Hi all,
I just brought the mp3 version off of here as my CD version is faulty. everything works expect the sound from the CD. So pretty useless. the disc goes round and reads the disc as if playing, but no sound. the bass and all other effects work fine.
It could be some wrong setting, but i believe the mk1 only has a 'mix' which i have tried.
£10 Plus P&P anyone?
It appears im a complete tw*t (not twit), it is fully working, i was playing copied CDs in it. When i play original Cds, it works perfectly. Therefore I can only assume that the Cds I copied and used in the bass trainer were incorrectly burnt (ie as MP4s or something - not sure)
yes - im i ****. Still I ended up with the mp3 version, so it cant be all bad!
So...£40 inc postage for a [u]fully working[/u] CDBT1 with adaptor anyone?!