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Everything posted by Ralf1e

  1. You got it yet? Come on spill the beans
  2. I cant remember the model number or whatever but it had metallic bronze paint and I think twin carbs or something like. Maybe a 1300 model or something I just remembered I got it from a friend who gave it to me. I feel better now! I did know a guy who had an Allegro coupe and had far more value of spare parts put in it than it was worth as new. Lucky for him he had a friend who worked in the spares department of the local agency.
  3. Course not. Would you like to buy my Squier anniversary P bass nicely genuinely age faded Only. £2k
  4. You remember that movie where the filthy rich guy offers the young couple a million bucks to spend the night with the wife. Apparently he doesn't collect vintage guitars. Shrug
  5. Oh Testicleese I seem to recall I gave one away and it was a high end model.
  6. I was thinking similar thoughts. I would strip it to bare wood oiled finish. But then I wouldn't give hardly any money for it. It doesn't become a better instrument no matter who played it.
  7. Not all strings are made to fit all basses depending on scale length, thickness of the strings etc. A bass usually needs to be set up for different types and makes of strings. Mind you if you tried your idea out you would certainly learn alot about doing your own setups, assuming you have the time. I recently bought an unplayed Squier 70's classic vibe jazz for £220 including a gig bag. It certainly does not/did not need any new pickups or other changes other than a light fret dress and truss rod adjustment and even then only 3 fret needed doing up near the neck joint. Fabulous bass no money. I suspect the one in the advert is not like that. It's fretboard finish looks wrong for a start although I couldn't find the advert as Gumtree opened my Gumtree app and carted me off to the wrong page bless em
  8. Not to my taste. Don't understand the sharp edged routing around the body either. Makes it look like someone forgot the binding. Just my view I don't like sharp edges on a bass.
  9. Your bridge is a right handed bridge fitted upside down. Hence the saddle lock has puched the saddles out of line. Photo of my right hand 5 string. Also the little loccking luge on the switch washers is in different placed on all thre G&L Legacy basses I own. It appears sometimes it is the only way to fit them into the cavity without rewiring the whole thing. On one of mine I also found sawdust shavings in the neck pocket that pushed the neck to one side and slighty twisted. Once removed the action could be set perfectly. I don't have an answer as to how to straighten your saddles other than some filling etc I would be inclined to go back to Guitar Guitar and ask the question. Why is this fitted with a right hand bridge. It may be an assembly mistake at the factory otherwise all lefties are going to be like this. Not good for a bass that is fantastic in most other areas. Hope that helps.
  10. Greetings Have a great time
  11. Thanks for the link really good read and yes you learn something everyday or in this case several things 😀
  12. Anyone else want to tell this guy it was developed as a field dressing for the Vietnam war. I E designed to be taken apart later once the victim was off the battlefield. It cant withstand damp at all it falls apart after a while
  13. Superglue has a low life i.e it lets go after so long and will not hold as long as a real wood glue. Great for model aero planes and filling blemishes but wont last as long as the real thing
  14. I can't agree enough with all the above comments about the bad taste of that ugly abomination Maybe he didn't sell it maybe it just flew off on it's own.
  15. Desmond and the aces. So what was it realy I never knew
  16. So your an imposter then and not a count at all. 🕵️‍♂️
  17. Because I have ear issues I always though Lady Ga Ga was singing Cherry Pie Cherry Pie instead of Can't read my Can't read my on Poker face.
  18. I have a euro lx 5 string that came with the barts as standard. I like it very much. The soft sound suits me as I play gospel in church.
  19. I like that. I made some many years ago highlighting the notes of each scale. One for each scale. Fantastic learning tools. Tried to scan some into my computer last week the swine scanner wont send em some problems with drivers. Looked at the brother website and followed it to the letter. Still won't install them. Grr
  20. Na you serious. weeps into bank statement. Actually in the last year I gave my German built bolt on Warwick thumb to my grandson. He is progressing nicely from what he had before. In fact from since only playing from last October he is almost unbelievable. Show off. No one was there to do that for me so why not.
  21. Na course your not, Jack Bruce played with Graham Bond Organization. At the time might have been the daddy of us all. Oops ducks missiles.
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