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Everything posted by Ralf1e

  1. He message me back for my tel number and is making arrangements. I gather he isn't there but someone else is.
  2. I've messaged the seller anyway. If it's real and it seems so I can't see it being there for long.
  3. That sounds like it but its sn says it was made 03 2006
  4. What fell of the back of a lorry? Or something else?
  5. Ooo err I just looked up the serial number on Fender sn finder site Search Results Serial #Model #DescriptionDate Z52200720111400300HWY1 J BASS RW 3TS03/2006
  6. I don't have experience of real Fenders to be able to tell but I thought it might be of interest on here. Do you think it's real? Might be someone who doesn't know what they have.
  7. Before you get it relisted I would block that buyer so he can't interfere with the advertising a second time. Had one do that to me some years ago. Won it didn't pay then bid on it again when I relisted. Then got aggressive when I cancelled his bid.
  8. Found on Gumtree this morning. I think its maybe fake Please view this ad: Fender Jazz Bass usa 2005, https://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/fender-jazz-bass-usa-2005/1448059036 Price: £ 370 EMG pups 60th Anniversary North London S Number Z5220072 Might be worth a look for anyone close enough.
  9. I have the Boss Waza Air. It is good as headphones but keeps cutting out from the database using any of my 3 Android devices, hence it is the most expensive pair of headphones at £350 I have ever bought and not really good value when it doesn't do the job it was made and purchased for. If you have an I phone you may find it better as for me. I was very disappointed in Boss over this.
  10. Welcome Brian, I think many of us are past the 1/2 way point. Enjoy the banter
  11. It doesn't remove the harmonic. It picks it up and gives a thicker fuller sound not denying it but enhancing its contribution.
  12. I love all this stuff, for me it is so much more interesting than go in the shop play it buy it but never know how its made or what makes it work.
  13. The idea is based on the harmonics on open strings. As an example there is the 12th 19th 22nd what would be the 24th 26th 29th etc based very quickly on my Thunder 3 The neck pickup sits right under what would be the 26th fret if it had one. Some are far more prominent than others 12th 19th 24th 26th. You would expect 18th not 19th so maybe I need to give it a fresh set up. My G&L legacy 5 agrees with all of the above including being on the 19th not 18th It also has a lovely strong harmonic at 255mm from the 12th fret on all 5 strings although its pup sits behind that spot by about 40mm to the centre Lets assume someone somewhere has a database of pup positions and harmonics. Right own up who are you? If not maybe one of our mathematical experts could start one.
  14. Absolutely! You only want to cut once. If someone has done the work already its there to use. He demoed that idea for me on a school built guitar my son never properly finished. I put Seymour Duncan SH-11 Custom Custom in the bridge position and a Dimarzio Fast track 1TM DP181 in the neck. It sounded huge for a made at school botch job. Mind you I did an awful lot of other stuff to it. I still have it to this day.
  15. Told years ago by next door neighbour who was a guitar tech come builder that best place to set up pickup placement is to make sure they are under the harmonic. In an unknown instance he would mount them upside down over the strings using little blocks or even matchboxes to get the exact spot to cut the location for the pickups. It does make a massive difference to the fullness of sound if they are not under a harmonic. For better or for worse according to your personal taste I suppose.
  16. They are out there. My Steven Hart built 5 ff headless. He even makes some limited stock to keep busy. This was one he had in stock when I came across him.
  17. I have 5'ers and dont really use the G string very much. I do tend to wander up above the 7th fret quite a bit though
  18. Tis a lovely example of the lesson sometimes you have to let go of something and trust something better will come your way as a result of that.
  19. I wasn't referring to the light I was looking at the transfer. lol
  20. Not yet but I am very tempted as I like to stain and hand oil a timber finish. I could even be tempted to add a fancy top to it as an experiment. I have some black walnut will do nicely for that. I also have some red cherry somewhere.
  21. I like the look of that very much. But I'm not very happy about the designed and boched by Fender on the back of the headstock. Oops my eyesight again 🤣
  22. I had a beauty like that. He was diagnosed with a tummy tumor at age 19. Had steroid injections until he finally died in my arms aged 23.
  23. Best bit of advice I ever had was learn the major scales. Start with the tonic/root note and go through the scale pattern. When you have done it enough improvise on the major scale pattern. Now for the best bit. You can slide that pattern up and down the neck and you will be playing in the key of the tonic/root note you started with or resolved to. You will also have pentatonic and blues scales hidden in there. Just ignore them and use passing notes. It works for jazz so why not. Last bit, that metronome will become your best friend until you sound like a metronome. Practice until your fingers get strong enough and hardened off. Do stretching excersises and then practice some more. Don't take time out and keep going and you will be doing rather well before we all die. 🤣
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