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Delberthot last won the day on June 17 2019

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About Delberthot

  • Birthday 13/08/1975

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  1. If it's an active EMG pickup then it doesn't need a ground wire to the bridge
  2. It's interesting reading the different US media outlet articles - according to Fox he's the new messiah but to MSNBC he's the spawn of Beelzebub. It's hard trying to find a balance. Then again no different to covid when trying to find the voice of reason. Trouble is that he thinks he's a king where in fact he's a public servant, voted for by the public to serve the public. He's that guy down the pub who has really strong views on what we should do to fix the world despite being as bright as 2 o'clock in the morning and they made him president 🤔
  3. I put a full set of Hipshot Ultralites on my HB75, including an Xtender on the E. I find that the shaft diameter of the Hipshots are rarely even remotely close to being the same size as the holes in the headstock of the average bass so I usually cut a sheet of A4 lengthwise and wrap it around each tuner before feeding it through and screwing into place. The only time they have fitted properly without using this method was when I specified the diameter of the holes for my Status Jazz neck.
  4. At one point i had a 1248H and I think 1524V - a 4x12" and matching square 2x15" with diagonally mounted drivers. they were around 45kgs each. It was fun trying to lift the 1524V on top of the 1248. Actually no it wasn't but the sound was collossal. Not the best sound I've ever had but possibly the mightiest rig I've had This was the small rig with the 1248H & 4052 bright box
  5. Another One Bites the Dust - Christmas day 1987. I was 12 years old. Marlin Slammer, yellow curly cable and Squier 15w guitar amp I was already a massive Queen fan after seeing hearing them for the first time at Live Aid. The red Marlin with maple fretboard was the closest I could get to John Deacon's One Vision Precision Elite. The curly cable, just because Brian May used one. The guitar amp was just because I had no idea at the time that there was a difference between a guitar and bass amp Still a massive Queen fan having just managed to get a hold of the remastered Queen I picture disc
  6. Fender do sell replacement US made necks but the MIM ones are more common. There are some available here: https://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/collections/fender-guitar-and-bass-replacement-necks?sort_by=price-ascending You'll struggle to get a genuine US Fender neck for under £350 brand new when most of the MIM ones are around the £250-300 mark from previous experience.
  7. That would be good to see - did you go for a regular or relic finish? If I was going for a relic then i would have ordered without question but I like my basses to be shiny and have all of their finish still intact.
  8. Hi Julien I couldn't find enough reviews regarding the quality so decided not to risk it for the moment.
  9. Looks like someone has had the same idea as you https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1815903949182283
  10. Any musician can be replaced but the chances are that the band as a whole will be different whether in terms of talent, the personality of the replacement, how the group of people get along and work together among other things. It's just like getting a dep in - it's never the same as gigging with your regular band mates. In time you will get used to the new member as they will get used to you but it will still never be the same. It's not necessarily better or worse, just different. Having aspergers, I find it hard to get used to new people and fit in but i auditioned for a band in November. I've never felt such a connection to any group of people before, it was like I'd known them for years. 2 days later, they asked me to join their band and I couldn't be happier. Their current bass player is leaving after 13 years with the band and I had a chance to meet him and the band last weekend to have a good look at the equipment that they use to find out if I needed to buy any new cables or gear of any sort. I heard them at sound check and they are really good but right away I knew that I was a completely different player to their current bass player so things will be different in that regard. The spooky thing about the rehearsal was that I normally use my Warmoth/Status Jazz live. The photos I had seen of their current player was him using a 5 string. For some reason I took my black EBMM Sterling to the rehearsal instead and when I went to see them last weekend, their bass player was using a black EBMM Stingray.
  11. Spotted this on Facebook earlier. Interesting Stereo P bass with double P and J pickups https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/376632585511663 Looks like there could be more going on under the J pickup. For anyone who isn't on Facebook - this is it in all it's glory:
  12. They remind me of those Aliexpress Strandberg copies - Changbergs if you like ( Going along with the tradition of Chibson, Chickenbacker, etc )
  13. I don't play 5 string very often but I have a BB1025X for the times that I need one. Mine had been rewired as VVT before I bought it which I have found much more usable than my old BB1025 that I had a few years back. If you want lightweight tuners that aren't clover leaf then a set of Hipshot Ultralites with either Y or lollipop top tuny things will fit straight in. You'll need to drill a hole for each tuner but if/when you return it to stock in the future then the extra hole won't be visible.
  14. Nostalgia isn't as good as it used to be
  15. I'm sure that if I returned in half an hour, every bass ever made with a scratchplate will have been listed here 😀
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