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Everything posted by ColinB

  1. I just bought [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/9V-EFFECT-PEDAL-2-AMP-POWER-SUPPLY-ADAPTER-WITH-5-WAY-DAISY-CHAIN-CABLE-/201305659482?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2edec0985a"]this[/url] off ebay. A 2 Amp supply for £10. Seems to work OK for me.
  2. ColinB

    DIY Effects

    Have you tried [url="http://www.technobotsonline.com/sensors/opto/light-sensors.html"]Technobots[/url]?
  3. There's a lot of info on [url="http://johnkvintageguitars.homestead.com/Overdrive-Pedals.html"]here[/url], including a soundclip of the (modded) spark boost. I have a Joyo American Sound and I think it's great. So does JohnK in his review (and sound clip) of it further down that same page. At around £21 w/ free p+p from [url="http://www.donnerdeal.com/american-sound-guitar-effect-pedal-joyo-jf-14-bypass-orange.html"]here[/url] it might be worth a try.
  4. Has Kermit started doing voice-overs???
  5. That's a real shame.
  6. ColinB

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1428046959' post='2737334'] Found it, thanks, although the above boards have a different layout. The Fuzzdog (Poodles) one won't fit in a 125b like the above Si [/quote] mmmm - I noticed that after I posted. However; If you don't board-mount the pots then I think it would fit with the PCB vertical.... (mmmm - I can't use that image extension so no piccie I'm afraid. It's [url="http://shop.pedalparts.co.uk/Bad_Mofo_Bass_Overdrive_Preamp/p847124_13944061.aspx"]here[/url].)
  7. It sounds like you want a clean boost pedal - or an e/q pedal with a gain control. There are zillions to choose from at every price point from about £20 and up.
  8. ColinB

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1428017818' post='2737236'] Where are the PCBs and ICs from bud? Looking great!! Si [/quote] Look's like the poodles's work to me.
  9. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1427992356' post='2736839'] Your dad is a bit good [/quote] Indeed - I'm going to forward this thread to my dad and see if he takes the hint.
  10. Wow. Can I suggest earplugs?
  11. We hav ways of making you tock......
  12. [quote name='darren' timestamp='1427957151' post='2736190'] They do a v3 1x12 now that looks, and may sound, better than the v2. Not sure how much all that would cost. [/quote] £226 from [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_rumble_112_cabinet_v3.htm"]Thomann[/url].
  13. I've been listening to Joni's albums today and hoping she pulls through.
  14. ColinB

