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Everything posted by Ralf1e

  1. I saw John McVie with John Mayals Bluesbreakers at blues scene at Thames Hotel Windsor and Jeremy Spencer on an old battered slide. Astounding player. And yes John McVie was a legend of his time
  2. Please bear in mind that we span many years and styles between us so please no bloodletting I'll start the ball rolling with Greg Ridley right through from his days with Spooky Tooth to Humble Pie. Much has changed since then but as a youngster I loved what he did.
  3. Gives us time to recover from what we bought in the last 3-4 weeks They seem to have thought of everything 😀 Bar Stewards 🤣 They should go into politics, at least we would get value for money then rather than what we get for our taxes now Grrr Sorry moment of weakness.
  4. I understand you very much. I personally play for a Gospel church in Oxford. My job is to make the groove and as we are you never know what is going to happen with spontaneous worship always being around the corner. It is hard work but a great way to play. It has grown me a lot. It can be frustrating if an unexpected key change turns up but I love it.
  5. It sounds to me like the neck is not seated into its pocket properly as happens when sawdust is left under it making an incorrect angle. I have found this on new basses as well as older ones that never got a set up. As others have said throw it back at them. Or bring it to me and I will breath on it for you.
  6. I liked what I heard. Loved the tone you had. I felt at times you were not quite sure how you were going to deal with some parts but if you have only played it once before you are far better than you are showing us. Which I thought was very effective bye the way. If I was at a gig listening to you I would be very happy about what I was hearing
  7. I like the Pink one and the Green one but I recently bought a Squire 70's CV Jazz in natural and should not buy any more basses. Aai help! I mustn't look!!
  8. Not a problem they can make you a star with the corrective software they use for most of the other stars nowadays.
  9. Harley Benton are releasing a Jazz lefty in surf green. They are being talked about on these pages. Maybe the best value you will find
  10. Harley Benton are releasing a Jazz lefty in surf green. They are being talked about on these pages. Maybe the best value you will find
  11. Sorry your request just died over on the Would you fret a vintage fretless p bass? thread
  12. Have you looked at ear training apps on the phone. A few out there
  13. And I thought Loopers were a new invention. I am shocked
  14. You can't say that! We got tomorrow to get through yet. But then again when I woke up this morning I found myself alive hhaaa That's always a bonus.
  15. No No No No need to go that far. We can always just take them apart and swap bits round a bit. No need to play them, we might get sore fingers or backs or wake up the neighbors. Nah stuff it lets do it!
  16. Famous bad advice "Look my Lord they're firing arrows" Hastings 1066
  17. Reminds me of some one from the same era. Maybe Gentle giant. Long time ago not sure now
  18. Welcome Joseph, Nice looking old friend you have there. May the extra exercise do the hand good.
  19. I used to practice in the dark and I mean cant see the fret-board anyway. So I guess I play by ear a lot as well. Mind you it screws you up when you cant hear yourself as others are too loud. I gotta put one of my fretless necks on now thanks to all this. I've not tried it for years since taking the top off my left hand forefinger. 🤣
  20. Perfect! You have made a decision! You cant be wrong!
  21. Lets put it like this. Not everyone who can read and write is an author, play-write, poet or philosopher. Not everybody who can drive a car is capable of driving a Ferrari, F1 car, Rally car or even a lorry. Not everyone who rides a horse can show jump or is capable of being a racing jockey. Not everyone who can cook is a master chef. It doesn't detract from all these people are capable of, neither can you say they can't do them because they are not the best. It is ironic that the best players among musicians can end up in an orchestra pit while others who cant even write musical notation end up writing songs and singing and playing them to a willing public. You can write bass lines on a computer with absolutely no musical knowledge whatsoever and many are the wealthier for it. Some of those in that orchestra pit can reproduce perfectly what is written for them and I envy them that dedication and skill but many of them are quite simply not creative and could not write a piece to save their lives. They are not artistic. So how do we try to grade every different level of skill. We can't
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