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Posts posted by Delberthot

  1. For years I used Comfort Straps and anything padded with neoprene until I got one of those cheap, thin Fender straps.

    It was when i was watching an old Queen concert and noticed that was what JD used so I thought I'd give one a try

    I can't understand why they feel so comfortable given the lack of padding and the narrow width but I can use them happily for entire wedding sets.

  2. I went into my local DIY shop in around 1990 and asked for a tin of lemon oil. I still have it and I still use it but maybe once every few years if the fingerboard is looking particularly grubby.

    I actually had no idea what it was until a couple of years ago so checked the label and it's lemongrass oil.

    My wife hates it, it smells like that perfume that old ladies wear

  3. Most of my favourties have already been mentioned but one not mentioned so far is the Wanton Song. The first time i heard it was when I found this video on Youtube years ago. Plus it has Charlie Jones playing his clear acrylic Precision


  4. On 21/05/2021 at 20:57, Bigguy2017 said:

    I've got these as well but I would say that they are very balanced as opposed to adding any bass. That's what I like about them whether it be TV, MP3s or vinyl.

    Would the preamp that you are plugging the headphones into not have a bass control?

  5. If I'm buying strings as a set then I use 45,65,85,105 but if I am putting a set together then I choose 45,60,80,110 as they are the closest gauges readily available to match the tension. For a 5 string I always try to get a 130 low B in a set if I can

    The 110 allows me to drop the E down to B if I need it.

    I always use D'addarios and depending on the bass EXLs, Prosteels or Chromes

    I've tried really light strings and really heavy strings but these feel the best to me

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Tdw said:

    In my opinion if there is one factor that decides if a bass is a p or a j its the bodyshape, that seems to be the way it works for most manufacturers,  eg. Warwick make corvettes or streamers  with different pickup configurations.

    Exactly as per my previous post. When Roger Glover put Jazz pickups in his Rickenbacker, it was still a Rickenbacker.

    At the end of the day it's whatever you want it to be and if I want to play a Jazzenbacker then so be it. :crazy:


  7. 6 hours ago, ead said:

    Not keen on any of those. Nailed on D'Addario fan and also Newtone.

    Much the same as me. I still try something different occasionally but most of the time it's D'addario Chormes, EXLs or Prosteels for me.


    I'd tried hundreds of different strings over the years before I discovered D'addarios and now I don't see the point in going any further now that I've found what I want in a string

    • Like 2
    • Just for the hell of it 
    • I saw something shiny and new
    • I haven't had one of those before
    • What was I thinking buying that 25th Rickenbacker / Stingray /Precision when I know I don't get on with them
    • Why do I have £10,000 of basses when I can get what I need from something that cost £80, a new set of pickups and a proper set up
    • I need a 5 string
    • 6 string
    • 8 string
    • 12 string
    • now I need a 4 string
    • Ooh Shiny

    And so on

    The revolving door of bass gear began one night in 2007 playing in a Black Sabbath tribute when I realised that my GK 800RB and Trace 1x15" weren't loud enough. They both went along with the Stingray 5 string and defretted Trace T-Bass 5 string and now here I am 150+ basses, 60+ amps and 40+ cabs later

    • Haha 3
  8. I always felt like I had to turn up my PF500 an awful lot to get a decent giggable volume from it. My one conked out a couple of times so it was returned. It wasn't one of the original batch either so I was surprised given that the issue was meant to have been fixed by then

    My GK MB500 was an excellent amp and it got close enough to the 700RB in terms of sound given the difference in weight. It wouldn't quite get that GK growl but it did get close and at the the time the MB500 and One10 combined were lighter than the 700Rb was so that was good enough for me.

    • Like 1
  9. I always have Chromes on one of my basses and I love the growl. I've never been a fan of the thuddy flatwound tone, it's all about the growl and the smoothness under the fingers for me.

    If you want rounds with a feel similar to flats then again D'addario EXL nickels. When I wanted to try something other than flats, EXLs were the string that everyone told me were the smoothest feeling rounds and they were right

  10. I've just built my first proper pedal board using a Thomann Spaceship 40 and HB Powerplant. It's perfect for all of my pedals and means that I only need to plug an IEC cable in when I get to a gig.

    Unfortunately my Bassbone is 15v centre positive and 400mA and I can't find anything reasonably priced to power it. My thinking being that it would be nice to have two IEC sockets at the edge of the pedalboard to plug in at gigs rather than having to get the supplied power supply out of my bag every time I gigged, plus it would look neater. 

    I was thinking about getting something like this to slot underneath the pedalboard but don't know if this is going to be good enough or if it's cheap rubbish, noisy etc. Does anyone have any recommendations? I know that there are 2 Cioks power supplies that can do both 9v & 15v but they're a bit pricey and it's just the 15v I am interested in. I also know that I can run it at 18v albeit with a slightly shorter life span (18 years as opposed to 20) but I'd rather run it at 15v




    After more searching I've discovered these but are they any good?




    Or should I just go for something like this:



    Incidentally the pedals I'd be powering are nearly all TC ones - Nether Octaver, Tube Pilot Overdrive (States 400mA), 3rd Dimension Chorus, Blood moon Phaser & PolyTune Noir Mini plus a Behringer CS400 plus the Bassbone

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