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Everything posted by Royle1987

  1. Black Dog - Led Zep
  2. Royle1987


    My recently acquired Maya As bought Just finished tonight updating the tuners and adding a scratch plate. Was contemplating doing a respray, but it's just wrong to remove nearly 50 years of paint!! Now
  3. Jesus he knows me - Genesis
  4. So this evening I have been doing some bits to the 'relic' From the picture below I'm happy to say that I have finally found out what it is, from slight sanding back the staining from the original make showed up just enough, it is indeed a Maya Gave the old lass a fresh scratch plate and put butterfly tuners on (maybe not to some people taste) they're squeezed in but I like it Cheers Royle
  5. Is there an 'How to guide' on the website anywhere? @lemmywinks
  6. I haven't had chance to measure them yet. I'll double check before ordering If not I may just go for a new loom 1st to see how it goes
  7. All good here. Yourself?
  8. @Dan Dareit's what seems to be a CMI 70s copy, very old skool wiring inside. The tone just seems abit all over. Thinking if I bring the electronics up to date it might bring some life back
  9. I'm looking to already update my recently purchased Jazz Bass, it as what I think is a parallel set upon the harness and I'm not keen, I want the classic 1 volume, 2 tone control set up Has anyone any reviews on the below company? https://www.myhumbleworkshop.com/ I'm looking at this wiring loom and maybe adding a set of Wilkinson pick ups (heard good things about them at great prices) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/255549441038?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=kOM5mf7iTRe&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=xqt6onu_sye&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/265019969221?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=DBz01oPbT22&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=xqt6onu_sye&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Any help appreciated I don't want to be spending big dollar Cheers Royle
  10. Just ordered, new tuner pegs, tortoise scratch plate and a fresh set of strings May do a little thread in basses to see how she turns out
  11. Also another note, it's quite a heavy bass, so should be decent wood underneath 👍
  12. Thanks for the input everyone, now knowing it's defo a 70s relic I can't bring myself to respray it, pure sacrilege!! The only thing I would like to change are the tuners, I like the butterfly style ones, set off the headstock Alot better, I may risk hollowing out the existing holes and updating. A new scratch plate and she should be good to go Nice to know its an updated bridge, coincidentally worth more than the bass itself 😂
  13. Thanks @atsampson My initial idea was to get a cheap jazz and overall it to a look how I would like, but now having it in person it almost seems wrong to mess with it, more just trying to tidy it up and let it age gracefully Decisions decisions!!!!
  14. I've already had the buying bug lately, maybe a little look won't hurt 😂😂😭😭
  15. I recently purchased the bass from a well known auction site 😁 for a measly 29 English pounds Upon looking at the pictures prior to purchase I just figured it had to be a 80s maybe even a 70s relic, the tuner pegs are super old skool, the frets are worn like nothing I've seen before and the bridge is out of this world. Made in Japan I've tried looking and possibly think it's a Maya Any help appreciated Cheers Royle
  16. Hi all Thought I'd join the forum for some tips etc Been playing bass on and off for a few years, was in a band in my late teens. Been asked to play bass in a band for abit of fun so been playing again for last few months Currently have 3 basses Tanglewood Music Man copy, had since 16,now just about to turn 35 so could never part with it Cort GB24 recently purchased 2001 model Japanese Jazz Bass which I'm hoping to get some info on (will put a post in another section) Cheers Royle
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