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Everything posted by Ralf1e

  1. Any you find that are dusty or damp and mouldy can go in the roadworn pile.
  2. Generally top end automotive polishes will do a great job BUT you have to be very careful with nitro cellulose finishes as they are so thin and rather soft. You could find there isn't too much to polish and wear through it. Best to try and find out from where and when made what finish would have been used before you start.
  3. Sometimes it is but then again I have known them to be sent over on Sunday morning. I hope that isn't the case to the church I have moved to in the last 4 months. I find a 5 string very helpfull with Eb etc as long as I remember I am one string adrift from a 4 string oops 🤣 I recently strung one of my 4 strings BEAD but haven't played it enough to feel confident with it yet.
  4. Now if you are good enough to sing and play and be able to worship and encounter God as well, good for you! (I'm not yet). So why have you had so much to say (I'm not yet). So don't talk listen! One tongue two ears
  5. Black with the gold screws. Is a black pickup switch surround with gold wording available as well? just a thought.
  6. I will wire it to the 16 ohm in series as that is a tube amp that can do 8 or 16 and the other is a Peavey Mini Mega at 4 ohms with power to spare. Thank you for the help and quick responses. I am not risking switches
  7. The challenge is can I wire a 2x 8ohm speakers in one cab both in series to a jack socket to use with one amp (16 ohm output) and in parallel to a speakon socket for an alternative amp (4ohm )output without using switching or will the speakers being wired both ways at once cause expensive smoke. Amps connected one at a time to either not both at once. I should be able to see this but I can't get my head around it. Born too soon I expect
  8. Glad you are sorted. A computer cooling fan would do that job.
  9. Not knowing your skills please forgive me if I am about to teach granny to suck eggs. Don't pull them all out at once if there is any danger of them being tight enough to be part of the strength of the neck i.e. it may forward bow on you if they are helping to hold it straight.
  10. As above. Trading is a good idea and sound advice. What is your bass and what area are you in. Maybe someone on here has what you want and likes fretless as well as fretted as I do.
  11. I second him. I bought my wife's Yamaha Stage custom kit from him. Excellent service and delivery and it arrived with nothing missing unlike some stores I could name.
  12. My cat snoring the the dehumidifier backing band.
  13. Greetings Benavente. Enjoy the chat
  14. Wembly music/drum centre. For used gear like the drum pedal we have found Gumtree to be very good. We got my wife a very nice boxed DW 5000 for a very good price which we can't remember. It was as new. Cymbals is more a face to face thing or ear to face thing. Lots of bargains to be had from classified adds though.
  15. For me I just found so much of it to do with the USA which is great if you live there I suppose
  16. I have been using it as a practice amp this week running it into a 15" Wharfdale bass cab. It sounds good and has that valve warmth. I will try it with 210's later. Even using it at only 7 watts instead of the full 15 watts is loud enough to practice alongside a guitar plugged into a Conford Harlequin without either being turned up a great deal I ran it at half gain and half volume using 7 watts and with the boost switch turned off. It is clear but warm without being distorted quite a way beyond that. Will try to do more testing during this week when the neighbors are not home. Yes it can be that loud. For guitar I previously ran it through a pair of SubZero tens each of which has a Celestion TEN30 in it. That sounds pretty good as well. Interesting you mention Guitar amps for bass. When I was in my teens (54 years ago) I recall bass players favouring 100 watt Marshall lead amps over 100 watt Marshall bass amps because they gave a clearer sound with more punch. Hope that all helps.
  17. Some one owes Bees a lot of money for the intellectual property. That bankrupts it before it starts🤣
  18. And it’s all thanks to a 200-year-old harmonic concept buried in the back of a dusty music theory textbook. Because this harmonic concept reveals that there are four “master patterns” hidden on the bass fretboard. That didn't exist 200 years ago according to the career of uncle Leo
  19. I have used 2x10 with a 1x15 before and got a nice big sound. If I need to play somewhere now that requires a big backline sound I use a Peavey Headliner 4x10 with a 2x10 on top driven by a Peavey Mini Mega. (according to the Peavey spec they do match each other) Lots of tone and bottom end in there I don't miss the 15. The 10's will do it for you. If you have to turn that up beyond 3 gain and 3 Volume in a fair sized hall you are going to damage ears. In fact if you drive a G&L Legacy through that you will shake the building at that level. I will generally run it at 9 O'clock on both dials Max I appreciate for a lot of people on here Peavey have gone out of fashion but they do get the job done for not too much money.
  20. Oh no Now someone is going to start a 9 page conflab about where your left thumb is. Anyway that's not SBL, that player has hair 🤣
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