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Everything posted by Grooverjr

  1. That's beautiful. Heartfelt but not treacly and really drives home the point that Iris, and your family, are people and not statistics. As you say, sometimes all you can do is make people confront their choices and be aware of how sh*tty they are being if they go with the self-interested option.
  2. 🤯I'd never considered the visuals. That may be too much of a good thing
  3. Higher than a 4.....a 5! Loving watching this go upwards. Brucie was a legend. One of the old school of proper entertainers. In the spirit of giving, I will share with you my guaranteed irritation-beater: Just imagine Brucie singing Natalie Imbrugliuliululia´s "Torn". Makes me smile every time.
  4. It's exactly this, but more as well. I think this touches a lot of buttons for a lot of us: doing whatever we have to for our kids; the awfulness of being powerless against bureaucracy and the number of years and the heartbreak; the fact that Andy is a lovely bloke (and then the video, and then that lovely family picture); the dread of having to part with 'that' bass; the value of having a safe space of like-minded decency in what often seems like a total cesspit of the internet and the chance to help out someone in need within that space. I'm pretty new here but I've had nothing but good vibes, honesty and decency in transactions and a real supportive environment. It's a fantastic place so it's wonderful, but not surprising, watching this unfold. Iris is lucky to have such a dedicated and loving family and now she seems to have got a lovely extended BC family (whether she wants it or not 😁).
  5. We're gonna need a bigger deer! 😁
  6. All round wonderful. It made my wife and I go a bit dewy-eyed in the checkout queue at Costco when I told her about it and we've just seen the Iris video and gone full weepy. Chances to reference Vivian Stanshall should never be missed so I'll say that this has backed up Aunt Florrie's credenda that musicians are nice people.
  7. In the spirit of this thread, can we give him some of our responses? 🤣
  8. This is a heartwarming thing. I think Iris would have loved Modeselektor last night so I 'bought her a ticket'
  9. Not my thing really but that first picture with the soft lighting is pure bass tittilation and likely to lead to some very serious conversations up and down the country as people try to come up with justifications to their significant others. Sorry that needs must, mate, and I hope it goes quickly.
  10. It's odd how experiences with what should be the same service differ so wildly. I use Wise all the time and never have an issue. Sent money to loads of places and only ever had one bounce back, which was not thier fault. Rates are very good, money moves quickly. However, I do have a Wise 'bank' account and transfer directly from that so that makes things much easier. Transferring e.g a thousand pounds with Wise compared to HSBC would be roughly 40 quid cheaper overall as FX is better and fees are lower. Again, this may be because I am a customer. Their CS is decent as well. Someone nicked a card on its way to me (my sister foolishly sent it in the normal post to Mexico, with predictable results) and used it at some dodgy retailer and I got an easy refund. I also made a mess of setting up a transfer before I set up the account and they never got the inward transfer but I explained it via email and they didn't enforce the fine I'd agreed to when signing up. Anyone who needs to send money overseas reasonably regularly, I'd recommend setting up an account, shoving a tenner in it then having it there ready for when you need to do the transfer. Of course, saying this will probably jinx it and the money I'm sending to my mother in law in Boliva will go walkies. 🤞
  11. Ooh, I do love the ACG P pickup with the East Retro. I have the self same (as well as the 3 piece maple and Wenge neck - you're clearly a man of exquisite taste 😁). Restrained and classy-looking bass. I like a lot of Alan's more out-there woods but this is special. Surely this should go in an instant at this price.
  12. That is such a gorgeous thing.
  13. Sacrilege! A pox on their house!
  14. Swoon! You're not the only one who thinks this is beautiful! Sorry that you're forced into not being able to play something this lovely. As you say, incredibly versatile to boot. GLWTS
  15. @Gnermo Anyone who has played an ACG will tell you they sound superb. I have the same preamp on my Recurve and the tonal variety is incredible. If you're on the fence for a first ACG, take the plunge. As others have said, everyone should own an ACG at some point, just for the pleasure. Light wood is really not my thing aesthetically and I have a lovely ACG shortie already but I still keep coming back to look at this...
  16. Neverending fun with this. You can go totally nutso but it also does a really nice job of adding depth and sustain if you dial it right off and get the mids just so.
  17. Best, my custom ACG that looks and feels absolutely amazing and keeps on giving me more and more amazing sounds. It is also the only bass that has given me anything other than a horrible deadness with the Nordymute, which must be the worst purchase: gets in the way, has no adjustability and the rubber smells nasty. Although it was officially a present so maybe it doesn't count, in whichcase it's the Peavey T40. Black and maple, it's my favourite looking bass ever - it's got a real Star Wars Imperial aesthetic to it. I was very excited when it turned up and the neck's amazing - all the joy of a maple P neck but with a flatter fretboard - but I just can't get it to sound right for me whatever one of the gazillion settings I try and the body contouring is all wrong so it digs into my ribs.
  18. I've just done the same thing of finding out about him through an article and going to the album. Very much enjoying it although there are a few duds on there. Blues is an absolute showstopper, though. Maybe the best new thing I have heard this year (new as in new to me and released this year).
  19. For the supermarket or for the German industrial niose? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesco_Organisation
  20. I have a real problem with not being able to concentrate on anything if the background music is awful so I can sympathise. I worked at the Pinnacle Records distribution factory after leving uni in 1996. They had Virgin Radio on the speakers. The same 10 dad songs, in the same order, every hour. With mostly the same ads in the middle. I didn't so much mind getting up at 5am and coaxing my 20 year old Cavalier into life in the frost, or the mindlessness of the work, or the terrible pay but that playlist made me want to burn the place down. Rotterdam, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Peaches (not the Stranglers), You're Gorgeous, Everything Must Go were definitely in there and I hate them all with a passion. Luckily I got another job after about a month so I avoided permanent brain damage.
  21. Lovely. Very glad I'm not in the UK at the moment so I'm not tempted. Number 325 in the ACG Lab if anyone wants more details. https://acguitars.co.uk/project/0325finnclassic4/
  22. Not sure, but I think Stoner Metal is the best if you want to get a lean-to
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