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Posts posted by msb

  1. I mostly play mid sized bars , and frequently run a single 8 ohm cab. Most gigs only the vocals , and maybe a sax are miked , so I need too fill the room, the band stage mix is what people are going to hear. 
    I do have a second cab for bigger rooms and outdoor gigs. There are times it’s needed. I’ve never had to dime the amp. Lots of headroom. Berg 112 & 210 cab combination , Forte head. 
    It’s got a serious slam.

  2. It was a fairly small run and they quickly disappeared. You don’t see them pop up on the used market much , and when they do , they’re gone. I thought that might encourage Gibson to revisit the concept , but they really concentrate on keeping the guitar players happy , their current bass line is pretty limited.

    That said , their little DC Jr bass is a wonderful little thing! 

  3. I’ve never owned a Tbird , but I like them. I had a couple of almost buys over the years , I don’t know why I didn’t pick one up. At first I found the later non-reverse version ugly , but I came around. I like ‘em now. I’ve heard some good things about the recent batch of non-reverse birds. 
    Over the years Gibson have done around eighty basses , including reissues. They have a fascinating history. 

    If they did a short scale reverse bird I’d buy one in a minute. Even an Epi Pro version.


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  4. I’ve been looking at replacing the 3 point with a Hipshot , but have four basses with them , truth is I’ve always been able to set them exactly where they need to go without fuss or drama , so I haven’t done it. Yet …

    If you drop the nose on the three point the two back anchors can lift , but once you get that they’re fine.


    but they are kinda ugly looking things

  5. The expression “house poor” comes to mind. The bank’s interest rates were higher , and there were times one had to juggle at the end of the month. But at this point the mortgage has been paid and I am truly the lord of my little manor.

    Your mind set changes when you become a property owner , if anything breaks it’s up to you to fix it.

    We have a small house , but a big yard , and Herself is a gardener.

    And I’m thankful we did it. 
    It was not always easy. For much of it I was self employed and paying business rent and a mortgage.
    I was the last one to get paid.

    • Like 2
  6. Dr Who used the guitar version.


    … and there was a run on them.  Now they’re hard to find again.

    They look like an upside down Rickenbacker with a hockey stick headstock. (and I say that in a good way)

    It seems like any time I take it out and play it in a bar somebody offers to buy it. 
    I’m hanging on to it.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, nilorius said:

    This is jazz bass without arms, legs and head. This is ugly.

    The design goes back to the late 60’s , called the Flying Samurai. One of the earliest bass designs by Yamaha , although the one I have was from a small reissue run just over twenty years ago. A friend calls it the ultimate Japanese surf bass.


    I’ve been known to occasionally play surf music.


    Truth is , it’s not heavy , nicely balanced , and has a bit more balls than your usual Jazz Bass. The pickup spacing is very close to Jazz specs , and it has the typical VVT setup. The neck is very comfy , nice taper.

    It’s a great bass. It always gets a lot of compliments. And frequent offers to buy it.

  8. It’s been some years since I’ve owned a Jazz Bass , but this has been described as a Jazz on steroids.

    They’re not common , but they’re out there.

    After some years of looking at them for sale everywhere but Canada , finally found one in Toronto for a good price.


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  9. I know John Hall has a history of alienating people , but I’ve only had positive experiences with him.  After buying my old 4001 I went on the Resource Forum asking about the cap bypass. He took the time to patiently explain it , I didn’t realize until about two weeks later that he owned the company. 

    • Like 1
  10. Once you’ve had both I think your opinion shifts more to middle ground. 
    At least mine did. Used to be all about the Pbass , now play just about anything but , although I still have three of them.
    Now I love the big chunky neck on one bass and the rail thin neck on another. I’ve discovered that with a little time I get very comfortable playing almost anything. I do find my approach does shift a bit using different basses , and I like the change.


    I do seem to favour short scales these days.

    • Like 1
  11. I was originally doing photographic work , and making some large 20x30 display prints for a theatre when the phone rang and a friend wanted to talk. It must have been two in the morning when we met and he explained that a touring band he knew was about to audition for a new bass player. I was the only one that showed up for the audition , we jammed for a couple of hours and I got the job. Immediately traded a Nikon camera for a fairly new 72 Pbass , made arrangements to buy a well used Marshall amp on time and I was on the bus. Well actually one of the ratty old cars that made up our entourage… I’ve been a working musician ever since , and did manage to balance that with various photographic jobs later.

  12. Here in Halifax , NS it’s a tough old go being a full time musician , and yet a surprising number manage. We have a few that even manage a good living , but for most it’s tenuous at best. But those that are going to do it are going to do it. 

    Never a big star , I was (and still am) a simple blue collar musician playing the local bars. No regrets. For some years we ratted around the local circuit but I got tired of constantly driving around and opted to just stay in town, managed a day job and played locally a lot. Late nights , early mornings. 
    Now retired I can say I’m surprised to find myself still playing in bars. Enjoy that more than ever. 
    … utterly shameless at this point.

    So I tell people to follow what they love. There’s no shortage of misery going about and if you can find a path without a direct subscription … go for it.

    I’d make one heck of a Guidance Councelor.

    • Like 2
  13. 4 minutes ago, Al Krow said:



    Trouble is that rack still has space for 7 basses! I love the fact that so many of the pro bass players (ok not @cetera, haha!) on this forum just have 2 or 3 basses which they gig the hell out of.

    I don’t have room for racks , but I have nooks where they pile up.


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  14. I’ve liked them a lot more than I thought I would. I’ve no idea how old they are but they sound deep and still have a little top end. I’m not in any panic to replace them, I don’t use that bass often. 
    I usually put fresh stings on new basses , most have flats , l do have some with old rounds , and some I keep fresh rounds on.

    I buy a surprising amount of strings.

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