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About Hemibass

  • Birthday 23/06/1992

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  1. Oh dear! What went wrong?
  2. Thanks. Nothing in the diary, but we hope we can get some more stuff off the back of this! I will let you know about anything we have planned
  3. New video for any of you guys that enjoyed the other ones!
  4. Hi bass dudes My Rush tribute band is playing live next Friday (June 28th) in Bracknell at the Acoustic Couch and I wanted to share this video here from our rehearsal we did last week. Geddy is my bass hero and I'm very excited to try and do some of his amazing basslines justice in a live setting. If anyone is interested, here is the link for tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/invisible-airwaves-a-tribute-to-rush-tickets-797365380317 Would love to nerd out over some Rush related bass stuff with anyone who can make it Cheers Hemi
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  5. Bass is still for sale in the Gallery, but I will still sell for this price (£2000) on here! GAS is strong. Hit me up if you are interested in this bass
  6. I actually don't have it anymore! I sold it on here last year. Decided after 10+ years of battling with it I would just stick to Jazz basses from now on haha. They just suit me too perfectly. It's a 1978 which I purchased in about 2010ish if I remember right. It sounded great (if that Ricky sound is what you are going for which I loved more than anything when I was younger), but I just ended up preferring both the tone and the feel of my Jazz bass in the end
  7. I'm not sure what a Bass Bash is, but it sounds like something I would enjoy. Always love seeing peoples bass gear. I'm based in SW London!
  8. I have been planning on doing a full rig rundown on my Youtube channel for a while but I have a new bass on order and kind of want to wait until that arrives before I make the video, but I can quickly list my gear here if you are interested. My main bass is a MIJ Geddy Lee Jazz bass from the mid-late 2000s, and I play that with Rotosound Swingbass66 strings. I have a Tech-21 GED-2112 Sansamp and a Trace Elliot GP12X (distorted sound and clean sound) which I blend to get the bass sound I want. Those go into a Palmer PDI-05 speaker simulator. It's a similar setup to what Geddy used in the Test for Echo era, which is my favourite tone of his. Here is my Youtube for anyone interested: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4dlAoqg21GSUqNZX3GuA9w
  9. I didn't see this thread until I googled us to find the link for the tickets to our gig haha I'm the bass player in this band (Invisible Airwaves)! Thanks for all the nice comments guys. Lovely to hear. And can confirm, Tamas is a very cool guy Maybe see some of you in June!
  10. Yeah my Burner 6 which is listed here is going to a guy in September for £2000 (assuming it doesn't fall through or anything) I would imagine a BT would get at least 1.5x more than my Burner... I've seen 6 string BT's on reverb for upwards of 6k in the past year or so. Admittedly reverb keeps the final sale price quite well hidden so they might not have got that asking price...
  11. That is a bloody good lineup of bass players haha. I was lucky enough to see Geddy multiple times, Les Claypool and Mark King three or four times each and saw Chris Squire play once. Those are the guys I have been most inspired by over the years. There really is nothing like being in the same room as them watching them do their thing. Masters at work. I just hope I get to see Geddy play live again at some point!
  12. That's an incredible thing to have been able to see. You are very lucky to have those memories Hemispheres is a top tier Rush album for me too. One of the very best albums of prog Rock from the 70s. I even have the album cover tattooed on my back
  13. Oh man. That is amazing!!!! I am so jealous right now. How was the gig? One of my 'top priority time machine destinations' for sure
  14. Price drop to £2000 (just on this site) GAS kicking in and I want the money for other purchases! (1972 Jazz bass maybe <3)
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