    DIY Effects

    I've now built a pedal to allow me to choose two other blend settings on the American Sound pedal a couple of posts up. I chopped into the split'n'blend at the orange and blue wires (see a few more posts up) and took them to the tip and ring connections of a stereo jack. (The sleeve connection is earthed through the aluminium encloseure so that can't be used.) Then, in a separate enclosure with a stereo jack, mounted a momentary switch with a 10k resister in series with it and put that in parallel across the tip&ring. Then I mounted a DPDT latching switch in series with a 250k log pot and also put that in parallel across the tip and ring. I put in a battery powered LED using the other side of the DPDT. I made a stereo patch lead to connect the new box to the American Sound pedal. The AmSound is set up as always on, with a barely detectable amount of drive, and when I step on the latching switch that effectively changes the resistance of the blend control, depending on the pot setting, and I get more drive - but no increase in volume. I didn't like using boost pedals because I didn't want the volume jump. If I hold down the momentary switch I get almost full 'wet' blend for those few instances in our set list where I need this sound for 4 bars or so. This doesn't change the amount of drive - it only changes the wet'n'dry blend in my signal path. I think it sound very good and I'm really chuffed with it.
  15. Why did I click on this thread? I was perfectly happy with my basses and now you've gone and done this!! White, tort, bound r/w with blocks, side-dots I can actually see, active.... and MrsB's just had her annual bonus. Jeez! p.s. Great review *sigh*
  16. [quote name='Muppet' timestamp='1427873933' post='2735180'] I can confirm that there is bracing and damping inside the BG250-115 and I find it plenty loud enough. [/quote] That's good to know, thanks.
  17. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1427838700' post='2735006'] <snip> The drive options are pretty poor/unusable for me...... [/quote] I agree. I also wish they did a reverb and/or delay set of tone prints for the amps, especially as they're what you'd want at the end of your effects chain.
  18. You really are a very lucky man. Congratulations.
  19. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1427784827' post='2734101'] Ouch! [/quote] To be fair.... they also loved 'Mack the Knife' and 'Something Stupid'.
  20. You could make your own footswitch for a tenner, especially if you didn't want the mute: Here's a video on how to make one: [media]http://youtu.be/Pb-4WJDYqNM[/media] For no mute, miss out the middle part of the circuit with the 2 diodes and the switch. The two switches are momentary switches, not latching..... and it will still mute if you press both switches together. ( I've made one.) However; the big downside is you can't run LEDs off it 'cos they're momentary switches. You can, using the switches, turn either effect on and off, and you can also flip from one effect to the other. Without the LEDs I wasn't prepared to use it live. The effects 'remember' the toneprint pot position that you stored, so you can flip between two effects that have different pot positions. If you then tweak the pot while that effect is on then it will jump to the new pot position. I really like the 'Shakubu' Vibrato.
  21. I've just returned my BG250 to GAK after being met by a stoney silence when I switched it on. That was after ~5 weeks of bedroom use and one rehearsal. Actually, that was my second one - the first one was trashed by ParcelFarce but that wasn't the amps fault.
  22. [quote name='ianrendall' timestamp='1427663190' post='2732863'] I'm considering a JB Player's to replace my TC BG250 115. It's plenty loud enough, but I find the low end lacks definition and is a little muddy. However, the sound quality increased massively when I raised the amp off the floor. I'm going to experiment with this a little more before I decide on a new combo. I've never touched the toneprint stuff save for a bit of curiosity when I got it. The music I play doesn't call for any effects. Most users of these amps use the SpectraComp exclusively, but I've never really 'got' compressors. I'd be interested to know what you think of the JB Player's combo :-) [/quote] I've heard it said that the TC BG combos don't have any bracing or damping in the cab and that taking the speaker out, gluing some 1"x1" batons in and adding wadding makes a noticable difference. However; I tried to remove the speakers from my BG250-208 and found they were stuck down as well as screwed down, so I didn't try and lever them out to check. I've heard the same about the Fender Rumble combos, too.
  23. "The Grease Mega-mix" and "Sweet Caroline" went down very well....... and "YMCA".
  24. Played at Newbury School Ball on Saturday..... it wasn't looking promising. They'd only sold 75 tickets; my amp had died on me on Wednesday and I had to use my home made 30W valve amp into my extension cab; it was the first gig with our new trumpet player; and our keyboard player had tripped over and fallen very heavily on Thursday. She'd badly bruised her face and could hardly move her left hand. The stars were not aligned! From the second song the whole audience danced the night away and everybody had a great time - even though I sounded like an always on fuzz-box! We even finished with Hey Jude and had them all doing the na-na-na bits. However; with the clocks going forward it meant I got home at 3.45. We got a great email from the organiser saying how pleased they were. [size=3][font=Helvetica][i][font=Arial]Thank you so much for your wonderful performances last night. We were absolutely delighted with the evening and I hope that you all enjoyed it too![/font][/i][/font] [font=Helvetica][i][color=#222222][font=Arial]We have found some pictures on your facebook page and wondered if we could use some of them on our facebook page? We will of course, spread the word on how brilliant and professional you all were![/font][/color][/i][/font] [font=Helvetica][i][color=#222222][font=Arial]I would also like to thank you for all your support and flexibility when making all the arrangements- you came recommeded as being totally reliable and so it proved to be[/font][/color][/i][/font][/size] ....and there're music stands!
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