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Everything posted by Ralf1e

  1. Got to see him for the first time at Blues scene Thames hotel in Windsor with John Mayal's blues Breakers when I was about 14-15 I think. Not sure of the year. Jeremy Spencer unbelievable on slide and Mick Taylor on lead and I think D. Heckstall-Smith on sax. Great intro to blues at the time Loved it.
  2. You could try having a look at what rastafari do on you tube. They did a Christmas gig somewhere on their tour and it went very well. Just a different kind of feel using reggae Might be worth a look to see if that thows up ideas. Also have a worship leader guitarist friend in his 70's who came up with the idea of putting the words of "There is a green hill" to the tune of "The house of the rising sun" It actually fits really well and because its a slower tune it helps the words have time to sink in instead of just blasting through it.
  3. This is a bone of contention and a bit of a tricky one. We always taught our children from a young age that the story of santa clause was a lie. It saves having to tell them later in life that you have been lying to them for years and at that point they have the right to doubt everything you have ever said. To not tell a fellow Christian when they are in error is the sin of omission and is not acting in love. If you love them you will gently correct them when they are in error rather than allow them to continue in sin/unbelief. The gently is something I personally am not very good at at all. I was in a church some years ago when the young fresh from Bible school pastor tried to justify his stance on keeping the lie to his children going to the congregation and ended up as good as preaching Father Christmas. Yeshua/Jesus didn't hardly get a mention that day. That pastor has been out of the ministy now for some years where he can do less harm. We continue to pray for him but believe he went back into sales as a profession. Bottom line is do I tell them the truth or allow them to continue to believe in the lie. We do the same to people we meet every day and we are all guilty of it. God will help us Amen
  4. Ralf1e

    Got wood?

    Drool, Drool, Drool. Deep Breath "though shalt not covet"
  5. I can relate to that. I just had a run around with calipers this morning measuring bass necks and overall string widths just below the nut. The narrowest was Classic Vibe 70's Squier Jazz bought recently at 38.5 neck width and a 31.08 string width The widest 4 string was my Aria SB900 which surprised me with 45.25 neck width and a 36.89 string width. Not that far from my 5 string G&L L2000 Legacy @ 45.6 and 38.87 I never even think about neck widths. I just spread my hands out a bit more. I suspect my playing is not as refined as most on here 😀
  6. Ralf1e

    Got wood?

    Also in different colours
  7. What have the tuners got to do with me not understanding Do Not Feed The Trolls? I think you quoting the wrong post for your answer. Mines a pint!
  8. Sorry I am not up to speed with the short cuts but |I get the point now. Thankyou
  9. So your a teacher which makes you an expert right? 🤣 How many of your hours teaching would it take you to buy that bass? If you could get the materials for free (which you can't) How many man hours would it take you to make a bass that good or better? Are you sure you have not let brand snobbery cloud your judgement? My father (who was massively well qualified) always said those who can do! Those who can't teach! Was he talking about you per chance? Gift horses and mouths come to mind!
  10. That spreadsheet is something I recently realised I need to put in place. I must get that done. Nice reminder.👍
  11. Some people have far too much self control 😀
  12. Ah but the question was Do you know. We don't have to know. I just thought it would make a fun post having been caught out myself.
  13. Well you know. Cymbals and snares are where the money is👍
  14. I have a 4 strings Ormsby bass with a dark glass preamp. I noticed just yesterday that it can loose the two top strings it you are not carful with the preamp
  15. Threaten to mutilate them! Someone on here will buy them! 🤣🤣
  16. I play in a Gospel church. No point in me playing the groove for them to bop and worship to if I'm sat down and I don't like sitting anyway so for me it works out great.
  17. Strange title I agree but at the weekend we got to the building and were getting ready to set up. One of the recent arrivals from Nigeria who is helping us said to me. "Bro Ralph how many basses do you have?" I am on my knees opening a case with a fretless+ fretted necked Westone spectrum LX in it. His eyes are popping out of his head because so far he has hardly seen me with the same bass twice. Everyone within earshot stopped in their tracks. After a bit of thought my answer was "I don't know" Massive amount of laughter from the gathered group who stopped to earwig. I then told him I'll work it out and let you know" Had a count up yesterday and sent him the result. 15 basses, 3 ubasses, and 4 electric six string guitars. (ducks the incoming artillery) By the way we worked out today I have also given away eight guitars, two basses and six amps to friends or family Now the question is How many of you without cheating know instantly exactly what you have or am I the only old fool around here?
  18. Can't sit down and play. Have to stand up and move with the groove👍
  19. My wife has a stand for tablets to use with her drums. Steel base plastic top but it does the job
  20. Thank you for the encouragement. I don't hate slap bass. I just feel I am too far down the food chain at 69 years young to learn it when there are plenty of other skills I need to still refine. I only retired this year and at last have the time to get in as much of a life's worth of practice as I can. I've always been too busy keeping the bloody wolf from the door to play as much as I should have 🤣
  21. Strat style do work with bass strings and on a cheaper bass as in the past considerably enhance the sound. If you slant the pickups a bit you need to keep them as close to the harmonic as you can for the richest sound. If you have been happy with it and I assume you have been happy with it's sound as well why change it? Dimarzio make nice single coil sized humbuckers with twin rails across the top for 6 string guitars. They might fit. Great pickups.
  22. My gast is seriously flabbered. I hope I never get spiked with whatever he may have been on. Now I know why I don't want to learn slap bass
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