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Everything posted by Grooverjr

  1. You can't beat a bit of Bully on a Sunday!
  2. Smashing, super, great!
  3. That is quite the collection but as others have said it's shop prices not private seller prices. That unbranded fretless P is very nice looking, though.
  4. Very nice. But I think I may need to hand in my BC gun and badge because I just zoomed in to check out the Air Max collection! 😁
  5. What a fantastic resource all round. Great work!
  6. The squier jaguar has a slim and very smooth playing neck. Cracking little bass and not expensive. I imagine it's similar to a mustang (never played one) but you can get one for 200 quid ish. There was a red one for sale on here recently, may still be available.
  7. You just need to go all 60s, add a The and then pluralise: viz The Meat Columns. Then start a cocktail jazz trio and you'll clean up with posh hotel Brunch gigs.
  8. I've been to Yorkshire and back in a day from deepest Sarf London 3 times. Twice for bikes (which included having to book bike storgae on the train) and once for a bass (Vigier - mmmmmmmm). It's not unbelievably expensive if you go daytime midweek and book in advance. Didn't regret any of them.
  9. How do you explain why you need all of these superficially exactly the same basses to anyone who isn't a bass nerd? Or do you just not bother?
  10. Well this got me all excited so I spent the weekend with Moises and playing a lot of old JJ lines and fiddling with sounds. Got a couple of the subtleties of Nice N Sleazy and Tramp down, which was great. I had a look at some of the tabs on that site and they are patchy (some are bang on but some are almost completely unrelated to the tune or have huge gaps). Unfortunately because I rarely play with a pick I've messed up my forearm so I've got to rest it. Seems like I am not as hardy as the man himself.
  11. What a lovely thing. Never seen or heard of these before. That contoured body looks sublime. I can't help thinking of a ´slap switch´ as some kind of inspector Gadget crossed with The Hitcher from Mighty Boosh device - hit it and a big old cartoon thumb comes out on the arm from an anglepoise lamp 😆 That or it can be deployed at rowdy pub giggs if punters get too close. GLWTS
  12. Maybe it was the times. End of Thatcher. Or maybe they were just an unrepresentative bunch, but most weekends someone would end up in a ruck of some description, and it was a range of ages and backgrounds and often not with outsiders but within the group. I was never involved but it just seemed like there were quite a few hair triggers. Lots of amphetamine may not have helped matters. Then I became a raver for a few years so it was a very different scene and then moved abroad so lost touch with them all. I have known plenty of lovely metallers so certainly not going to make any assumptions about there being a connection. Just personal experience....
  13. Nice people, maybe, but I have never been anywhere near a fight since I stopped hanging around with them. Must be all that testosterone 🤣
  14. Nights Over Egypt by The Jones Girls. Easy to pick up but keeping it really clean and getting the feel is a bit trickier. And trying to nail the noodly bits in White Rhino Tea by Ozrics.
  15. I'd say possibly for a little bit in early 90s with Metallica and the tail end of GnR, but largely true. In Latin America rock and the whole long hair and leather thing was very cool for a very long time, mind.
  16. He had an accident with the secateurs last weekend..it turned into a bloody Sunday
  17. Surprised no one has questioned whether Ibanez are cool. The classic SR shape is very pretty but they are far too run of the mill to be cool (just as a current fast Ford can never be cool). Anything French and boutique or boutique-adjacent is the coolest in any sphere. Vigier for me, Clive!
  18. @thebrig that's pretty damn close. Good stuff
  19. But you could have gone for Aural Sculpture....... 🤣 Seriously, sounds like a lot of fun and as well as being awesome, as you say, it's an eminently learnable and giggable album I'd have thought
  20. Oooh, you lucky bugger. That's a bit of a dream gig for a bassist! You can wear black, play a black P bass and strut around on stage looking like you own the joint - who wouldn't love that? I've tried for ages to get an early JJ tone (as exemplified on Nice n Sleazy) and it always required so much gain that the noise from the strings was overpowering or the treble took over. I've been trying to pin it down through sculpting on the Roland VB99 and it gets close-ish but I think a lot of what made it so unique is also down to his technique with the pick, which I clearly don't share. I find the tone also makes it really hard to identify pitch, for my ears at least, so it's harder to work out songs where he's using anything other than bog standard intervals. Tramp, for example, is straightforward but I've never properly nailed some of Baroque Bordello. When the tone isn't off the charts, like Strange Little Girl, it's also pretty easy to get them. And when you do, you appreciate just how nice they are. I wasn't aware of that relentlessrevolutions site, so I'll have lots of fun trawling through that and seeing where I was off. It's got a lot of the less popular stuff, which is great. No School Mam, though 😥
  21. Very generous, but I'll have to pass 😀 😀 Those 4 basses are all quite different to play and all absolutely wonderful. I don't think they are going anywhere, probably ever. And even if my arms stop working that Vigier (and the ACGs) would keep my eyes happy forever. Who needs pictures when you have beautiful basses to look at? That rack is right by where I work and it's a lot nicer to look at than the rogues' gallery of my colleagues on endless Teams calls.
  22. I believe it was once yours....
  23. Happy to oblige. Just a quick and dirty job so ignore the various crap in the background It's got an unusual squat headstock and body that I like a lot. Neck profile is wide and slim, which fits nicely under my hand. I'll probably take out the J pickup and put a Roland GK unit in if I can get the proper installation kit. . It sits very nicely on the rack as well - like a BCer's beauty contest lineup!
  24. I tried labella flats and hated them. Like playing fence wire. A very expensive mistake. Tapewounds are better but they are very, very thick and the sound is only really appropriate for certain things. I like the sound of flats but find that I play them badly - my middle finger occasionally seems to catch and not move through smoothly so I either end up missing the beat or getting a horrible extra loud note. TIs are much more like rounds in their flexibility
  25. I thought I'd let everyone know that I decided to......do neither! I put a 'wanted' for a cheapie fretless here on BC and the marvellous @alyctes very kindly sold me a 'Vintage' fretless for a no-brainer of a price. No basses or necks have been harmed and I've got a lovely new bass. Very much ejoying dipping the toe in the water.
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