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Everything posted by Ralf1e

  1. Made in Japan Squier @ £286. If made as well as the other MIJ Squier basses I would think that was a steal.
  2. Too much monkey business. Looks like something fishy going on judging by that sole
  3. One of the worst finishes on a neck ever and he boasts about it Its in a dodgy part of good old London. I tend to switch off of most ads when I see that and I was born there.
  4. A candidate for Crimson Guitars guitar museum. The veneer job was worth more man hours than the rest of it. The decimal point was put 2 places adrift in the price 😀
  5. Never saw this until now. I would have had a go at that. Grumpy now!🤣
  6. Absolutely and lots of modern tat displayed as rare or collectable
  7. I bought one on a whim a while ago from an elderly guy that was selling all his stuff off and said he won't be gigging anymore. I went to buy an Ashdown amp from him and he showed me all his stuff. He only wanted £25 so I took it. Its only a Glarry cheapy but might be fun if I can get myself into gear to have a go. It needs a bridge set up apparently.
  8. I thought shipping was free over a certain amount. Can't remember what it is
  9. Wow! They have it covered. What a great design and practical tool that is. They have basses planned. Let us hope they make a go of it and don't disappear.
  10. I like the sound of it and with my background in metalwork and furniture manufacturing I spent alot of the time watching thinking about how he could have made it lighter I didn't come up with an obvious solution until just now while writing this. Honeycomb the core. It worked for racing cars so why not? Or tig weld the entire thing as a semi hollow. Lovely guitar anyway and a worthwhile project. I like it. Bit cold for this weather though. Brrr
  11. Thank you for that great insight Personally I don't care how good someone is and how much better than me he is. I don't want his name on my ******** guitar. If I could outplay the bar steward it might be different but then I would cross out his name and write mine on. he he he Not gonna happen is it he he he
  12. If it is a built up circuit board rather than a potted preamp have a good look at it and see if you can spot a bulging or even burst electrolytic capacitor or more. Little black barrel with two legs sticking out underneath. They are known to die of old age and are one of the things that often need to get replaced when an amp gets a rebuild. Also look for dull looking solder joints. If it has little amps in there in a socket (they look like little rectangular black spiders) make sure the legs are clean and that they are well seated in the socket. They are known to work loose They look like this. If you pull one out don't touch it's legs we have enough static to zap them. Hope that helps to identify the obvious culprits.
  13. It looks clouded to me in the photos. Like they used a dirty gun after not cleaning out some colour. Wheres the grain gone?
  14. I have seen a thread about this subject on either here or TalkBass. I believe the idea was shown that the tone pump j can be swapped out for the more advanced tone pump model which is said to sound better and also has a little pot in the back making it adjustable. One of the things many owners do is turn the tone pump down a bit as they feel it is too much from factory setup. Personally I have left mine alone. It has bart soapbars and I love the range of sounds it gives me to choose from It is a euro LX 5 string. Not sure how other models sound as I only have the one.
  15. I don't call offering something for free "touting my wares".🤣
  16. Has anyone used Alloy 5109 Strings Distributed by Sfarzo strings USA. Got some on EBay stupid price. Thought it was for a pack of 5 It was for 5 packs of 5. Last of the stock.
  17. I thought all the good looking models were screamers er! I mean singers or Guitarists🤣
  18. Does anybody still use Rotosound strings? I used to really like them, in fact I have a packet of Rotsound RS 66 LB Swing bass 35 55 70 90 Stainless steel sat on my desk in front of me. Bought them ages ago before I moved home and just found them the other day while looking for something else. Anyone want them?
  19. What a fantastic transformation! I had forgotten how horrible it looked when you got it. Looked like it had been dipped in tar. Now it looks like is was made to be like it is.
  20. Black perspex/acrylic steet available from Amazon makes good covers. An alternative is clear sheet and spray the back with matt black paint. Gives it a look of real depth.
  21. I believe if you persist a little at a time with hand exercises as well you will play through it. I had some wrist and finger troubles as well as balance issues a few years back. Got blood tests at the daktari and it turned out to be Vitamin B12 deficiency. I now take B12 shots and have no problems Might be worth asking
  22. Am I right in thinking you ride motorbikes in this cold weather? That will be your clutch hand then. What do you think could that be helping to upset your hand?
  23. Good point. I will try to get better picks later when the light is more user friendly. The colour is not showing as golden as it is on this device today
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