i!! I have two basses to swap
Fender precision Deluxe 5 - passive works with 2 volumes and one tone, originaly was active but the last owner changed. Has a really good sound, some marks you can see in the pictures, the neck, the frets its ok, I took to the technician to have a look, so the bass is fine.Original case.
Ibanez 885 (made in Japan) - serial number F022289 - I took the frets by myself, so I hurt the finger board a little bit, you can see in the pictures. Works very well, good sound, very fast neck, comfortable to play it. Old case but inside is good condition.
I try to show as much as I could in the pictures. who wants to try them, its welcome.
I would like to swap them for one 5 string :
Sandberg JJ5; Sandberg PM5; Spector Rebop 5; Lakland DJ5 or Lakland 5502
this some options that I put, but if you have another jazz bass try me.
If someone has some interesting or question send me a PM.