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Everything posted by ColinB

  1. C'mon - you know the rules......
  2. Excellent news indeed. I've got a 250 and I'm really pleased with it.
  3. As good as new after a couple of years..... but I've never tried to take them off so I don't know about what they leave behind.
  4. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1426068158' post='2713905'] Really? These basses have not been involved making a single piece of music that I have liked or listened to since I discovered what a bass guitar was. [/quote]
  5. For the final 7 years of my teaching career I taught in a girl's school, and they would tell me about the harassment that they would get from men..... and it made me ashamed for my sex! 13 year old girls should be able to sit at Reading train station at midday without a middle-aged man sitting next to them and asking "d'you want to play hunt the sausage?" This sort of abuse was regular!
  6. I built my own compressor, the [url="http://madbeanpedals.com/projects/index.html"]Madbean Afterlife[/url] and I really like it,..... and so does [url="http://www.ovnilab.com/reviews/after.shtml"]Ovnilab[/url]. [size=3][i]...[color=#000000][font=verdana, sans-serif]so however you build or buy one it's a strong contender for "best micro compressor". [/font][/color][color=#000000][font=verdana, sans-serif]I recommend the Afterlife very, very highly for clean, basic compression.[/font][/color][/i][/size] [size=3][i][color=#000000][font=verdana, sans-serif][/font][/color][/i][/size]
  7. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1426001390' post='2713275'] How about this then,. Nasty cheap chinese slave labour junk ! Behind the sofa yet ? [/quote] How about this then: What an ingnorant blanket statement. Try: In my opinion it's cheap junk, and in this case it happens to be made in China - and I don't have a clue about the working conditions.
  8. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1425995163' post='2713179'] Am I the only one who finds the whole "Chinese junk" thing a bit off? [/quote] Nope - I do, too.
  9. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1425743764' post='2710284'] As daft as this sounds you could actually buy a genuine HS guard and modify a single coil pickup housing to fit in the gap as a fake S pickup thumbrest? [/quote] That doesn't sound daft at all - it's a great idea.
  10. oooo - that's nice! Congrats.
  11. Rehearsal cancelled - so there's nothing to report back, I'm afraid. (Except it fits neatly in the boot of MrsB's car which is fab. No more driving the van to rehearsals now )
  12. As an (ex-) teacher, I can tell you that there are plenty of teenagers who love The Beatles.
  13. I'm using one and so far I'm very pleased. Rehearsal on Saturday so I'll report back after that. However, we're a quiet band (un-mic'd trumpet and sax, piano and excellent drummer who uses those bundled twig-type sticks) so I won't know how it stacks against a guitarist with a Marshall. The e/q is very powerful but the toneprint on its own is not really useful in a gig situation - you can't beam a new setting to it between songs. It was great to try out different effects and means I use a chorus now (Boss CE-3), but I've set it on SpectraComp and left it there. p.s. With a phone call GAK matched Thomann's price with next day delivery
  14. If you're looking for cheap and decent then you could always try the [url="http://www.cheaperpedals.com/products/joyo-vintage-phase-jf-06-pedal"]Joyo JF-06 Vintage phaser[/url]. They're £23 from [url="http://www.coda-music.com/joyo-jf06-vintage-phase-pedal-p-12083.html"]Coda Music[/url].
  15. ColinB


    I've found that a 10k resistor brings the bright blue down to a really good level. Try a variety of different values using a 9V battery - 'tis quick'n'easy.
  16. Many moons ago, playing in a pub on a Sunday lunchtime, the singer's brand new radio mic (of which he was very proud) picked up a local taxi-cab. How the other three of us managed to carry on playing through the tears of laughter I'll never know. One of my all-time favourite gigging moments that I will treasure for ever.
  17. ColinB

    DIY Effects

    I decided to put my Madbean Afterlife into a 1950a enclosure. I replaced the Ghostnote mod with the original resister as that's where I'd found it to sound best anyway. I also tried to make a neater wiring job after seeing Si's work.....
  18. Nice one - you old romantic, you.
  19. ColinB

    DIY Effects

    I found this: [i][color=#000000]A neon indicator lamp (and its series resistor) are wired in parallel with the appliance and indicate that the power is on. Once lit, it has an extremely high resistance and the current flowing through it is tiny. If you wire it in series with the appliance, the current flowing through both will be very small and nearly all of the voltage drop will be across the neon lamp.[/color][/i] [color=#000000]....and found [url="http://www.intl-lighttech.com/applications/light-sources/neon-lamps"]this[/url] about series resistors for them.[/color] [color=#000000]Hope this helps.[/color]
  20. ColinB

    DIY Effects

    Wow - that's neat. I like that a lot!
  21. ColinB

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1424341417' post='2695248'] Built a quick EM-Drive clone for a friend, Fuzz Dog PCB, nice and easy, sounds fine (for a light guitar Overdrive). Stencilled a Bear on it.......cos he likes Bears mainly: Si [/quote] C'mon..... let's see inside!
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1424270674' post='2694563'] How durable are these inlay stickers? [/quote] I've had mine on for about 3 years now and there's no sign of problems.
  23. ColinB

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='nick' timestamp='1424262636' post='2694468'] I've built one of those before, put it in a 1590A enclosure - fantastic little compressor on bass. Try a higher value resistor, say 15k to dim down the brightness of that migraine inducing blue LED. Also, I rub those blue LEDs with a bit of fine sandpaper, to take the sheen off - gives effect of diffused LED. Much kinder on the eyes [/quote] ooo - thanks. Lots of good info there.
  24. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1424198500' post='2693777'] Before you buy another one look [url="http://www.musik-produktiv.co.uk/fender-rumble-500-v3.html"]here[/url] then find another company that price matches European prices. I got GAK to match this price. [/quote] Good link, thanks. I've just ordered a replacement TC BG250 from GAK and gave them both the Thomann and Musik Produktiv prices, and they price matched the Thomann one (55p cheaper than MP). That's £31.55 cheaper than list and delivery tomorrow! Great service.
  25. ColinB

    DIY Effects

    This is the Madbean Afterlife Compressor with the 'Ghost Note' sensitivity change mod which basically adds a threashold control. I've put it in an old enclosure I had lying around - I'll get a new one in my next order. I think it's really good with guitar - I haven't tried it with bass as both my bass amps are u/s at the mo'. I put an ultra-bright blue LED in - that may have been a mistake as I can still 'see' it each time I blink!!
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