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Everything posted by Ralf1e

  1. So when we re-read SteveXFR's original post again we see he didn't mention muting at all. We all just added that ourselves! Maybe non of us have actually answered his original question (apologies to those that have) . Happy boxing day Steve I do pretty much the same as you. As it is the plucking hand I also press the thumb firmly against the forefinger squeezing the quill for a firm grip pulling slightly backward releases the feather from the skin best. It is also better to do this while the bird is still warm for best results. If done correctly you should have a naked bird in your hands in no time. Ahh those were the days.
  2. Well worth the effort. Looks classy now.
  3. Realy? Hofner,Gretch,Guild probably a host of others? Lets make it a quiz Where were the first stringed instruments made not just guitars but all stringed instruments. I'll start the ball rolling David who defeated Goliath was a musician who also made stringed instruments.
  4. I saw that somewhere else today but not in that same photo? Online somewhere.
  5. Have no idea what you are on but I am glad I don't use it It's just one of a raft of popular quotes misattributed to Einstein and other people. https://www.businessinsider.com/misattributed-quotes-2013-10 I'm surprised more people here have never seen it before. The fact that you didn't actually answer my statement but just quoted B****x totally irrelevant to what I said just shows how out of touch you are with the reality the rest of us on here understand. Case proven
  6. Have no idea what you are on but I am glad I don't use it
  7. Bucket of water will sometimes stop, em Failing that open up the cage and let the tiger out. 🤣
  8. My dad used to nickname that The Burglars Gazette
  9. You can see Steven Hart guitars here https://m.facebook.com/HartGuitars?eav=AfaVONJXAU9VpnfOqD0wQr3LZBWrXDUrBunKM1BrOjc2QCziYzJ59TP8A3qKkcUsMXs&paipv=0&_rdr
  10. They have to extend beyond the end of the body unless you recess it or you won't easily be able to get your fingers round them to tune them.
  11. How can peeps on here get so stressed out about what ultimately is the future of some body else's bass? I had a saying in the workplace You don't get paid any extra for nervous breakdowns or heart attacks. This is not a place to batter people over the head with your ego. It is a place to love and help your fellow players to be at their best and to chill out while doing it. Divas hold microphones or play lead guitar please please don't join them by going off to sulk
  12. I think you're very brave. I have been contemplating converting something to headless but I really cant bring myself to do it to any of my basses let alone something I love. Anyway enough sentimentality. May the wind be at your back with the project. Looking forward to seeing the results 😊
  13. Indeed there is the Lekato one is very good and less money https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0885SSQ56/ref=syn_sd_onsite_desktop_266?ie=UTF8&psc=1&pd_rd_plhdr=t
  14. I have no idea what Mr Bowie said. He is dead. The sweet comes out better on an owned guitar bought and paid for. Not a Joke
  15. Joke "I don't I steal em off a thief"
  16. Not being funny but have you still got them? You might want to get your address of of here.
  17. You didn't get a pallet of ex Pete Townsend guitars as well did you. That would have been smashing lol
  18. Go on tell the tale what date did you buy it? You blanked it off lol
  19. baby boomers and generation X die away along with their demand for Alembics, pre CBS Fenders Treachery 🤣
  20. quote Thee is no such thing a "A SET UP". There is your preferred setup which will be slightly (or even very) different for every single one of us here, What bit of a setup did you not understand you say there is no such thing and then go on to describe why it's necessary. Apologies paid by pay Pay Pal to er*****bla bla bla
  21. I have over 10 bought online and have never had to return one also others bought face to face in shops or from ads on Gumtree etc Most things will require a setup anyway. Maybe I am just not fussy enough. To me even if a neck needs shimming or similar it doesn't surprise me after all these things are assembled by human beings. Obviously higher end stuff you expect the setup to be playable out of the box.
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