnessed bass guitar evolution and trends (or de-evolution as far as the 2010s til now is concerned lol) While there are many factors that affects tone, imo the voice of a bass comes from pickup placement (moving the plucking hand position affects tone of that voice similar to making vowel sounds with a persons mouth) and, of course, the newness and freshness of strings and their string type affects harmonic structure of that voice. Unfortunately, there are only x-finite places between a bridge and a neck to place a pickup. (See video below just going halfway - btw. I WANT this bass lol)........I think the next evolution will be doing what Line6 tried to do prematurely with the Variax twenty years ago. The technology wasnt ready then, but if they tried to do it now with modern tech modeling, including VST support and IR support, plus the ability to be MIDI controllers to control VSTi instruments like the Solemn Tones Kraken Bass VSTi (or control any VSTi, bass or otherwise) and also have the ability to just play as a standard bass guitar, I think they would be ahead of the curve ... Just in my Vonnegut Opinion(*) of course
  9. Yup, I agree.....on messageboards we only have text to convey our thoughts, we can't communicate actual body language or inflections to accurately perceive what someone is trying to communicate......so, yes. I'm just talking Spector as a generality of what is the ambiguous "gee that's kind of like a Spector" , the same way when we hear a Ric with that growly roundwound Geddy/Squire thing a lot of us often think "Gee that sounds like a Ric" even though 4001/4003s can get a multitude of tones( especially depending on string type), some which are far removed from that perceived "Gee that sounds like a Ric" sound When I replaced the pickups, I was just looking to make this bass active.....the ambiguous Spector- ness was just a happy byproduct of the result
  10. I wasnt going to post this but Im so tickled by how these EMGs I put in this bass made it sound very Spector-ish to me that I thought I should go ahead and share it anyway...or am I wrong about it being in the Spector ballpark? ( noticeable in the slap portion)
  11. This was new to me and fun!
  12. Im glad at least one person saw that I was just being humorous
  13. it depends: do A if you move around a lot onstage adding to the stage energy, smile and make eye-contact with the audience, freeing up your arm to wave or point at folks do B if you just stand near the drummer throughout the night
  14. ^ Came in to post this. Its called a "Push". If using Nashville Number System, its written with this symbol " ^ "....Its very common, especially in country songs
  15. congrats......nice color
  16. Fresh off the Press...Overall? Not bad for the money
  17. WOW!!! Hey my brother ! I miss ya, dude
  18. thanks for watching and the comment. Im the same way: Im a stocky guy so heavy basses don't really bother me, as they hang from my frame comfortably not too different than lighter basses when playing live...but I can definitely see how this may be a hindrance and a deterrent for those with different physiques than mine
  19. With the exception of weight, this bass is a very impressive Stingray alternative - - Soundwise: it definitely gets very inside the Stingray ballpark, enough to where it would be difficult to be able to tell the difference if part of a recording. What do you think? I'm curious if any of you are hearing it the way I am. Enjoy
  20. Congrats....one of those basses I always wanted to get my mitts on
  21. Wow....That was one of the nicest compliments I have ever recieved....Thank you so very much...That made my day
  22. thanks for the compliment......to be honest, Ive been slapped out for awhile lol...........on the other hand, i have avoided picks for over three decades ( except when warranted for studiowork) but have really come to love the plectrum a lot in the past year or so when doing rock and heavier styles
  23. Largely an opinion piece.....I just put this one out and thought I'd share it with you guys to hear what you have to say about these techniques
  24. my #1s History in mostly chronological order Lincoln (MIJ brand) Electra/Westone Fender Alembic G&L Musicman G&L again (for a long time) Sire Fender
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