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Everything posted by Ralf1e

  1. One of the best most melodic bassists I have ever seen was playing a bassoon. He was a friend of mine and my accountant as well as a fellow church musician. He could play by sight reading, sing like a bird and learned drums as well. He later bought a bass guitar and asked if I could advise with teaching books etc, I asked him why he wanted to learn bass guitar when his bassoon playing was so beautiful. He said "ralph to be honest your beautiful melodic bass playing makes me feel inadequate" That made me cry and it still does leave me fighting back the tears as I write this today. I had felt the same about him. Moments like that don't come too often in life.
  2. Happy birthday week S'manth. ?? I thought you were a Thunderbird Fanatic. No more of them then? Nice looking bass anyway🤗
  3. Oh no not going back to the days of bubblegum music
  4. From interviews he has done I think it might be his custom Warwick. I might be wrong. He says he only uses about 3 basses including his signed one which goes on most of the records.
  5. Just saw this tonight. No doubt there was thumb wandering going on there. Somehow it still manages to sound brilliant. Naughty Leland.
  6. No its OK and it is cordless washable and wine and beer proof. Need I say more? 🤣 Oh nearly forgot Tescos were stupid enough to sell them off at about £5 because no one knew what they were at the time. We have three. They are still going strong after about 12-15 years at a crude guess.
  7. I hope this doesn't spread to left hand fingering technique or I might be in a bit of trouble 🤣
  8. That's interesting. I don't use a pick for bass (although I used to use one for guitar) always my fingers and when I sing I can only sing using the fingers. So we are different but neither of us is wrong! Also when I sing some worship leaders get upset because a I have a very powerful in tune voice. oops naughty me.
  9. You just answered your own question. House prices are crazy😃
  10. My most expensive bass is my Spector euroLX 5 string. I bought it from Andertons as B stock for £1830 because it had a one inch chip out of the finish where someone had banged it. That was a favour to me as it got me about £700 off the price it would have been. I love it. It is so well made and finished. I also fail to see how the home grown versions can be better made and finished but then I haven't seen or played one which is good because having retired I don't have the money to buy one anyway. To kind of put that into context. The Westone Spectrum LX models I have were only available as two necks in the case for one year I think 1986. I believe as the flagship models of the company they retailed for £750 at that time. The build quality of them is awesome as well. Inflation calculator shows that as £2054.60p
  11. I agree rather than agro! My thumb above the joint opposite the base of the nail goes against centre of the neck it gives me a comfortable, relaxed, strong enough grip and is not tiring. I do the same for guitar chords. I never wrap my hand around the neck like a club. Works for me. I think I learned it in the ultimate guitar book some years ago. Mind you I also think I didn't learn a lot of other things from that book that I should have.
  12. Thank you for the replies. That is where I am and gets me started in the fine tuning stages.
  13. Welcome to the Asylum have a great stay🤣
  14. Bought Skinner's fretless bitza that was on here at the weekend with a view to stripping and oil rub finishing it. It needs a bit of neck angle adjustment. Not a problem but before I proceed. Is the neck relief on a fretless generally the same as we put on a fretted bass or is something different recommended? TBH I've never had to set up a fretless from scratch before so thought it wise to ask.
  15. Totally agree intonation is a no go on that! As for pole position. They don't matter too much as it happens and you can get the strings to sit equally between the poles which works well. I once new of a cheap shitty bass that was fitted with a genuine original 60's strat pickup and it actually made it sound about 1000% better than the stock crap it came with lol Now a question. Did Seymour Duncan loose the court case or whatever it was they bought over the use of tiger stripe pickups. i.e. one black half one white. I seem to remember they claimed the idea as their intellectual property. Never did find out how it went. Anyone know?
  16. I had a Peavey MK 6 Brilliant amp I had BW 1x15 and BW 2x10 with it. Great sound. Sold it to move house 😢
  17. Strange that. I have never played through a Hartke but have never heard one that sounded like it had any guts either. I have always thought it might be the alloy drivers which seem to suit slap. Maybe maybe not?
  18. Welcome from snowy Buckinghamshire.
  19. Welcome, This is the place to learn something new. Not sure how much of it will be about bass though 😀
  20. Welcome Vasco, Have a great time.
  21. Ralf1e

    New Member

    Welcome J your in good hands, enjoy
  22. Ralf1e


    Excitement on the horizon. Welcome, have fun.
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