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Everything posted by Ralf1e

  1. Laminated timbers are far more stable than single pieces of timber. Yes for sure there would be nothing to complain about there unless it was allowed to get wet/damp but then that will wreck havoc with any piece of wood with a few exceptions like African mahoganay and Teak family timbers which are known to wander off course anyway.
  2. It's the get them out the door and worry about it later or not at all syndrome. Best guess is they don't get enough time allocated to the task to be done. What is so difficult to get into peoples heads is that for every unit that ends up no good and gets shipped out like it with low profit margines you have lost the profit out of maybe as much as 100 good units to win that back.
  3. All the posters from the Bullying subject are listening to and learning Eye of the Tiger 😂😂
  4. Paper is generally made from wood pulp. So what's the wood they pulped 😉
  5. It all depends how much of the beer batter you drank.😉
  6. And don't forget if its active it will sound different with different makes of tone batteries in it😂
  7. I thought it had all been unusually agreeable so far 🤔
  8. Boats as well. Marine ply isn't cheap either and it doesnt fall apart. Not to forget skateboards made on a mold.
  9. Lots about high cost to low cost basses above. When you buy the economy version you are buying the basic item no frills. Next up the all singing all dancing top of the range same item covered in all the frills. Flame tops, quilted tops and facings. Gold plated tuners etc. Different fretboard material (does make a difference) In the furniture trade we referred to them as decorative features. A nice looking piece of timber is actually a pretty looking grain that is more likely than not difficult to work because as far as stable timber is concerned it is a fault which is usually useless structurally but marketing has turned into a positive. It doen't and never will make the guitar sound any better and using it for necks is a very brave move. Move being the operative word here. If you find a gem with cross grain across the neck RUN! The result is you pay more because it takes more operative hours to build and because they can get away with inflating that price. Now for those that like to troll! Yes I have worked in the furniture industry in the frame making department of a high end manufacturer. Yes I did run the frame shop. Yes I did make continous product and process improvements. Yes I was responsible for checking quality of incoming timber and the only person qualified to sign it off. Yes I have been a member of TRADA for longer than I can remember. No you can't pick my brains I'm now retired and enjoying BC and playing my basses and other things. Although I am always happy to share what little I know to genuine people with genuine problems. So bottom line is 1-2k bass nice sound instrument one hopes. 4,5,6,7,k bass=more work fitting decoration and make up. Recently bough me a Squier 70's cv jazz for £220. Didn't need it just fancied one Fabulous instrument no frills. Big Grin.
  10. Looking at that nut I did wonder if its been lowered with a hot iron. Fast method if you have the skill to wield it and tidy up the sprue afterwards. Only work on plastic though.
  11. If he knew they were going to take photos he might at least have had the decency to have his hair done.
  12. It might have been I can't remember it was about 45 years ago.
  13. I've bought two 6 string guitars from them both Harley Benton. Both were B stock and both needed a light set up including dress fret ends. Both were amazingly well made. A semi acoustic 335 copy made in Vietnam is astounding. Also bought strings and stuff and HB little valve head for guitar. No shipping issues other than I got hit with a totally incorrect as in high import duty bill from one of the courier companies they used which wasn't their fault. Problem there is you can't get any real answers from the courier companies.
  14. How can they try to say that if it arrived like it from new. Modern kiln drying takes something of the quality out of the timber and if not done correctly can still leave timber being more inclined to move. There is a reason timber seasoned naturally takes years and is better and yes it costs more as well if you are lucky enough to find it. I have seen badly back bowed necks and burst bodies on what are considered higher than average priced instruments. Builders should not take short cuts when they claim something is built to a high standard neither should they bury their heads in the sand over problems. It's only when you face your mistakes you live on to correct them. That should have been filled on the production line not left to fosters you off of from buying another one.
  15. MTD not familiar to me. I dont get out enough.
  16. Did you accept it and put it right or did the store sort it out? It it now OK? It seems to me there must be a lack of training of basic setups at the factory. I believe they are earning a bad reputation for what are fabulous guitars for the sake of a proper setup. The bones are all there as is the electronics. They are worth their money easily once sorted and more. Yeh it's alright G&L we will finish them for you but you are loosing potential owners hand over fist from people that cant finish them off themselves. Strangely enough my 5 string came set up so well I haven't even felt the need to dressed the frets yet. Ends are fine although the frets would benefit from a polish. Just goes to show the odd good one does get through🤣
  17. Mine came with Bartolini from new. Don't know if it was an option or not as it was a B stock from Andertons because it had a fairly large chip in the finish. I digress sorry. I love the sound of it with the barts but have never played another one so can't tell you difference. From what I have seen others have said it is a softer or warmer sound with barts than emg's. The barts are a different configuration as well being soap bars
  18. Yes I was bought in to the Gospel church where I play to do just that.
  19. Anyway to get back on topic does anyone on here watch Ben doing Crimson Guitars videos BURN IT
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