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Everything posted by Ralf1e

  1. Some while ago we had a similar problem our piano/synth player didn't turn up. We had just a drummer, a gonga drummer and myself covering the rest of it on bass along with the singers. Some people afterwards claimed it was the best worship yet. God is good, Amen
  2. As the saying goes. You cant teach stupid!
  3. I bought a G&L 2000 tribute and now I have two more. Two 4 s and one 5. They are infectious, there is no escape ha ha ha😂
  4. It looks a small body but its still thick and heavy. I have always thought it should have had a longer horn as the Arias did. I still love the huge bottom end sound but detest the guitar like top end in the active mode. It sounds silly to my ears.
  5. Ok thanks for that. Maybe they are not as abrasive as they look. 😀
  6. First time I have noticed saddles that look like screw threads. I would have thought they would damage the strings. Maybe I need to get out or study bass photos more. Personally I would scrap em and find some brass ones.
  7. I actually think it was worth your effort. What a lovely thing that is. I am a fan of timber with grain showing but that defies its age it looks like it might have been made next week. Are the Kent Armstrong pickups the hand wound variety made by themselves rather than the to their design versions. Also any links to sound clips on the horizon. Congratulations on filling your dream.
  8. I am sorry I must be mr crazy town overkill as I use a Peavey mini mega sat on top of a 2x10 Peavey with a 4x10 Peavey to hold it up. I play in Oxford City so I am realy mr crazy city overkill. But as my settings are gain 9 O'clock and master vol at 9 O'clock I am heard and felt amongst the din of drummers and singers that can stop a tank at 100 yards lol but I am not loud. Used to use Peavey black widows awesome speakers, can't get them anymore. The new ones are cheap and good. Buy the speakers not the hype. Your own ears are far better to judge for you than any amount of anything we or any advertising can write. Do the leg work have fun as you do. You won't regret it. And if you do it will be your own fault ha ha
  9. Absolutely. If you have to tweak the tone etc a little bit all well and good if you find the sound you want that is where you want to be. There are further very effective tone controls built into your bass guitar as well. At which point why do you need a muti thousand whatevers pedalboard to make you sound better. Zero the tone on the bass, zero the tone on the amp, don't add any effects. Do you like what you bought? If yes sign here you got the job. If no you just criticised your own judgement in the gear you bought. The salesmen at every shops you visit must love you deeply as do the designers of lots of stuff we don't need. Oh my steinway piano I must have some electronic gagets put in to adjust the tone. As you probably guess by now I love banter he he
  10. They look very tempting but I mustn't. I have lots of basses. If I bought one of those my three G&L's might lynch me for mixing with outlaws and being a traitor. Starts thinking about what he has already to release the GAS.
  11. Yes I picked up my lovely old vintage Westone Thunder 3 the other day and for the first time in 30 years noticed it's neck dive. It seems that having a Spector Euro5 LX and a Headless FF 5 string by Steven Hart guitars has spoilt me as far as playing comfort are concerned. oops!!
  12. Same here with the exception of gain and volume. They both go to about 9 o'clock.
  13. My experience is that a little backline bass combo disappears under the onslaught of two drummers (rock kit and congers) and 6 to 8 powerfull singers who shout. Also that is all going through 3 retired 1400 watt powered tops being used as monitors. All of which reinforces your argument to get rid of stage monitors in favour of an alternative and saving everyone from going deaf.
  14. Suppose you just used a power amp either stereo or bridged with no eq section at all other than that built into your bass. Would that do the trick? Or do power amps have different sound colouration according to design, maker etc? I suppose they must. What are anyones thoughts on that. Would that help the op
  15. I also agree. I was always taught and believe more middle gives more punch.
  16. The concept I was trying to describe is the upright array like the rcf units but with an extra small speaker in the tower facing backwards as a monitor. It would need adjustment for volume to provide foldback to the band not a thunderous row. 12" never came to mind I was thinking more like the 3,4 or 5" or whatever they are. Hope that makes my thinking clearer.
  17. Thanks for that. I didn't consider bouncing off the back wall. Back to the drawing board lol
  18. I have been reading this thread through and have what to me is an obvious question. Has no manufacturer out there yet thought to put just one backward facing speaker into those array enclosures to provide economical foldback to the band while the system sits Foh? If not it's about time someone did.
  19. What a guitarist needs and what he likes to use are never anybody else's idea of sensible lol or did you mean bass guitar?
  20. I would look for a Peavey mk VI head and some black Widow speakers. Both are close to indestructible and do pop up from time to time. I sold a set 3 years ago due to home move. Sob Sob. Huge sound for the money if you are willing to wait to find one.
  21. Believe me when I wrote this earlier I had never seen this. https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Risa-Uke-Solid-Soprano-Electric-Ukulele-Natural/1YS7 I am shocked. Gear4music must have me bugged lol
  22. Fashion? Following the heard? If so and so was given a ****** bass by the factory for free they must be good? Therefore I have to have one because I want to be like them. Then again sometimes it is just plain attractive or built with attention to detail. Example When a multi part body or neck is built from several different timbers but you run your eyes and fingers over it and it looks and feels like a photograph. You then pick it up and put it on and it's sits at a perfect playing position FOR YOU! (Then the joke bit) Then you plug it in and it sounds awful so you quickly take it off and buy the one that looks like a cricket bat fitted with strings.
  23. The one I used sets clear after the bubbles come out but looks clouded as mixed. I think different makes of epoxy can come out a bit coloured. My difficulty was colouring the bare timber under the chip concerned before building up with epoxy. I used a brush and did several layers sanding between each then final sand and polish using mixed types of buffing wheels on a drill. I will try to take some photos later. I wasn't going for perfection TBH. It is on a B stock Spector Euro LX I was never going to do an invisible repair on that finish. I also used super glue in the repair to touch up tiny cracks on the damage. I have no idea how Andertons ended up with that damage on a £2500 bass but as I got it for £1540 and its not in an obvious place so I can live with that. I am sure yours will be better disguised by the time you have finished.
  24. I seem to recal a thread at sometime in the past that said no courier companies would cover any type of musical instruments. Things must have changed.
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