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Everything posted by ColinB

  1. Oooo - this is going to be fun. I love these threads!
  2. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Broadchurch-West-Bay-Sea-Air-The-Broadchurch-Effect-Straight-To-Your-Door-/332120065725?hash=item4d53e606bd:g:UQcAAOSwx-9WuiMR"]mmmm - almost like being there![/url]
  3. You should fritter your money on it!
  4. I believe that these new style switching pots are small enough to fit in thin bodied guitars like SGs which have always required drilling for little switches if you want coil splitting.
  5. I use Norton and everything's fine here.
  6. All the best, Jazzneck.
  7. Genius, just genius. I am speechless... I have no speech!
  8. I've been a fan since the early 70s and seen them several times. They (+The Beatles) were my inspiration for taking up the guitar. I'm really upset. RIP Rick - never forgotten.
  9. It's a very good buy. I have one with just one Fane Sovereign 8-225 in (so I can still use an extension cab) and it's a truly belting little amp.
  10. "Because I thought the carpet would look good on the table, that's why!"
  11. It's brilliant. Not my thing, and I couldn't listen to a whole album of it, but it's still brilliant.
  12. ooo - very glam. Nice one!
  13. I'm not sure what the tech will be able do with your cat!
  14. I'd try contact cleaner in the valve sockets first. [b]Switch off amp and let the valves cool down[/b]; remove valve; spray cleaner (NOT WD40); replace valve with a slight circular wiggle motion to scrape the contacts together. Then, if this doesn't work, try swapping the pre-amp valves (the small ones) around and see if that makes a difference. If it does, you'll need to swap out a pre-amp valve. If any this makes no difference... take it to a tech.
  15. Listen carefully.... [color=#ee82ee]*ping*[/color].... I've just found the first person to put on my ignore list.
  16. Stunning!
  17. mmm - if your tone really "cut like butter" then you may want to hang on to your pedals 'till you come up with a better analogy!
  18. ColinB

    DIY Effects

    The SHO only crackles when you set the level, apart from that I like it on bass. FuzzDog's [url="http://shop.pedalparts.co.uk/Quiet_Boost/p847124_11255314.aspx"]Quiet Boost[/url] is a SHO without the crackle. If you look at the instruction pdf then there's a circuit diagram for it.
  19. Strange... I've been listening to a lot of Pink Floyd today after decades of Floyd silence in the B household. I never really 'got' them when I was young, but now.... Comfortably Numb.
  20. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1478599238' post='3170113'] Anyone looking should snap this up now.. [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=160608298360007-495685"]http://www.guitargui...98360007-495685[/url] [/quote] Yep! They've knocked £0.99 off the price! Who said discounting was over?
  21. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1478542076' post='3169760'] I don't understand how Brexit (which is nowhere near happening) has devalued sterling so much and yet America is about to elect one of 2 shockingly bad candidates as President tomorrow and the $ isn't worth 10p. [/quote] mmm - HRC will be very much "business as usual" no matter what you think of her as a character - she's an able and experieced politician. There may well be a "thank goodness it's not Trump" boost to the markets ..... or a long, drawn out noooooooooooooooooo, depending upon tomorrow's vote. EDIT: looks like WinB and I think along the same lines!!
  22. Nice one!
  23. Seaside Shuffle - Terry Dactyl and the Dinosaurs.
  24. Monster Mash - Bobby 'Boris' Pickett and the Crypt Kicker Five I Don't Like Spiders and Snakes - Jim Stafford
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